
CRank: 5Score: 43490

That is sony who will pay for this refund...

but how they calculated the refund sum? 70 pounds..that is about 30% of the price...

sony is in big trouble...

lets calc: in europe there is about 7 million fats...i guess only 30% of owner will go back to shop. an average price of PS3 is 350 euros. so 7million sold * 350 euros each * 30% of the sum back from *30 % of owners = 220 mill is cheap for sony :)

5284d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

LOL pals, there is can not be a source link because i am telling you insider info.
I am your IGN and gamespot now. just get it and wait.

5285d ago 1 agree18 disagreeView comment

Microsoft is really silent for the past 12 mounth. But they have reasons and stategy to win this gen:
1. They let their Natal devs to prepair well for E3.
2. They want you to surprise in many ways at E3: Natal, better then PS3 GFX and xbox slim.
3. Sony is affraid of Natal and spread lies all over the net.
4. And know what? Wii2 will have Natal-like technology.

So don't worry xbox fans. That is sonydroids who worry now.

5285d ago 5 agree32 disagreeView comment

I know you are reading me now.
And know what? You are a ucking uck. I've been at close door demonstration and YES that is possible..don't forget to renew your MSDN subscribtion next time - there is more info on that topic has been added since you laid under FONY :)

5287d ago 4 agree29 disagreeView comment

"You are the reason America is behind Japan in technology and it will stay that way unless you demand and support better products."

Do you know what Japan is controlled by Americans? And here is why:
- after Hirosima and Hagasaki Japan capitulated
- Japans sign a constitution writen by Americans back in 1945
- By signing it Japans agreed to not have an army
- Japan capital and goverment became "controlled" by americans
- Am...

5294d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

F1 fan since 1991.

5306d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What developer do you work for?
There is plenty insider info in your post...:) i do beleive you because i had that insider info too.
Gear 3 will blow E3 this year...that wll be real shock fr PS3 crowd.

5307d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Who the f@ck delete my info?! Repost it here.

"E3'10 will be epic for xbox
1. Gears 3 with GFX like this not coming in 2010 yeahh
2. Xbox slim
3. Natal
4. New driving game better tham GT5 with weather and day&night cycles.
5. Halo reach - best open world GFX."

1. Sony you know you will loose that GFX war. your desperado will be very hight prior E3. then it will be E3 and all over for you.

2. Hey, 360 dev comuni...

5309d ago 0 agree12 disagreeView comment

Hey Sonydroids you think if you report this story the WORLD will not know about new UNREAL ENGINE updare for Gears of War 3?

you are so desperade...:)

and yeah..keep dreaming it can be possible realtime on PS3...

5310d ago 10 agree35 disagreeView comment
5310d ago
5310d ago

i don't care what you say.
i know who you are.
i know you are desperate.
i know you know what a defeat is close.
i know what you just do your job by thrashing all Microsoft related.

5310d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Some people has more info from c;osed doors then others.

soon all will know the TRUTH.

5310d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

E3'10 will be epic for xbox
1. Gears 3 with GFX like this
2. Xbox slim
3. Natal
4. New driving game better tham GT5 with weather and day&night cycles.

Mark my words. you know that here first :)

5310d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

hello pro-sony paid admins who made this artice degree rise slow. do you afraid of natal so much? :)) lol just lol

5311d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Yeah..Sonys 3D solution is not cheap..i will get Samsung 3d tvs and will get all 360 games in 3d without glasses. sony failed again in my opinion.

yeah, hear it clearly. samsungs 3d tvs can give you 3d games without glasses. make some google research and don't let sony fool you again.

that is an examples:
Why platform holders play with us and don't push hardware too hard at the beggining of its life cycles.

No sales, no games...
To stay zero every studio needs sell 1 mill copies per year.

And i affraid of upcoming USD defolt till 2012. Who will supvive in that conditions is a big question.

5326d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

all 360 games will work on next xbox with better GFX.

5333d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment