Dude It's Just the truth
CRank: 5Score: 11290

awesome indeed but how many movies will be 3D, netflix already don't have many movies on instant stream normally so....plus without 3g won't you have to go to the coffee shop or sit at home to use netflix anyways no offense to anyone but i'm looking forward to the psp2 mainly b/c 3g=gps,access to ps3 media,netflix,apps from android!,psn access,internet(STAGEVU,BEEMP3 ,pandora, youtube, facebook anyone), location based gaming, online gaming, and mainly use as a phone trough skype(r...

4951d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

looks like a good game that be a lot better on a controller and honestly the wii or move it seems that your just using hand as a cursor and the game selects and fire(like redeye) automatically seems to be on-rail too of course. I don't have kinect but with all the hype i still can't find a single game that is enhanced by kinect besides DC i guess but really? i think its more of developers finding cheap tricks to make kinect work than developers saying this game is perfect for kinect...

4955d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

i think flash cards are neater and will provide much more room for upgrading space for games music saves videos and more

4985d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

with the new features especially the 2 thumb sticks!! and easier dev kit i think we'll see a lot more devs making games at the very least ports for the system maybe they'll even have games that come with a psp2 version and ps3/ps2 remake together like portal hopefully but mini's alone are enough for my money thoose fun little suckers give me critter cruch make it online too and i'm in heaven E3 should be awesome and of course ps1 and ps2 games should work with it sotc, ico, sl...

4985d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Imagine being able to
1.use it as a ps3 controller with the usual start options on the touch screen so you don't need to pause like in demon souls(amazing game btw)or start up the ps3 but select live area on the ngp instead of the xmb

2. have an app store like apple so you can really customize (piano anyone)

3. make calls using skype to any cellphone etc.(don't want to carry both)

4.listen to internet radio/pandora anywhere ...

4985d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

neither move or kinect will be as great as the mouse because you need a certain distance, lighting or and many other factors that may disrupt your gaming plus who wants to hold their hand up for hours, you can but is it better?

i have move and love it waiting to try it with killzone on the 2nd but don't think it'll be better than controller

4991d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

1. sony and the maker of the ps2 games make zero dollars of of BC so why would they agree to support them maybe if people bought more new games or ones sold by the creators we'd see more BC but everyone would just buy them for $2 at gamestop if you like the game don't screw the company over the ps4 will defiantly be BC to ps2 though. MS ditched the first xbox owner super early in the game so hell the better make it BC

2.Really failure cost i guess some do break but yo...

4992d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ps3 people need to stop talking about how the xbox has no games(even though i was done to them) if xbox people are happy with what they have then let them be don't be the daddy saying "he's no good for you" they'll just defend it "he's great" "you don't know him" etc. sells don't mean anything to gamers we should be more worried about product and sony gives gamers great games and hardware so show them support buy games new and buy them per...

4993d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

FActs: Xbox never had that many exclusives to begin with they've mostly realied on 3rd parties and that ok if it's what owners want but to try and compare ps3 exclusives to xbox is just dumb i mean xbox fans talk all about sales(which sells are good) but says nothing about quality I hate the flip-flop of fanboys they try to down play others then when their in that same situation it suddenly ok stop being sheep and learn to think, stick by what's important to you and grow up i just...

5019d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

dude so true people just hate hearing the truth if it were reversed xbox would be saying the same thing we've all seen it and they continue flip-flop every single positive thing about sony i.e. when they say move games aren't "built from the ground up" so they suck etc. there's no talking these people into realizing MS is screwing them over again and again it's sad that but time will tell

5021d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

No it's not wierd considering the ignorance and rudeness PS3 owner revieved at the beginning it's really sad it's taken so long but people are finally coming to their senses

5022d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

These companies made the games in the first place and the're not makng anyone buy them. It's simple either they could give us BC and support gamestop's business or they could do remakes and make money instead Sony gives us so much already(i'm sure my ps3 will never break down) every year so support them or else we're going to see lower quality products and only paid online services next gen they make great game and need money and we have money and need great games let'...

5022d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Unknown Kinect titles shouldn't be on there do any of them even have a release date or a name for heavens sake project and codename aren't codenames meant to hide the product until ready to reveal idk MS needed something i guess there's been zero talk or gameplay about all of those games execpt GoW3 which had a little gameplay at the last E3

5023d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

i can't wait to see what they have planned for E3 2011

5023d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Kinect has the sells, Move has the great games same goes for xbox-ps3 i fail to see anything new that the kinect has brought they hardly even use 3d in the games and dashboard voice rec., face rec., skeletal rec. can all be done on any 2d cam and funny how MS reps kept saying Move games aren't "built from ground up" for it so move sucks but now you have Forza with both controller and kinect(i doubt you'd be able to drive though) and people want gears and XBfanboy are saying ...

5023d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why thank you for just proving yourself wrong this is

The-Tentacle comment "Sony and Nintendo both passed on Kinect for it's technical limitations and already you can see why." and here's your response

BIGPAPPY "Wrong again. They both passed on 3DV-Z because they saw it as too expensive to bring to market.

Your are either very mis-inform, or just a plain old LIAR. Either way you are wrong."


5023d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Kinect is software assisted by hardware the only difference between the eyetoy is a IR cams and yep you got it software. Name some things things that kinect is doing that any other camera can't and a game that utilizes it you'll realize it's 95% software and let me also tell you this the Military uses ps3's linked together to create a super computer do you think their capable of playing games or watching movies or do almost anything they were built and advertised for NO so i d...

5023d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd say it's useless if you a hardcore gamer i think a lot of kids and moms and the same people that bought the wii will like it, i don't know for how long like the wii but will break it out a could times every year the games need to get better if they want to please the hardcore and not just announce some unknown titles with ZERO game play, some don't even have a name and no idea of how i'll work with kinect where's the facts i think MS like for it's loyal fans to...

5024d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

May i ask where you get your info from? I don't think it was only becuase it was expensive i believe sony reps in many interviews have said they could see the limitations remember eyetoys been out for 10 years their kinda the experts imo i think if they would have seen a future in it they would have jumped on it but two companies turn it down.... i'm pretty sure it was to capture some of the Nintendos thunder without being to similar but at the sake of games if they didn't why wou...

5024d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

For anyone wanting to Play with move but to worried they'll suck first and don't want to get left behind I'd suggest playing with MAG first just to get a feel for it and right now you can play for free if your a PS+ member and for as long as you are member i know that's what i'll be doing and you can down load the full game from the PSN too! Good way to get a head start and i was in the kz3 beta i'm not a big fps halo-ok,MW-get old and so on but this is really fun chec...

5024d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment