
CRank: 15Score: 42820

Yes it is, and I covered that in detail.

Had it been 1v1, small, Pangaea, then that favors early aggression.
Had it been 10+ civs, huge, Continents/Fractal/Archipelago , then that favors completely different styles.

Keeping it down the middle allows me to ascertain everything from a more balanced point-of-view. Domination civs still remained ahead, though.

"Down the middle" doesn't include the difficulty, because ...

2039d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
2040d ago Show
2040d ago Show
2040d ago Show

Strange, the lowest FPS I'd get is 70-80, even in the middle of firefights. The only way I could think of it going lower is if Caustic and Bangalore popped their gas/smoke abilities at the same time.

2057d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well anything and everything can be addictive, be it a form of media or a hobby. That’s why there’s an age-old saying of: Moderation in all things.

Something so simple and harmless could lend to becoming an extravagant waste or a destructive factor, especially when the individual has already become too impaired to consider the problems (ie. “uses video games to escape -> prefers online world to reality -> develops social anxiety or other issues -> becomes unable to...

2082d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Tbh, that was always going to pose a problem. Right now, based on the WHO's classification, there'd be too many gamers who would qualify as having a gaming disorder or, at least, at-risk of that. We're at a point in time where video games are "personality driven" -- from people streaming for hours, or viewers watching someone after they've dropped their controllers. People are getting hooked A LOT. But it is always important to look at how this can affect people -- P...

2082d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I didn't specifically talk about that law firm's earnings but how business has boomed in the past for other firms. I even mentioned a report from the American Bar Association about law firms earning billions a decade ago all because of how class action lawsuits are settled. There's a dubious process wherein no proof is required for respondents sometimes. It just involves filling an online form, hitting a few buttons, and submitting -- with people earning a check in the mail months...

2125d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Vampire Coast factions (“vampirates or VP”) have campaign mechanics and perks that are completely separate from the Vortex campaign — I’m assuming this is what you mean by “the base game.”

Granted, the Vortex campaign can use some reworking especially since many players have considered it quite a slog to get through (including some wacky Chaos spawns). But, since the Vampire Coast LL’s do not have you actively engaged in that mechanic, you don’t really end up in a sorry pre...

2144d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

> I will make it my duty to make it known why Diablo Immortal is a slap in the face to fans of the series and intend to make that opinion known to all I can

What about your studies? What about your planning your career? What about planning ahead for your future?

Your family? Friends? Any children you might have? What of traveling to new parts of the world? What of skydiving and swimming with dolphins, climbing mountains, or exploring new cultures? <...

2148d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The previous generation didn't invent planking and words like "yeet" though. :)

2148d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Fear leads to anger -> anger leads to hate -> hate leads to suffering" -- and all that jazz probably (not in your case but with some very vocal folks).

2148d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think you may have misunderstood the meaning. It’s actually:

> if you want to be critical, do so, but “don’t be a dick” about it or resort to death threats.

2149d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

> You are wrong. Simple as that. You did not get an agree on any of your posts. That should be a hint.

I don’t think it would be fair to say that someone is wrong “simple as that” just because they didn’t get imaginary internet points.

Researchers have told us that our minds tend to lead us to believe in things that affirm our views. This affirmation leads to validation, and therefore adds to our self-esteem.

In today’s interconnecte...

2149d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don’t think that analogy works.

I’m from Southeast Asia and have held various jobs in the past couple of decades, some of which involved customer service and retail especially when I had to support my college education.

I don’t know what part of the world you live in, but “cooking burgers” can never be equated to “game development.” I should know. I worked in a fastfood chain when I was 18 and knew that cooking burgers didn’t require extensive amounts o...

2149d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don’t know about Spurg, but whenever I introduced myself in a social gathering or during office meetings, I never said:

“Hello, I’m Jason. I’m a [hardcore, PC] gamer.”

My point is: I never found any need to live with that identity or make it part of my own. I’m 37 and have been gaming for over three decades, and I might say “I’m a 30+ year-old gamer” — but I never let the term infiltrate my identity because it’s... weird.

If it is som...

2149d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'll disagree with that.
I mean -- I'm 37 years-old and I'm a family man. I'm not a soccer dad, though, since soccer isn't big in my part of the world.

But there's nothing inherently wrong for different folks to play the game you've been playing.

I grew up in the 80s and I would always want my parents to play video games with me. Then, as games became more complicated, they ended up with the "casual friendly"...

2149d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


Well, you might know by now that Blizzard does have multiple IPs -- not just for consoles, but also for mobiles. One of those happens to be the biggest CCG right now (Hearthstone). Someone who plays mobile games often might be at BlizzCon simply because "it's BlizzCon."

In terms of the core fanbase, I honestly think that most people who are angry about mobile games actually own/play mobile games themselves. You could be some...

2149d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


I'm not sure if he "defended how his -former team (remember, he's not with Blizz anymore)- acted towards the crowd." He actually mentioned during the stream that it was insensitive and a bad move on Cheng's part to ask about "mobile phones."

I'm not sure if he's generalizing about the "don't be dicks part" -- since they mentioned people who sent death threats, and those who resorted to h...

2150d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

"We need to stop being dicks?"

-- He actually cites that for those who've resorted to death threats and harassing other people. I mean, c'mon, the article and the stream videos are there for everyone's perusal. It's like you saw something and immediately thought to react to it. Heh~

2150d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment