
CRank: 5Score: 11460

maybe they're not completely happy with what the got and seeing there's other consoles with much more features just makes them want a bit of all that imo.

5884d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

check them out...


5897d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

At least my console won't break after playing over 12 hours GTA :D.
At least the company I support cares about me and released a reliable console.
At least I don't have to buy batteries for my controller.
At least I don't have to pay to play online.
At least I have a Harddrive to put DLC.
At least I have a BD player to watch HD movies.
At least I can connect wireless without buying any peripheral.
At least I will be playing huge games over 50gi...

5897d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

well there is Haze, MGS4, Motorsorm and Resistance2. Do we need DLC this year? NOOO!! do you 360 owners need DLC this year?YEES!! of course, you got nothing to do until Gears of War 2!!:D

Will we PS3 owners get DLC?of course!! but not at the same time as the 360!!

5897d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

If any of you remember, I said that like two days ago in one of my posts. It all leads to it, Microsoft is trying too hard to convince people before lunch that the 360 version is superior, why? because after lunch when everyone realizes that the PS3 version is better, and that the 360 version has some issues, their sales won't be very good.
As for the exclusive DLC.....c'mon, it is obvious that the PS3 will get DLC too, specially when the know we ALL have a HARDDRIVE!!

5897d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

is it right to feel good when seeing bad news about M$?

5898d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Great News!!!

5898d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

who do you guys think is to blame for this?? Microsoft? yeah I would say Microsoft for not going with a secure format like Blu-Ray,imo.Just my opinion ok.

5898d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I heard the US government did not approve an Xbox Portable because it could lead to the next-gen of terrorism. ""bring your XboxP to a plane, wrap it up in your T-shirt, let it over-heat and......BOoOoOoOoOMMM!!

5899d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

something tells me the PS3 version will end up being the superior game at the end of the line.One of the people from Rock* indirectly stated that the PS3 version looks better, the exact words..((
I like the way [the PS3] renders.” He concluded, “There’s a certain kind of softness without being blurry - some warmth to it - and then there’s a certain more clinical element to how the 360 looks.”))

does that mean the 360 version looks blurry??

5899d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


5899d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

after what happened with Halo3 and Assassin's Creed(I got bored after a while, save this citizen, jump from there, kill the guy..all the same, very repetitive, and had high scores)I wait until the game comes out then judge by myself. I've found games with low scores to be very entertaining imo, and others with high scores boring like Assassin's Creed.

5899d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Something tells me GTAIV will be another overhyped game. I hope I'm wrong, I'm sure it will be good but with all this GTA hype around, everybody talking about it, seeing it on the streets everywhere, people will be expecting something reeeeeally amazing and I don't think it goes that far. I'll get it but I won't expect too much from the game just in case. It's better that way.

5899d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

the only reason Microsoft paid for that extra content is because they just don't have games this year to keep their costumers entertained and to try to steal some gamers away from the PS3 where the majority of GTA fans are, all that marketing about GTAIV on 360 making it look like an exclusive to them is like begging people to buy the game on their console, what a shame, then the "buy GTAIV on 360 and get 1000
live ponits" maaaaan, how low can they go, buying people with that...

5899d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

we don't get what???Red Rings Of Death? faulty disk trays? reading disk errors? scratched games? overhyped games to disappoint? a company that don't gives a damn about its costumers????
Yeah, of course we don't!! we are smart people who buy smart reliable consoles that offer a lot more than video games.Too smart for todays developers, some have said that the full power of the PS3 will problably never be reached.

so, you think Gears of War is very color full?? lol

5913d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

I already gave my boss the "vacations letter", I'll take a whole month for MGS4!!......hhmmmmm summer,MGS4,ice cold beer, my girl...omg!!!!!!:D

5913d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

pay for "Digital Downloads"??? don't we have that for free already? it is called Torrents. I prefer a disc that I can copy to my PC or PSP, that's what BDs will do. What makes them think a physical disc is going to disappear from stores, I mean, CDs are still around with all the piracy and Internet downloads. Is Virgin Megastores going to disappear too??lol That is just not going to happen...so it ended up being true what Michael Bay said about Microsh!t a couple of months ago remem...

5940d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment


5942d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was just talking to a friend and he said it is about 4 to 5 hours long and that he can't play on-line for some unknown reason.And that the last Boss is just plain stupid.But graphics are greate, he said!

5942d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

so I heard the 360 is the new N64 but with better graphics, Banjo and Goldeneye?? come on man!! where's the creativity???wtf?? someone expects from a "next-Gen" console(if you can say that about the 360)something new and innovative. and they are so happy about those two exclusives.jaja no competition for the PS3 line up??I wonder how much money was involved to make those be 360 exclusives.

5957d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment