
CRank: 5Score: 1120

I've played it but it just seems too basic for me. I would want multi-classing so I can mix and match and find different combos.

I like ArcheAge's class system but I don't like that they're P2W. IMO a "perfect" MMO would have the complexity of ArcheAge but be a subscription only game so it doesn't break your wallet to enjoy the whole game and get the best stuff.

Or FFXII Zodiac Age. I'm playing the remake on Switch right ...

1424d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

I read somewhere that one of Nintendo's early offices was rented out from an Italian landlord and that the inspiration for Mario came from him.

But the samurai mask thing sounds plausible too. Doesn't Japan have some kind of festival where everyone wears masks? I see something like that in anime sometimes.

1424d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The mods play into it. My first N4G account was banned for over 3000 days because I posted about the Switch having better load times than the competition because it uses all solid state media. Cartridges are just flat-out better than discs. But then I got trolled by sony fanbois and the mods piled on too.

Then you know what happens? A year later the specs for the Ps5 come out, and the sony fanbois are talking up the SSD like it's sweet, sweet ambrosia.

1424d ago 1 agree13 disagreeView comment

I know Bethesda has gotten a lot of criticism but I absolutely loved Elder Scrolls 4 and 5. The next mainline title will be an automatic buy for me and I am looking forward to it.

There are bugs and goofiness sure, but they put effort into all of the quests and most NPC's are fully voiced. MMO's like world of warcraft are full of jankiness (kill 10 rats, next kill 20 wolves) but in the single player ES most of the quests have a story and a reason for you to do somet...

1424d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think it looks interesting and probably would have bought it to enjoy the story.

1425d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Arena shooters are kind of an overdone fad at the moment. So many clones have gone up for sale in the past few years I think most players just tune them out when they browse a storefront.

Something like rocket league I would just skip over without giving a second thought. Nothing about makes it stand out.

At least with a RPG title I would stop and see if it has a good story or interesting characters. When it comes to arena shooters you walk in knowing the...

1425d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's not that bad and I'm sad too see censorship on any platform. Boo.

1427d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'll probably pick this up. I'm not sure exactly what it is though. A RPG? A Visual Novel? A dress-up game? I have no clue. But I like Konosuba.

1433d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There are 5gbps SSD's around $200 that are roughly equivalent to the Ps5's SSD. 5gbps seems to be about what PCIe gen 4 x4 caps out at. It wouldn't surprise me if the "custom IO" Sony made was just a PCIe gen 4 lane that was customized to provide a proprietary connection so the end user can't easily upgrade or replace the SSD.

It just means that the Ps5 will have a competitive storage solution until PCIe gen 5.

1434d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Agreed. Instead of having two libraries for two markets they combined everything onto one device. I think they should keep the idea of a portable with a TV hookup.

Though I wonder what Nintendo would do with a VR headset. They're creative and I wonder what they would do with that. They might ditch TV entirely if they do that.

1434d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm the same. I've never gotten 100% of the hidden item in any game. The exception being RE5, and only because a friend forced me to play co-op with him through the whole thing and he used a walkthrough to find every one of those blue disc thingys.

I like how breath of the wild did it. You only need to find a fraction of the koroks to expand your inventory to the point it's useful. Finding most of them isn't necessary, and finding all of them is a stupidly m...

1434d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Nope. For me this is exhausting. It's why I can't play Warcraft Classic even though I think it's better than retail. It's why I can't play most MMO's. It's why I've drifted towards narrative driven games and visual novels. I want the creative experience and none of the grinding.

Even a sandbox like Minecraft which was fun for a while is boring now. There's no narrative. I need to have new content to enjoy. A new story.

1434d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I liked the very early version where you could tunnel down to hell and then drain an ocean into it, and collect as much obsidian as you wanted. I liked that it encouraged massive engineering projects and would have liked to see more biome manipulation like that.

Instead they patched it so water evaporates in hell, no matter how much you dump into it, and I haven't been interested in it since.

I also grinded a set of cobalt armor from the jungle biome ...

1434d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Do you get dizzy when you post that much spin?

Did I not say it's important to read ESRB labels?

1438d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Fulfill your base desires for 5 minutes versus creative lighthearted fun for hours. Lewd games are about hilarity, embarrassing and bizarre situations, interesting narrative, and eye candy that is portrayed in a beautiful way rather than rank and disturbing, which is what you would find at someplace like pornhub.

Only a boring mind that looks at a boring world through boring eyes would conflate the two.

I'm not saying one is more appropriate than the ...

1438d ago 10 agree9 disagreeView comment

I'm glad Nintendo is allowing lewd games on their platform. I hope to see a lot more.

1438d ago 11 agree6 disagreeView comment

I like JRPG's for the big anime tiddies.

1441d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

If I used it in handheld mode I'd consider a screen protector. But I didn't think its own dock would scratch it practically the one out of ten times it came out of the dock.

My $100 cell phone has gorilla glass 3. IMO every handheld electronic with a screen ought to come with it as standard. It's just penny-pinching miserliness to not use it. Not to mention all the electronic waste for having a massive aftermarket for screens and screen protectors because consum...

1441d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'm not a fan of the idea of updated systems because it seems to punish early adopters, but I wouldn't care about a new version with 1080p handheld mode. I play almost exclusively in docked mode.

I wish they had put gorilla glass on the screen. I bumped my switch a few weeks ago and it fell out of the dock. Surprise! The dock scratched the screen. It's not a little on either. A big ugly scratch. Pissed me off because it's a limited edition lets go pikachu ve...

1441d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I also like Nintendo doing what Nintendo likes to do. Trying a new IP would be a good idea but they don't need to change their current IP's for a vocal minority. I look forward to the next Mario and Zelda because I like Mario and Zelda the way they are.

1453d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment