
CRank: 5Score: 8760

meanwhile some PS2 games had no loading screens, such as Jak & Daxter =P

4012d ago 5 agree12 disagreeView comment

He is saying that it was a choice to run in 900p

not that the PS4 couldn't handle Ryse in 1080p,

Ryse is an xbox one exclusive, so obviously the developers have not tried to get the game to run on a PS4, so how would they know if it could or could not handle Ryse at 1080p, there guess is as good as yours or mine.

4013d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

Xbox One would not be able to run Battlefield 4 at 1080p 30fps... it could only do 900p 30fps.

It is either 720p 60fps or 900p 30fps for a game like BF4 on XB1

4013d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

they will be in a very awkward situation... either;

A)drop the kinect and get millions of angry people that were forced to buy the kinect


B) not drop the kinect and further hurt their competitive standing, especially in the long-run

4013d ago 15 agree2 disagreeView comment

this is honestly an amazing feature.

playing co-op with a mate? gotta go to the toilet?

no need to pause your games anymore!!! the future of gaming!!

4013d ago 12 agree0 disagreeView comment

I told you all this 2 days ago lol.

4013d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

well, you will get 1080p... if you pick the right next-gen console =P

4013d ago 16 agree25 disagreeView comment

Please Crytek...
it will automatically look worse because it no longer renders natively in Full HD.

4013d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Some say PS4's controller is best for shooters, some say XB1's controller is best for shooters.. In my opinion... both the PS4 and XB1 controllers seem pretty equal. =D

4014d ago 17 agree5 disagreeView comment

Xbox One's hidden dGPU. So secret that even Microsoft can't find it!

4014d ago 99 agree10 disagreeView comment

I made a European account of some sort to get a free Borderlands 2 season pass, was well worth it =P

I also do a glitch to get free Xbox Gold every month, because I am definitely not wasting any more money on it.

I haven't been banned yet, and to be honest, I wouldn't really care if I did get banned, because me and my friends are switching over to PS4 =)

4014d ago 13 agree2 disagreeView comment

"This is quite possibly one of the most eagerly anticipated games of the new console generation."

pre-orders seem to suggest otherwise...

but in all seriousness, for a game to be the most eagerly anticipated, it has to be multi-platform, so I would saying something like Battlefield 4, Destiny, Watch Dogs, etc.

4014d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

basically, anything published by Sony is owned by Sony... because otherwise the developers would self-publish it

4014d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and going from 900p 30fps to 1080p 30fps is roughly a 50% increase in performance

4014d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment


4014d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I told you guys this yesterday, didn't I?!?!?

PS4: 1080p 30fps at least

XB1: 900p 30fps

this just backs me up even further

4014d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

Fifa 14.

The only game on next-gen that is completed months before the next-gen consoles release.

That is really saying something, isn't it?

4015d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

or maybe even a demonstration of them counting to the number 3, just to prove that they can actually count that high hehehe

4015d ago 21 agree5 disagreeView comment

umm, okay, looks, umm, unusual?

4015d ago 76 agree5 disagreeView comment

it wont happen, dont worry...

if anything it will be 1080p 30fps on PS4, 900p 30fps on XB1

which is roughly a 50% increase in performance, did you know

1920x1080x30 = 62.2 million pixels per second
1600x900x30 = 43.2 million pixels per second

43 + 50% = 64

I think some people have in there head that a 50% increase is some huge amount, it is not really that huge, but it is noticeable.


4015d ago 22 agree16 disagreeView comment