CRank: 5Score: 14930

HD remakes make me nervous... it's great when they're done well, but it also gives developers room to make the game worse. ...not to mention, historically, Square has used higher resolution textures and higher poly counts mainly as a tool to add belts and zippers to their characters...

4663d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea... it kinda sucks that the rate of battery advancement isn't quite on par with Moore's law. Barring any huge advancement in battery design, or huge leaps in efficiency in the hardware, however, I don't think that there's much that can be done with what we're seeing with every powerful, battery powered platform presently (shorter battery life with iPhone, Android, and dedicated gaming platforms) That being: if you want power, a battery does not presently exist that w...

4666d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea! Spin that spin! all fairness, I think that he's really addressing the shareholders (and potential shareholders?). ...that this isn't really 'news 4 gamers', per se.

Good for them, I guess? I don't care... Tell me about new games!

4672d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

How can anyone review a game having only played a fraction of it?


4673d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

...what does that even mean?

What does Bethesda owning id software, and Bethesda's apparent 'access' to id's employees have anything to do with this indie developer being sued?

This would be like J.K Rowling suing the author of a book entitled: Potter (a story about an elderly man who paces incessantly)

4693d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Only if Activision figures out a way to charge for it...

4694d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm sorry, and not trying to start a war, just stating an opinion... This game is almost as exciting for me as Tony Hawk 7, or Guitar Hero 11... I'm just having massive deja-vu, and barring any huge improvements to the formula, I'm done...

I'm just tired of spending $60 so that I can be cussed at by racist 14-year olds, but only until they release a $15 map pack, so there are fewer (and fewer and fewer as more map packs come out) matches being played on my s...

4698d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Except Valve had nothing to do with TF2 on the PS3, it was a port done by EA. I believe the comparison is being made, with the assumption that you are aware of current events... Steam integration being available on the PS3 and still not the 360.

Either princeofthebay is right about you not knowing what you're talking about, or you live in 2007.

4698d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

TF2 on the 360 was never broken, but having played the PC version for almost 4 years now, I've seen a number of updates that tweak the engine for new graphics/optimizations (All that would probably have translated nicely to the not-too-dissimilar 360 architecture) not to mention tons of fan-requested features.

They constantly monitor how players are playing the game to tweak it, in the interest of fairness and balancing the game. 4698d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Uhhh, granted that this phone is far from a dedicated gaming platform, but with a title like this (the whole 'leaving 360 and PS3 behind' bit)... I feel that I should have been more impressed. :P

This isn't close to fidelity of the Gears or Uncharted series... More like a high-res PSP game (low polygon models, dated textures and effects). The shiny bits looked neat, but far from ground-breaking... Just being able to display on a TV via HDMI does not make it c...

4699d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

If it's not on Steam, it pretty much doesn't exist for me...

I'm not boycotting anything, the tech looks impressive. I just don't do boxed PC games anymore (it being 2011), and it's highly unlikely that I'll use another service to download the game... This article hit the nail on the head for me, good read. ^^

4703d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

After reading, I think his beef has more to do with Blizzard dropping 2-3 fees (plus another cut to a money processing service) on sellers in the auction house. The game will cost $10 more than PC games normally do, so why are they taking more money?

If it were F2P, taking a cut of the real-world money would be one thing, but Blizzard (Activision) is making money every way possible on this game, and the author seems to think that it sucks that publishers would hold beloved f...

4708d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

John Goodman does voice work in this game?!?

...the first voice in the video (after the ad...) sounds just like John Goodman, I swear.

4708d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

My PC *could run BF3 @ max, 60+ fps...

...but it won't. I refuse to use Origin... :P

4710d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I would put either of the graphics cards listed into a computer I was building for my mom, that's it. An old 5770 out performs both the 6650 and 6670, but really, you shouldn't spend less than 200 dollars on a gpu. (in my opinion)

And there's no OS included in this build, either (BF3 isn't coming to Linux...). You get what you pay for, and building yourself, last I checked, you could have a pretty decent mid-range system for under $900, kick-ass monitor and...

4712d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Just looked... With the exception of EA Create, and BF:BC2 there are no deals on anything unless it's at least 4 years old... and it's mostly add-on's for the Sims2 and other things that I really never cared about.

I feel dirty for having even looked.

4712d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Guhhh! 5 dollars?!? Bu-bu-buhhh...

Dammit. I guess I'll have to see what all games they have. *If I do sell my soul, it'll have to be for more than one or two cheap games that I didn't already buy on Steam...

4712d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm kinda surprised Duke Nukem: Forever isn't listed... ^^

4727d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment


Forgive me if I'm just missing your attempt at sarcasm... You do realize that this is really a 14 year-old game, right? ...inexcusable, how?

4742d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I is excited.


4744d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment