CRank: 5Score: 1890

cez of rage
dont be all butthurt just play your halo and STFU

if sales = everything then the world has clearly spoken because PS3 has outsold Xbox every year.
360 was released earlier and has a slight lead that is ever dwindling.

original Xbox was my system of choice last generation. Before you call people fanboys you should take a look in the mirror. you reek of halo fanboy.

BTW- nice one bubble you got there cez of rage. Th...

4941d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment
4941d ago Show

And you are speaking to who?

4941d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

@ Jezuz

Even if he does donate frequently, advertising you search engine the way that they did was tasteless and tacky. Using a catastrophe to pitch your search engine is unethical and looks really bad.

4941d ago 20 agree11 disagreeView comment

Your being pretty generous best_player. The game itself is hardly deserves a 6/10.

4941d ago 0 agree10 disagreeView comment
4941d ago Show

When says it, it's gotta be true. Thats a name you can trust.

/s of course.

4943d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

"something shooters of [I feel] a higher integrity should take note of.."

Killzone 2 has a lower integrity than what shooters author???
Isaiah Taylor please enlighten on the reader what the hell games your talking about. Call of Duty??? That game is the exact opposite of integrity.

Isaiah Taylor you are a horrible writer and as a journalist you lack any credibility. Your writing is subjective and shows no attempt to inform the reader an act...

4943d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

I give him a 3/10. I mean I just didn't believe that he believed what he wrote. An obvious troll and hes lucky to get a 3 from me. I only give the 3 cause its so funny that he is reviewing a game from 2009.

4943d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

@ chilled2m

Do you even know any other languages?

You make people that speak english sound like ethnocentric douchebags.
I read over his comment and understood it perfectly clear and he made a perfectly good point about these creepy douchebags living in Mom's basement calling themselves journalists, shitting all over developers who are trying to develop quality software to win the hearts and minds of the consumers.
While other companies u...

4943d ago 17 agree5 disagreeView comment

Even when your PC gets a virus, slows down, and is acting glitchy?

How much money do you spend in year updating and changing hardware?

What OS? cause Windows is notoriously unstable and frustrating to work with.

Tell me your secret cause all PC gaming I've seen looks like someone playing a Video game on a computer, with all the downsides to a computer as well.

Video game systems are designed for games.

4943d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well said my friend. If only those gullible readers were not filled with denial as well then they might learn something about media and communications theory.

4943d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not even Girls??

oh wait he's a computer dork, probably doesnt like girls yet

4943d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

If PC's are so great then why not just abandon consoles altogether?

You all need to understand not everyone thinks and feels the same. I for one have never liked gaming on PC's, it just never felt right. Maybe the graphics are better, so people say, but for me it about gameplay, accessibility, and convenience.

PC's have to be updated and age rather quickly. They are also, in my experience, less stable over all and frustrating to use. A console t...

4943d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Metal Gear was on the original Nintendo.

4943d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Why does he need to beg for money?
Is he some unemployed douche that doesn't work for a living?

Thats real good solar go ahead and support your boyfriend. If you have nothing better to spend your money on and are dumb enough to send it to some Russian fagbag then you are already paying the price for your faults by being a sucker.

'There's a sucker born every minute'

4943d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

It's apparently the new hip thing to do. Working and all that is for the birds. The new trend will be to hack consoles and live of the donations of people dumb enough to give you money.

4943d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Technology's number one goal was to reduce cocksucking, glad to see it worked for you MARIOFTW

4943d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Especially the sick dumbass that disagreed with you.

4943d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment

-@ Eamon
You said:
"And $13,900 isn't enough to restore the lives of thousands of Japanese lol"

So you think thats funny. When something horrible happens to you or your family will you still be laughing then?

And by the way moron $13,900 is not enough to fight Sony in court either you douche-bag.

4943d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment