
CRank: 4Score: 28310
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theres only ban wave 1-2 times a year so buy slim for £144 1 or 2 times a year is cheaper than paying for 20-30 games you download a year

R2d2 the drive was new it take some time to hack new drives

5187d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

the 360 cant do 3d most 360 games are already low res so if went all ready lower it would be below sd.

then there bandwidth problems that this guy forget to mention 1.2 has more half the bandwidth 1.3-1.4 . 360

360 dose not need blu ray ? why most of the devs complain then about the space rockstar ea unbisoft.

gears of war is short game that looks no better than the first gears. and funny mention online when gear's online lags like he...

5187d ago 13 agree9 disagreeView comment

If ? i think the title should say when not if

they will Probably announce another shit box

5188d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

pmsl 360 crashed i said this before 360 version will end up low res or will not be in 60fps it been out for to long for devs not of had try at getting games running at 720p 60fps. alan wake had longer dev time and they still only managed 560p.

well for me 1080p 70,80,90 or even 120fps

5189d ago 6 agree13 disagreeView comment

I have agree i played the demo on both consoles and on pc and the difference a lot more different normal so put ps3 on my 3d tv and but pc sync master and made it fair by running pc version in 720p and low settings and still look ten times better than the consoles i dont know whats happen to this game console.

really glad i got the gtx460 physic set max is very good. 1080p max settings still getting 80-90 fps.

5191d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

1000 year i don't think you ever been a pc gamer spending 1000 on pc would get i7 2 5870 or 1 5970 6-8gb ddr3 ram and couple 1tb hdds a good psu. none this would need upgrading for years and you would still be able play all games at 1080p 60+fps.

5192d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

warez bb best site on internet but you cant post that site on here

and mafia 2 demo not suck in opinion i found really good and theirs really no need pirate pc version when £25 everywhere that's just a whole new level of being stingy.

5192d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment