
CRank: 6Score: 19520

It is now time for me to get a Nintendo DSi. Man thasts motherfreaking it, after dragon quest 9 all the final fantasies all the mother freaking Shin Megami Tensei series released and soon to be released DS is where its at.

360 and Ds is where its at for rpgs baby!

Like Joe says in Family Guy, "BRING IIIIT."

5545d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment
5557d ago

lol they are both the second racing game done on next gen systems. U MY GOOD SIR..FAILS!

5567d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

tekken 6 looks like A$$

5589d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

Since you took it upon yourself to name two games which graphically surpass anything on 360, I'll help you out and name three more.

There is denying that GodofWar3,The Last Guardian, and Gran Turismo 5 fits in that category as well. The feathers on that animal in The Last guardian, unbelievable, and GOW3 speaks for itself.

Its kind of funny how 360 fans are trying to make a bigh deal out of this game that looks no where near as good as MGS4. I say keep your bette...

5589d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment


5592d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game may be the best...er is going to be the best looking open world game out there. This game SHOULD be receive almost perfect scores across the board if it actually lives up to what it is.

I really don't see how this could fail. Off topic though I really hope they release ff14 close behind the pc and ps3 launch. This is going to be huge if they can pull off this cross platform gaming between the three. If they pull this off properly this could be bigger than WOW, I say th...

5592d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Care to explain? I mean I am really interested in how its going to KILL OFF the PS3. I see you have valid points in some of your comments, but in your last comment the point seemed to hide itself quite vigorously.

5593d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Did you see the conference gameplay? Did you see where the creen said press start and Kratos was looking as if it was done in CG, well guess what it wasn't. lol he pressed start and the motherfreaking screen zoomed out and he started playing.

Thats a graphics king for ya anus. And you already know the story and ganmeplay will be phenomenal, dont make me post vids...well I will anyway.


I just realized something, In this video I'm about to show you, the beginning of the video is the actual graphics of the game. What I'm saying is that zoomed in view looks phenomenal yes? Well all they do when they transition from that view to gameplay is pan the camera out..

I'm sorry this game is the graphics king, it really is.


A bett...

5593d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


5593d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

You forgot Demons Souls! :)

5593d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Q: Yesterday's trailer that was shown, was that running of a console or was it pre-rendered?

A: There were parts that were pre-rendered and parts that were running on the in-game engine.

Q: Is that the quality you're aiming for? The scene with the Galka fighting, is that what you're aiming for?

A: Yes, that is the part that was running in-engine


I was so wrong when I said it may be too difficult to port. Well I better look at the bright side, at least there will be TONS of people to play with. Man I feel stupid for posting on that other article. Anyway if they make this cross platform thing work this will be huge!

5593d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I didn't say the 360 couldn't do it, I stated that the developers wil not be bringing ff11 to ps3 due to there being too much effort in the process. I received my assumption that it would be too much effort to port to 360 due to them having worked on this for i dunno 3 or 4 years, and porting to 360 would be almost the same as porting ff11 to Ps3 (too much effort)

Uncharted 2 and the The last Guardian along with GOW3....oh and Metroid the oher M, were my favorite games of E-3. Al...

5593d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Do you really believe this will be the first cross platform game??? If you can say yes to that then, Maybe it will be released on 360.

Personally I highly doubt it...and here's why..lol...

Live Session Q & A
Q: What are the ties to Final Fantasy XI, if any?

A: While you may have noticed that some of the same type of races appeared in the trailer, the world of FFXIV is different from FFXI. The reason that we made the r...

5593d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

U mean how Uncharted 2 (Graphics and Gameplay king) and Mag will be relased this year along with Demons Souls, White knight, and Gran Turismo POSSIBLY.

Oh and when 2010 comes around there will only be chaos, and finaly fantasy 14, along with heavy rain, and quantum theory.

5594d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

which was?

5594d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment

Why would they show Alan wake and it was announced so so long ago, I just dont understand it. I guess they had nothing..oh wait...They had Splinter Cell..oh but that was announced a while ago as well, but had to be redone because they were not happy with what they had.

Hmm guess they had nothing then huh? By your logic that is.

5594d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment


Edit: And for the slow people...Look at the sign.

5594d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment