CRank: 5Score: 150

You all are crazy. .call of duty is the best fps ever made and the only reason you all bitch about them is because you can't play worth a are meant to be fun and challenging there suppose to be challenging...if you can't take the heat then don't play.

3799d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ha!!! You do know amazon isn't the only one selling consoles right?ppl should stop write g about something that doesn't even reflect the total number of sales in a whole.that 40% is probably a whole lot smallerhan that world wide so stop being angry...nothing you Say will stop ppl from getting what they really want im def getting a ps4 when i get the money.sorry Sony haters but Microsoft can't win everything this is Sony's time to shine GO PLAYSTATION!!!

3963d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment