
CRank: 5Score: 2990

You dont want a programmer doing art....trust me.

2849d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

minecraft is procedural so this isnt as new as you think. My biggest concern is that they spent way too much time on these algorithms and hardly any time on gameplay.

2849d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the short version is probably because they are lazy or cheap. Realistically though, its probably because most of these indie devs are 1-2 man teams that are programmers/designers and dont have any art backgrounds at all. So they get free model software like blender and just put together what they can and dont want to take time to actually polish any sort of art. Back in the day, modeling software, real time processing, and memory couldnt handle what we can today, so today its just a matter of...

2891d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The problem is that the trailer only shows choreography and absolutely zero plot. The choreography looks great, but since there is no plot in the trailer I'm afraid it either has none, or they are assuming that the Assassin's creed name will carry it for them. Sorry to say Ubi, as sweet as this does look, you should take this in a direction like nobody knows what assassins creed is.

2907d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

only a small portion of the dark zone was even available during the beta too. I recall seeing plenty of people complaining about having to run places because it took a while to get there. NYC is only so big. I'm sure there will be plenty of quests that allow you to go areas where you couldnt go otherwise. There will be plenty to do.

3009d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

The content was there, just locked during the beta which sucked. Skill trees, skill abilities, areas of the map, downed drones, crafting, character customization, base upgrades, missions, and probably way more. There was a ton, just EXTREMELY limited during the beta.

3013d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ninsigma Augmented reality is on the same premise as virtual reality. The only difference is augmented reality tries to place objects in a real environment rather than a fake one. AR is one level above VR and VR has been around forever.

You said you would hate to play uncharted in AR, well how would you even play it in VR? Its not a first person game. VR and AR only apply to a specific camera, first person. Not all games, in fact most games wouldn't even be compatible w...

3038d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Virtual Reality is the first real step towards augmented reality. Augmented reality will be the future of gaming. The game industry has always been the first ones to push for new tech and ideas.

3038d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Battlefront has been on sale all week and I've watched the stars go from 2.5 to 2 in 3 days. Battlefront looks good but it lacks sooooo much. Take a look at Angry Joe's review for it. He will explain pretty much everything about what you will get and what it should be compared to battlefront from 2005

3066d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not saying it isn't nice to have that working much faster, but I don't think people realize that more memory and processing of the system is being used to compensate for that speed. It may not be much, but I bet its more than what was used before.

3100d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

At least they have been different

3498d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Two things that make this game awesome is that I can play with friends and that the strikes and stuff are rather challenging.

3514d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't forget that many people pre-ordered the white ps4 bundle. 10 million consoles will go up. I'm not sure if they calculated those into the destiny count but I know most of my friends don't like pre-ordering a game but said they are getting it. Also I think the fact that their limited editions selling out within 24 hours of being listed goes to show the hype for the game. Half the people that canceled their pre-order probably are judging their experience from the beta limitatio...

3536d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If I can just straight up borrow a game disc and play the game on my own console why is their a limit? I can understand if you are playing at the same time as the person that owns it but I think if you are the only person playing the game at the moment, there shouldn't be any limitation on it.

3549d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not the only one frustrated but it is a "streaming" service that is "streaming" from a PS3(Emulator/Hardware) to a PS4. If i could host my own ps3 games from my ps3 then that wouldnt be so bad but that is completely defeating the purpose.

3551d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

When they said that you dont get discounts on games you already own... thats BS. I already paid for the entitlement the only thing I should pay for is streaming costs. Having to pay for each game individually to rent is also BS. Even blockbuster had a game rental deal where you spend $25/mo and you can exchange the game as often as you like during the month. Why are we going backwards for the digital age!?

3555d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I fail to see how you can disregard the 2 feature upgrades from Sony's DS4 controller. I can understand sound because its not really input but output. However the argument saying that the keys could get remapped for the touchpad? How can you simply just remap gestures? Click sure, but the actual use of the touchpad would be hard. What about the share button? The ps3 controller is hard to play with for long periods of time anyways. The 360 to xbone i can understand but I dont see how anyth...

3555d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The lighting in this looks horrible compared to Unity. Rouge looks so incredibly baked compared to the dynamic lighting in Unity. Lighting is where you get most of your graphics fidelity now-a-days anyways. Whoever thinks Rouge will look better is clearly delusional without even getting into the technical sides of things.

3557d ago 11 agree8 disagreeView comment

The problem is the hardware. Developers find new ways to max out the hardware all the time but there is still only so much it can do. Im going to do some math and hopefully its right but you will see why its hard to render something at a high resolution despite the need to calculate updates. Having a display that is 1920 x 1080 means there is 2,073,600 pixels. To GLSL or some other shader language in graphics programming, every pixel has 4 number values usually a float or an int. There are 4 ...

3599d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

OpenGL > Direct3D

DirectX is just an API to a library of tools. The biggest advancement its seen since DirectX 9.0c to DirectX 11 is tessellation. ALL of which is still and always was capable from previous versions, you just had to do everything manually. These may be optimized now, but just remember, the more libraries you use, the more bloated the software becomes with overhead.

3664d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment