
CRank: 5Score: 1120

how do you change your steam username and password? sorry about the noob question I've just never done it before

4700d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ok i was just idly reading the comments and don't normally post much but this bit of ignorance did it for me:

from the troll kyleanthony:

"my graphics card cost more than my ps3, and in 2 months it will be outdated."

I have a PS3 and a gaming pc with a GTX 295 which came out in late 08 early 09. According to tom's hardware heirarchy chart, this card is tied in third place with other cards.

Discrete: GTX 590...

4700d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Using the free Xpadder application, and that was a complex enough game. I have never played Crysis but I don't see how a FPS could be more complex than rpg and require the decision to 'dumb down ' the controls. Hell at least leave all the options there for the PC version, if the player really wants to he'll figure out a way to play that connected to the tv laying on the couch.

5277d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

god of war 3 over rpg lite any day, didn't care much for the previous god of war games before but this one will blow you away.

Anyone who thinks its just a button smasher needs to play on the harder difficulties.

Hell even last year's dragon age beats mass effect hands down , i think it even has more sales, and its the way a proper rpg should be done in my book. Mass effect just got a hell of a free ride with the big hype machine, a descent game but # 2 so far (no ...

5278d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i for one am happy to hear that a multiplat game on ps3 will not be limited because of a weaker system

5282d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Most people that have a hacked psp own 2 or more psps, one for homebrew and the other to keep up with the official firmwares and be able to play the greatest games.

With a hacked psp you have one of the greatest libraries of games at your fingers on the go to play anywere, all the way from the PS1 and back (N64, SNES, Atari etc).

Sure the library of current games coming out for it is not the deepest, but with the sales it does in Japan a good flow of decent games is ...

5292d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

As a father of 2, where else would i find the time alone to play through Uncharted, God of War 3, Dragon Age, Oblivion, Ratchet and Clank, FFVII and FF9, and many other games we've played through.

Obviously games like Modern Warfare 2 (which was the biggest purchase mistake i ever made, had to craiglist it after 3 days), Killzone, dead space , MGS4, and similar games I have to tackle on my own, but there's at least one game we keep going that keeps her interested.


5292d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Been playing that on PC since about 02'. Just recently left that for Killzone 2s multiplayer (no other console shooters were able to pull me from Counterstrike before that). So a good update to Counterstrike with the PS3s power would be awesome and a good way to apologize to the PS3 community.

5306d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Went to Safeway last night and checked out a Gamepro special spring edition mag which shows a special on budget games.

They listed Xbox Platinum hits and PS3s greatest hits or whatever they are called.

The list had about 30 Xbox titles listed under 30 bucks (most were multiplat or available on pc) , from Assassins Creed, Ninja Gaiden and a slew of other titles that are also on PS3s greatest hits but you wouldn't know that looking anywere in the article. Of course be...

5306d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the only DLC i've ever shelled out money for are individual tracks in Rock Band, everything else is worthless.

Not much talked about in these pages but hats off to Bioware releasing their Dragon Age expansion, its actually a full blown expansion that's longer than most full games according to their own words.

Old school expansion packs on physical discs, now that's something worth paying for.

5307d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

tons of xboxes laying around, so the shortages r very real and not just pr talk (at least around colorado). wonder how ps3 will do in the next couple of months with god of war (if they got the shortage issue fix, anyone know when thats happening? )

5307d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

We could have seen FFVII released on Playstation and N64.

Only differences for N64 would have been in game cutscenes instead of fmv, recycling of quite a few of the in game textures and enemies (just use different color schemes), SNES sounds and music, and it would all have to fit in about 4-5 cartridges(maybe save game after finishing disc, turn of system and pop in next cartridge).

Could have been a possibility, only difference was Nintendo had its good share of ex...

5307d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment