
CRank: 5Score: 8540

wii fit outsold gaylo 3!!!

you're a gamer, not a stockholder. you shouldn't care about sales.

5639d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

that the wii is beating the competion in terms of sales AGAIN - which really doesn't mean much to me, personally..

but still, the wii is the king of consoles. it does not have games like the crapbox.. and it is more expensive than the crapbox but not as defective.. and the wii still outsells it..

i love it when i see the wii on top of the NDP chart!!! it's like my favorite basketball team winning the NBA championship.. so join me and be a nintendo fanboy.. but ke...

5639d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

sometimes the slightest bump means race over.. that how it is in real life.. in gt's physics that would mean a restart.. are you that good of a race driver that you are guaranteed not to make a mistake in, say, 12 laps?..

but march 2010 is still so far away.. i was hoping for a release late this year.. Yamauchi-san, another update to prologue would ease the pain of waiting

5639d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

the ps3 has its own videostore. and blu-ray is the way to go anyways.. the usage cap from your ISP makes downloading HD videos more expensive these days..

5640d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

so you should also consider other sites' reviews, too.. that's what metacritic and gameranking are for..

however, you should be wary of overhyped games. for example, GTA4, and gaylo 3 have inflated scores but, in reality, these games suck.

ign's 10 on gta4 is B$. that game was a renter.. here what the reviews won't say:

graphics were ugly, its MP was flat, gameplay was more of the same. cover system was good but aiming was crap because you can't ev...

5640d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

the only AAA the crapbox has these days is the battery for its controller.. ROFLMAO

5640d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

martyrdom with a nuke
the chopper needs to be more accurate
more auto-aim
keep it p2p, i love getting disconnected before a match begins

5641d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

RRoD or E74.. btw, crapbox warranty is also extended for the E74 -meaning this issue is widespread..

oh yeah, this game has nothing on GT5.. maybe even grid is better than this POS

5641d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

but there's just too many great psn titles.. in fact, psn has a better library compared to the competition.. just not enough psOne titles but with FFVII out, the tides are turning

5641d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

ninny blade and star ocean the lost hope???.. LOL

5642d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

took them liong enough. we having been kicking xbots' butts since the wii was release.. typical M$ discontinuing their consoles after a short while..

i hope xbots' moms have enough money to buy a new $600 console

5642d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

we are talking about wii fit, right?

you know, wii fit outsold gaylo 3. yup, sales = quality.

wait, those who bought wii fit got duped just like the xbots who bought gaylo 3. both are overhyped and very disappointing.. and both aren't even HD.. haha.. gaylo and it's sub-HD graphics

and those who bought wii fit are still fat... but that another story

KZ2 has the best FPS gameplay and graphics this generation.

5643d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

what they don't realize is that their parents don't have money right now to buy them a new console.. xbots love getting shafted because it's not their money that they're spending

so the 3fixme will be discontinued after a 4 year lifespan.. might as well be pc gamers, xbots, if you need to upgrade that often

the thing is, like the ps2 topping early 3fixme games, the new crapbox will have a sh!tty first 2 years..

5643d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

RRoD is as guaranteed as catching a std from a hooker. that's free too

but this is good free.. i doubt it, though

5644d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

same with gaylo 3 bullshots.. i remember the media blasting KZ2's graphics. now that it's released they look like idiots.. gaylo remains ugly, though


5644d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

i beat the Meta Gear Rex without getting hit.. on my first try.. man, if they have a trophy back in the days that would have been an instant platinum

5644d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and it looka playable using a controller.. it's on my watch list now..

not confirmed for the ps3 but there's the exclusive deal with Sony which tells me xbots don't even have a chance

when is it out?

5644d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

i am a nintendo fanboy and my wii outsells both console combined.. haha.. i don't have any good games coming out but so do the xbots.

the ps3 owner are really lucky. they have the best games from now until the next-gen. and console sales do not really matter to true gamers as long as their console of choice doesn't do a dreamcast.

sales = quality
wii fit > all games

5644d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

we outsell the cheaper 3fixme month after month after month..

we also outsell the ps3 but sony fans do NOT care because they have kz2 to play and then infamous in june

the xbots are fuming that they can't beat us even though both our consoles have no games coming out anytime soon..

sales = quality. wii fit > gaylo 3

5644d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

i'm a nintendo fanboy and we are beating the crap out of the crapbox 360 in terms of SALES.. we are ahead of the ps3, too. but those guys have excellent games this year so they don't really care about that.

only we and xbots care about sales because we have no games this year. at least we are beating them sales-wise by a factor of 3 this year!

the xbots only have RRoD to look forward to. too bad, their 3-year warranty should expire any day now.

5644d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment