
CRank: 5Score: 8660

copies of white knight chronicles have been sold to date?

5705d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Require a hell of a hardwork from Sony. I mean they have literary striped the newly ps3 of the hardware necessary to run ps2 games.

The only "solution" i can come up with is to make the few titles they will be offering from psn store to be playable. And then make and promote cheap hdd for ps3.

5706d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really wasn't impressed with the graphics here. I know that these are one of the most terrible scans ever made:( But still its a bit poor.

I think if Sony really wants the hype around this game to be like the kz2, they should release a teaser. I am not asking for a long teaser, but something that would impress the gamers out there and appease this scepticism that is building.

May the force be with u;)

5706d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think Sony even might support the ps2 until ps4 is released!
I mean the potential of tapping profit out of that little "beast" is still there. They can maybe release a wii-like controller for ps2.
And we all now that the sales would ignite. They have their first party developers to support them into to this long journey.
But what are the estimate costs of manufacturing a ps2? 40 bucks?

5707d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Even though i can live with the current control setup, is it to late to change the controls`?
The game demo was mind blowing though. Played it on my 40 inch samsung 1080p:)

5711d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

..a psn download title:) hehe
seriously, this sucks. I think namco did not allocate enough resources to this game. I mean Soul Calibur 4 turned out pretty good. But what they doing this to such a popular franchise as tekken is a shame and saddens me. This has turned out to be a incorrigible damage!

May the force be with u all;)

5712d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not really. I mean if they "only" manages to sell 60 million console they will be happy. Cuz they will be having 60 million active functioning Blue-ray players. Right now they have 20 million active Blue-ray players through ps3;) And after watching Dark Knight on my ps3, my life changed. I showed it to my brothers and they were amazed!

But comparing Saturn with ps3 is just laughable:(

5713d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

But i hope they don't make a crappy port out of the ps3 version.

5713d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was really looking forward to this game. Having played Resident Evil 4 i thought the 5 th chapter would be the mother of all games....(

But is it to late for capcom to "fix" the controls? I mean they still have about a months time to deal with this issue?

5713d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Devil may cry 4 looked better on the ps3. And as i can remember, camcom are using the same engine. So why did they mess up this time?
I guess they made the 360 version the lead platform this time around?

But i find it strange that after 2 years, the ps3 is supposed to have immense power and the developers should be able to exploit the system by now, ps3 versions of multiplatform games are looking still "piigshit" compared to 360:)

5714d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Isn't it better for those of us who purchased it on march 2007 here in europe to wait till the two years warranty is expired before we upgrade the hdd? I mean once u "open" the ps3 the warranty is no longer valid?

5715d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I will pass on tekken 6. I mean the graphics are so poor if u take the fact under consideration it will be coming to ps3 in its third year the console has been in the market. I will pass on this and instead purchase street fighter 4. This game could have been a psn download title. Really sad to u namco mass up such a franchise. Tekken should deserve a good farewell:(

5716d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think if there is a price cut, it has to be substantial to make any effect on the market. Cuz i think a 50 bucks price drop wont have any substantial effect and Sony wont benefit from loosing money. I think they should wait till october and then have a 100$ price drop combined with a slime ps3. And maybe they have a wii-like controller for ps3 and games coming from their internal studios. I mean competing with Nintendo or reach out to these types of audience requires a competitive pricing o...

5717d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Even though its nice to hear that developers are pushing the ps3, i am a bit scared that people are coming out stating using 100% of the spu and cell in ps3. I mean if they are going to have a 10 life circle and support ps3 in that time-frame, how will the games look in 2 years time? I mean there wont be any difference on games on the visual department that will be coming out in the nest 3 or 4 years? Sony might probably release a new ps console. But if this new console will be based upon the...

5717d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Even though 94 is not a total debacle, i think one thing is know for certain, that they are a bit anti-Sony. I mean mgs4 got 10 on the graphical department and kz2 gets 9.5? Its a bit frustrating. But i will get over it:)

Really looking forward to the game. I wont play the demo. I will be getting a Samsung 40 inch 1080P Tv prior to when the game is being released. So i will play the game in full luxury. Hope some of u who cant afford this be not envy me now:) hehe

5718d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

will be if the third-party developers commit to this console.
So they must have the developers on board. And since the psp was a flop(on the software front) they must first release killer apps from their first party folks. Games like gt mobile, motorstorm and hehe God of war WITH TOUCH SCREEN! HEHE
cuz when the third party sees that games are selling, they will commit.

Regarding the touch screen, i mean its up to u to decide if u want to play games that have touch scr...

5721d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think they should wait and release it for psp2. Cuz the psp2 will be out there at the end of 2010 and polyphony digital will have the time and enough allocated resources to commit for this project. The graphics will also match the standards of what should be required by now.
And why not make motorstorm for this new psp. Devil may cry, resident evil,or may be god of war with touch screen?! hehe

lets hope:)

5721d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am just a bit curious about the present costs of making a ps3.
Are Sony losing 50$ making a ps3 now or actually making a 50$ profit?
Cuz if they managed to reduce the developing costs by 35%, then things should look bright for them. But i think Killzone 2 will be the deciding factor for the western market. If kz2 "flops", meaning fails to push enough ps3s, then i think all Sony can look forward to the third spot this generation.
Also, what i found astounding f...

5723d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This might sound a bit crazy..but if Sony in the future released a "usb device" that u could plug into one of the usb ports and u got 100% bc?
I mean they could even earn some money from this thing. Lets say they sell it for 50$? but i honestly think unless they earn something from adding bc for the ps3, they will just ditch it:( especially if they loose money on it.

Still waiting for kz2 though. The winter here in Scandinavia is harsh:(

5725d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hope it does:)

5725d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment