
CRank: 5Score: 8540

don't worry about AAA ps3 exclusives ruining your crapbox.. RRoD, E74, and overheating will do that for you..

look like this MGS is another ps3 exclusive because there no crapbox magazines covering this..

cry moar, xbots

5602d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the weather is changing from windy, to rainy, then it will be sunny.. it's a Metal Gear exclusive for the xbox 360 featuring sunny the little girl

5602d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

blame the xbox.. i read that the devs had to reduce the max players to accomodate the xbox. the xbox cannot handle 24+ player games.. i forgot the link of the dev interview but if you want proof: name three xbox games that allow a 32-player match.. none, nada, maybe one

5603d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

may i borrow your delorean for the weekend? i want to check the winning lotto numbers next month.. kz2 is the best FPS at the moment.. and only ps3 owners get the chance to play..

maybe this game will exceed kz2 but you will have to wait about year to be sure..

poor xbots, waiting to play good games, but they are used to waiting.. waiting for their replaced RRoD'd console to get back

5603d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

now, they just need to add catwoman and this game is goty material

5603d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

maybe they should nake the graphics better - it looks last-gen compared to inFamous.. but maybe it has AAA gameplay.. good thing it's multiplat

5603d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

xbots do not buy games.. they pirate games..

and majority of xbots are pimple-faced tweeners. since they can't afford to buy games, they rely on their moms to buy them ONE game a year - on their birthdays usually. in 2007 it was gaylo 3. in 2008 it was gears of lag. this fact explains a lot, doesn't it?

5604d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

but since it's a ps3 exclusive you'll see some biased reveiws from eurogaymer, edge, and other less sites..

gamedaily does fair and balanced reveiws, i trust them along with ign and giant bomb

and oh yeah, jaggies disappear if you use HDMI! i did a test using component hdmi yesterday and that's what i observed..

too bad, i don't have the means to capture screen shots but you see it for yourself.. use HDMI when playing this game and you won't notice...

5604d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

a september/october release would be nice.. this plus wkc should satisfy my rpg craving.. oh yeah, there's that ex-xbox-exclusive TOV.. PS3 king of rpgs soon!

5604d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

poor xbot, unable to play the best MGS game ever (10 from ign).. face it, you bought the wrong console. no MGS for xbots because the crapbox is too weak to run it.. no games this year except for DLC, which the ps3 will also get soon.. wrong console

now, if you expect MGS5 to come out on the crapbox, then you made another mistake. the crapbox does not have the specs to handle the MGS engine and dvd is too small to contain it... maybe you can get a port of the iphone MGS in next ...

5605d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

on the other hand, scarlet johanson has the best jaggies in recent years, IMO.. typo, that should be a u

i'm sure conduit is a perfectly fine FPS for the more casual gamers.. as long as it's fun, i'd buy it..

too bad, mooks-xbot, you can't brag about TEH SALES against the wii..

5605d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

that would be another triple-A sony exclusive.. loved the first 2..

was suppose to buy sacred 2, but changed my mind and god devil summoner 2 instead

5605d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i have a couple of good ones, too.. but that's ok.. i use them as my wallpaper.. when friends or family watches blu-ray on my tv i always tell them i took that picture myself

5605d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you don't want depth, micro management, and a story line. you want something easy to get to without requiring skill or commitment..

i know want you need.. go play some FPS.. to be more precise, n0ob friendly, auto-aim generous FPS like gaylo and cod.. you'll be pwning in no time

5605d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

delay crapbox.. that game and splinter cell will never see the light of day

5605d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

plus wi-fi another $100.. plus a harddrive for $120.. and batteries for your controller if you want to play more than 6 hours, another $20.. M$ gets away with this becuase xbots are just dumb in math

this game could have looked like a contender but was limited by the crapbox. could have been a contender, but now it's just a bum

5605d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

S for Sunny, the little girl.. the weather is changing from stormy to calm then it's gonna be sunny.. sunny is getting her own game.. which is lame.. but it's an xbox exclusive.. beggars cannot be choosers, xbots

5606d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

after it overheats it will blow up on you.. defective crapbox has no games and is defective

not sure if Heavy Rain is gonna be a hit.. it's AAA for sure, but not mainstream hit like uncharted 2, for example.. however, mature gamers are surely going to appreciate Heavy Rain.. and those types of gamers are lacking in the xbox demographic..

5607d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

this one is gonna be crap.. but xbots will line up and get it because they lack games this year.. beggar cannot be choosers, poor xbots

5608d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

UFC looks boring.. it's like those wwe games only this one has more hugging between 2 sweaty men.. haha.. whatever rocks your boats, gaybots..

5608d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment