
CRank: 5Score: 1030

I gotta say it irritated the mess out of me. Believe me, I wouldn't make this decision lightly. I bought the God of War collection for the Vita last week, even though I own every game separately, on multiple consoles. Just to support the developer that ported it. But it realllly pissed me off that I could see the copy in the display case along with the bundle but could not purchase it standalone. I wasn't even planning on playing it for god knows how long. Again, JUST to support the d...

3688d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Soooo many Xbox Fans are screaming "Eat your crow." I hope you all know that this will most likely blow up in your face. I find it extremely hard to believe that Sony would blunder this badly when the resolution debate is an extremely hot topic.

3688d ago 0 agree10 disagreeView comment

I'm most likely not going to purchase this. It's not like stores didn't have Borderlands 2 copies last week when they got the bundle. It was at my local walmart last week. I wanted to buy it, but the street date was set to 5/13. Which doesn't make sense. If you could purchase the bundle and play the game. We should be able to buy the single retail copy.

3688d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Insomniac is risking ALOT with this exclusivity deal. They are burning bridges with their fanbase by going this route. This game will not sell as much as it would if it were released on PS consoles. The fanbase is already there. If they were to release this on the PS4 down the line, not nearly as many people are going to get it.

3691d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

What kind of COD, Killzone or God of War games are you playing? I could see your "95% cutscene" being applied to a game like Metal Gear Solid. But not those...

3691d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you missed out on Wipeout 2048, go buy it immediately. That game is EXTREMELY fun. Soul Sacrifice, Toukiden and Dragons Crown are awesome games. Soul Sacrifice cemented me as a action RPG fan. The story is truly amazing. There are tons of really good games on the Vita.

3691d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

My Vita is still alive and kicking. I do agree that we need a ton more AAA exclusives. Monster Hunter / Nintendo exclusivity did it in for the Vita as well as the 3ds price drop early in the cycle. People expected Sony to follow the same path. Which is unfortunate. It is a lovely kit. I absolutely love my Vita.

3691d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

Next big money maker? Let me guess...Mario?

3691d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Pfft. They charge WAYYYY too much for those digital pinball tables. It's ridiculous. F*** Zen Studios. Greedy bastards.

3691d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I'll be getting both. But to reply to the topic, Project Cars seems to have higher res reflection mapping on the cars than that of Driveclub. Driveclub has better environmental assets and lighting.

3691d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Open world, set in the entirety of Gotham City? With the Batmobile? If someone says they won't and don't like it. They are lying to themselves. Arkham City was awesome just to fly around taking out bad guys. This game is going to take that and increase it 10 fold. I cannot wait.

3691d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The idea of a Matrix game using the Project Morpheus headset has me squeeming in curiosity. This could be AMAZING.

3691d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I had heard about this game a while back, but I guess I wasn't paying much attention. Sounds interesting. Soo many games this year. I just bought Borderlands 2 and God of war collection for the Vita this week. Gonna get Spiderman 2 when it goes down in price. I'll get this when it goes down in price. The Last of Us when it comes out. Busy busy.

3691d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Damn that really sux. A remaster I wouldn't mind is the Splinter Cell series, Splinter Cell/Pandora Tomorrow and Chaos theory. The biggest reason why? I want classic Spies vs. Mercenaries. It was ahead of it's time and I would play that game til they shut the servers down. Which I did on PS2. There were only 4 or 5 people getting on a day by that time. I was one of them.

3692d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

First off, you don't have to be a developer to know this. Secondly, I am C+ and C++ certified. I've worked with server farms for over 10 years. I think I know what I am talking about. Do you?

3692d ago 11 agree6 disagreeView comment

These "Armchair developers" happen to know that a more powerful GPU/CPU combination with better ram, yields better results than a slower, less powerful combination. For example: If I have a wider and taller bucket and you a slimmer shorter bucket, I could hold more water in mine, than you can in yours. It's only logic.

3692d ago 10 agree13 disagreeView comment

Yes, DirectX12 will help with ease of porting. But this will NOT make the system drastically perform better. It will streamline porting, but that's about it. This will not make up the deficit between the power gap the XboxOne has with the PS4. Will not magically make the CPU and GPU perform on par or better than a more powerful set. Just, no...
Of course downvotes. Pfft. This is along the same lines of "Teh Cloudz" nonsense. Just something to bolster buzz...

3692d ago 35 agree25 disagreeView comment

That is awesome to hear. I bought the day it released, even though I haven't finished the main campaign. Also, because, I play this game in small doses. I play at night, with all the lights off and the t.v. on blast. The GF and I screamed our asses off playing the main campaign. I can't wait to play this.

3692d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nowgamer shouldn't even be considered a reputable game site. They are terrible at reviews and have clickbait articles. For example, in their Killzone Mercenary review, the reviewer actually complained about the main characters NAME for christ sakes. After getting lambasted in the comment sections of their reviews, they got rid of the comment section. Soo no-one could voice their opinions.

3692d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's more of the fact that Nintendo is milking the shit out of Mario and friends. Come up with a new mascot already. At least Sony has new IP's each generation. Crash Bandicoot, Jak n Daxter, Ratchet n Clank. Just to name a few They don't milk the shit out of the same mascot for 20+ years.

3692d ago 2 agree24 disagreeView comment