
CRank: 11Score: 74260

What are you reporting him for? It's a video blog about video games. How does that not fit into N4G guidelines?

5384d ago 6 agree7 disagreeView comment

I was robbed!! J/K Good job my friend but I want a rematch. Just talked to someone who saw the GOW footage and without even seeing it I got really pumped for it.

5385d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

1. I understand that you are here to serve the users and I understand the reasoning for embedding the video. It is very convenient. However because of the way that the "heat" system is designed it isn't a true representation of how well an article is doing because it doesn't take into account the number of video views. Therefore you are not serving the users/community properly.

2. The contact page looks almost exactly the same as our contact page and that's the page we ...

5388d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Heat: That system that you described is flawed. We are posting a video therefore majority of the readers will just choose to watch the embedded video that N4G forces us to put on there according to your guidelines. Therefore its almost pointless for anyone to embed a video because it won't drive the heat of the story. Take a look at our site, there are no Ads on it, at this point in my sites life I could care less about page views I want people to enjoy the show we have created. ...

5388d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment


I agree with your first point that the community is flawed but I disagree about HHG.

Most of the community here doesn't like HHG because they don't consider him a real "journalist" and yet he gets to attend all of the big press events and such when they don't.

He's also a prime example of why N4G can work. He went from a nobody to a somebody thanks to this site.

5388d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment


You are right that the site does seem to favor Sony over Microsoft but like Joel says there are a lot of other factors that contribute to the "news" that is posted. I like the idea of N4G and it obviously is a great place to go to find the little nuggets of gaming journalism or news you might have missed but the approval and submission process needs an overhaul.

5388d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Yea but if it doesn't won't you be disappointed. I'll use God of War 3 as an example. They showed us a teaser for that 2 YEARS AGO. Why even show it. All it does is build unnecessary hype. I mean we all know that GOW was gonna come out at some point why announce it just to announce it. So they just announced Arkham 2 and yes I'm excited for it cause its a good game, but if it doesn't come out next year then by the time it does I might be burnt out by the hype or looking forward to something e...

5389d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nobody tracks them. They don't release their numbers.

5391d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well said

5391d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

That list is looking sweet, especially because a lot of the games are single player experiences. Other than BFBC2 majority of the games should have 12-20 hour play time which is cool with me.

5402d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

He's not sayin that the voice chat doesn't work in BFBC2 he is saying that because not everyone has a mic its hard to communicate with people and if they do have a mic they aren't all of good quality. Where if you are playing on LIVE majority of those users are using headsets. He is saying that Sony should include a headset with the PS3 and because they don't he feels like PSN is a failure compared to LIVE. That's all he is saying. READ THE ARTICLE.

5407d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Gamescrubs. I agree with you that XBOX no wifi sucks. Maybe we'll do an article on that one day but for today we just wanted to talk about the lack of communication going on the PSN and what Sony should do to improve it. The article would've been pages long if we talked about the pros and cons of every system.

5408d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Some of you guys are making the point that it isn't sonys fault, and that the headsets are cheap and people should just go out and buy them. Well if they are so cheap then why doesn't sony just include a cheap one with their system. That would still allow people to go out and buy their own but at least they can communicate right out of the box.

5408d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Your right. The voice chat in the game does work, but because there are so many people using different headsets its hard to predict whether you'll be in a party with good headsets or even have people with headsets at all

5408d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

I want to get a new 360 (since my last one rrrod) for xmas but I'm afraid its going to happen again. I would have hoped MS would have fixed this problem by now.

5416d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

I'm glad everyone is talking about the topics of the show instead of just ragging on HipHop. Both Torrence and HipHop really show their journalistic chops on this episode.

You guys have any suggestions for future guests you would like to see on the show?

5418d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ Ziriux

What show do you produce?

5419d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

I bet Sony ends their 2010 E3 show with this announcement.

5419d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't get me wrong, I own MW2 and I'm really enjoying it. But unfortunately it doesn't do that much different compared to the first one. However after spending some time with Battlefield 1943 and seeing the footage just from the beta build, I think BF:BC2 is shaping up to be a real contender.

5429d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Your headline is written in such a way that people have to click through to see what it has to say. Why does Uncharted 2 have to be… so lame? Why did you put ".." in the headline? So you could get hits on your website. Just remember hits don't equal respect. You want respect how about you just make the headline "Uncharted 2 is Lame" No you wouldn't do that cause then nobody would click to see your article. Good luck making it in the industry..Your gonna need it.

5435d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment