CRank: 5Score: 5270

I really couldn't care if they end up calling it the Purple Monkey Dishwasher 3000, so long as it sates my gaming needs and interests like the 360 has, I'm sold!

4464d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

For me, in this generation at least, it's got to be Crackdown 2. Such a great fun premise and sand box laid out in the first, only to be shat on and made to look some how even worse graphically. Ah well.

4465d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Humble, I disagreed. I'm not one of those posters who'll hide behind the button, so if you read my initial post above you'll understand why. Although there's an inherent laziness in most of us with these kind of things or just plain disinterest... It's still 100% possible to view TV shows to their conclusion, either on their initial run, through catch up services or box sets. Some games, whether you're interested or not, can't be completed simply by the action of t...

4471d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I, for one am really glad about this. As an older gamer it's refreshing to see that skill or perseverance is again leaking back in as a reward/progression route for games as opposed to just going along for the ride. Or being taken for a ride!

But as a medium it's hard not to feel torn by gaming. It probably one of the only entertainment products on the planet where people can buy the product and quite possibly not see or experience the entirety of what you've purc...

4471d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Regardless of what anyone thinks about Microsoft, surely you can all see this would be a very bad thing. Not just because of the alarming trend it could start but it would also hinder an already ailing economy, push publishers revenues down, send devs under and ultimately hurt an industry we all love, regardless of the short term gain to Microsoft's competitors.

4476d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Ah yes, the good old days. Experiences that imbued patience, tolerance and the respect to not take things for granted. Golden moments like loading up a game on the zx spectrum, watching the epilepsy inducing, brightly coloured lines flickering on the TV as the data on the tape deck was slowly accessed. Listening to the faux fax machine screech for nearly half an hour while you imagined what amazing experiences would await you beyond the title screen once the game had loaded... Only to discove...

4477d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

In fairness, this late in the gen it's probably not that important to them, at least not like it used to be. They've done the hard work, got a big install base and now they're looking forward. Although it would surely be reasonable to expect some kind of decent IP reveal for the 360, if only to help ensure sales of the game's next gen iteration with fans already in the bag.

I'm not expecting a big E3 from Microsoft but I am holding out for a surprise in so...

4511d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Some times all it takes is a transfusion of new blood to bring the body back to life! Halo 4 will still retain the same flesh and bones of old, just reinvigorated to breed passion into a new generation - just like combat evolved did. The more things change the more they stay the same... and I'm absolutely fine with that!

4512d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

You are kidding me, how can this list be taken seriously without f zero. Quality title and its last console outing. Come on man, Falcon for the win!

4516d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Seriously, I am do tired of the same old routine on here. Don't get me wrong it's fun for a while to see the Sony and Microsoft fans trade blows back and forth but it gets old fast. The same debate, the same views over and over again and nobody gets it! It's not Microsoft who is doing anything wrong, not Sony... It's our expectations of them that's the problem.
When I first brought my 360 there was nothing to play but pdz and cod2, maybe some pgr. It was cack but I...

4518d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't forget, although the pippin was a massive flop, many of it's features were well ahead of their time. I think with their ecosystem now though, Apple won't release a stand alone console but rather an integrated gaming capable TV or a mini Mac geared towards gaming.

4542d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't be silly, of course they can spell things correctly. We just need to pay them 800 Microsoft points and they'll release the right word in a dlc patch with some character colours, bargain!

4545d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dark Forces man, good times! Blasting Nerf Herders with um blasters ftw!

4545d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

In other news target render footage of a pig flying gracefully through the air has been discovered, running at 1080p!

4547d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Aliens DNA huh, I hope this doesn't end up like Ripley 8 or that God damn Newborn!

4548d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I miss the mystique of buying a new game, you knew it was coming, you read about it in magazines, you waited and anticipated. Nothing was spoiled. These days it feels like the internet has already played the game for you.
Like Majin said above, I also miss complete games. Dlc is great and all but devs finishing a game off 2 months after release is a pain in the arse!

4548d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

They're coming out of the God damn walls!!!!

As a massive Alien fan (not the abominations from the nineties onwards) I was extremely sceptical about this but i gotta say, this is looking really sweet.

Looking forward to it and also how they've shoehorned the story in between the events of Aliens and Alien 3, with the Sulaco still in one piece.

4554d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Some of the best game commercials ever full stop! I hate to say it but the build up and ads are sometimes better than the game they belong to, I'm looking at you ODST and Reach. Can't beat Halo 3's dioramas though!

4556d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Shame, I really enjoyed the first few games in the flat out series. Then again, those games were nothing like ridge racer. Seems like this could be an arcade racer attaching itself to a known brand to help it sell.

4561d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

For me it was a fantastic experiment, a game that should be played by everyone at least once, regardless of their preferred play styles. Good games will always be remembered, great games break barriers and make you forget what games were like before they came along and changed everything. It was by no means a perfect game but rather, a perfect vision. If only more chances were taken like Mirrors Edge we'd see some amazing things. Shame commercialism always wins out.

4565d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment