CRank: 5Score: 5680
5728d ago

u look like the only fanboy to me ..konami owns all rights to metal gear not sony konami develops and publishes metal gear. sony on the other creates new ips every year microsoft depends on gears and halo every year. xbox fans want to try and build up forza and fable and those sh**ty games mistwalker be coming out with. give me something originial and outstanding microsoft please.

5728d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i found out why i like gears 1 online so much it was the only thing out at the i would remmber my boi telling me that the online is horrible because of the host advantage and i would defend the online like a child who dot know any better soon as 2007 incredible line up came through..i realized gears of war's (the who fanchise 1 and 2 iam talkin about) multiplayer is horrible after play games like cod 4 and warhawk i didnt want to buy gears the the set up of online between thos...

5728d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

very true indeed microsoft is trying desperatly to appeal to the casual fanbase there turning off there hardcore base iam glad ps3 is the way it is,it screams hardcore from its look's to its contents. only sony would put out hardcore cult games like valkerie chronicles, shoadow of the collossus, ico, pixel junk anything and not worry about sales but about pleasing the hardcore fans who invested in such a magnificent piece of hardware. iam not a litte child i cant find use for a 360 or a wii ...

5729d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

u xbot ..ill buy this game on ps3 just because its on ps3 u know its coming EA loves all game system

5730d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

i will get in , i will get in , i will get in, yes yes yes ..i will watch this show for the first time just for the lbp beta !!!!!!!!!!!

5845d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol the ps2 is there real comp since everything else is outselling it .. but it was crazy how the ps3 outsold it during there firesale

5867d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol i never though of it that way good point

5867d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

omg!!!! u xbots are making me die laughing didnt m$ drop the price in july and the ps3 still outsold them? the demand for the xbox has dried. how on earth did the the 360 went from being the first system in history to wait so long to drop there price but did it now 2 times in a span off one year!!! if u remmber the 20 gig started at 400 dollars then 350 now 300 with a larger harddrive. the ps3 drop there price only once from 499 to 399 yes they drop models and features ect.. but they only d...

5867d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment


5877d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ PLAIN RICE..U fanboy how u going to talk about what the ps3 comes with or dont come with..when the every next gen system portables included comes with wifi and micro$ is charging people $100 for not to mention hard drive is not even on on every system..and a wireless controller that u have to either but batteries or a rechargable cable ..ps3 comes with so much sh!t are u kidding!!! me online right out the box, blue ray, reacharble wireless controller, hdmi, to me the xbox is over priced to...

5877d ago 5 agree13 disagreeView comment

lol 10 yearflop u on psn..whats ur psn id

5878d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

oh boy siligon ur mad cause theres just some exclusives micro$ cant buy ....well tell then to actual invest in brilliant ones like heavy rain .i know gears and halo isnt all they have

5880d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

very well said my playstation 3 bretheren

5880d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

awww... flame wars, fanboys ..nothing but hate for each other on this site i love it I wouldn't want it any other way..anyways every since call of duty 4 came out in november '07 how many must own exlusives or better ported game as there been on the 360 than the ps3 since november. its a tough question for u xbots so here iam going to help you out

Ps3: uncharted, gt4 prologue, msg4, all those sold over 2 million worldwide each.

360: gaiden?!! no wasn...

5880d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

huh..... no its not

5881d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

huh... yea and i bet u love t he game as well right ..the game is bad...he's trying to convince people to waste there hard earn money to buy it. yes i will admit i like the ps3 much better than the xbox even though i own all the systems. but that doesnt mean iam going convince people to buy lair when i didnt even waste my money on that garbage so yea he's a fanboy.

5881d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

wow! i didnt know keVIN was a f***** XBOT FANBOY

5881d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

the moron who wrote this article seems like he only only play sports games and FPS, i bet he didn't play indigo prophecy which was amazing, how could i forget the part where u had to choose between saving the drowning boy or game over, wow! heavy Rain is following in the footsteps of indigo phrophecy meaning same interactive story driven gameplay which is exactly i what i was hoping for anything extra is icing on the cake

5881d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

i hate hate g4 nothing but a bunch of robots doing there stupid show.x-play is pretty good though but they still don't review enough games they review like 2 games a week..iam glad they stop with those stupid intern skips they were never funny..only skit i liked was the kratos blind date lol , A.T.O.S is horrible it had a spark in the beginning now its so stupid kevin is igght but u get a feeling that he's gaged he can't be him self oliva is cute and........thats it .. leyla comes up to g...

5881d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment