CRank: 5Score: 32080

Ofcourse ! It's Activisions cash cow , that's a no brainer , trehyarc is what I want to see what thay put out , cause infinity ward is DEAD !

5273d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Do have to rebuy games in 3D to play them

5277d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

They better make up for Gears of Bugs 2 , feel cheated from the last games issues ! So this better be good like the first one then I'll be happy ! Till then watch and see

5279d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I hope this time there's no Bugs and Lag , better be Dedcated servers !!!!!!

5279d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

As a long time Splinter Cell fan I'm getting it ! Amazon is selling it cheap and it comes with Ghost Recon beta so it's worth it by far . But God of War III gets a 9.2 ? What ever that's why IGN and most no repect from me

5282d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you guys think Sony is done after E3 2010 ! I want what you guys are smoking , let's see you got Move begin demoed with unheard of games , 3D gaming on PS3 will be the talk of the show , unannounced exclusives as usal and most likely PSN Preminum ! So if that is all Sony has to offer consider me HAPPY ! oh don't forget Agent gameplay begin show for the first time and you know Sony will announce a new
Ip like they do every year ! Own both systems but PS3 is just warmed up and there se...

5286d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

hey arron, brittney spears sold millions and millions of albums but not because she is an amazing singer. oh i forgot, ms only cares about sales n not quality

5287d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

What I saw at the Sony Store BLEW me away and If they were on sale I would of took one home with me ! LX900 XBR is what I'm buying in July . 3D , MOVE, PSN Preminum !!!!! Sonys just getting warmed up this gen ! I'm going to E3 this year and have some Hands on with more 3D gaming from Sony

5289d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was just at a local Sony Style store here in Tampa bay! And they had XBR LX900 52" running a demo of a PS3 showing gameplay Demos of GT5 KZ2 LBP and so on ! The rep told me like the rep at CES said Most AAA PS3 games will run in 3d once the firmware comes out and new games will have 3D built into it in the future

5289d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Can't wait for this game! I'm betting it's in third Person ! If not oh well I'm still buying it day one

5291d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What ever dude ! Sony just getting warmed with the PS3 ! you've got the best exclusives to date and more killer first party to come , move coming , PSN preminum announcement and 3D gaming will cemente bluray format ! I was lucky enough to go to CES this year and after playing Wipe out HD in 3D , it was AMAZING and people in front of me were handing me the glasses and said it's the future for sure . So If MS thinks Natal and there hacked looking natal games are going to touch PS3 3D gaming the...

5293d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Natal is going to "Move" me LOL ! will see

5293d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Game is broken and over hyped garbag ! Bad Company 2 blows this away hands down

5294d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

After seeing 3D today myself at a local Sony Style store ! I was sold on it and put my name
on the list when there ready for sale ! Cause 3D movie/gaming is going to move me
. No pun intended :) so we have this year form Sony is MOVE , 3D Gaming , PSN Preminum announcement and who know what Theyll have for E3 ! When know what MS will have , Halo Repeat YEPPPPIIEEE

5295d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I say it's coming due to Natal and that MS is going with there next Console till 2012/13 or if BluRay fails and DMD Takes off so they don't have to give into bluray ! Just a opinion and nothing more but built in Wifi and Digital optical outlet would make me retire my Elite onther than that I'll keep what I have

5298d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

This one of the many reasons why I buy all my gaming supplys on Amazon , another reason why I won't step foot In a Game Stop anymore

5299d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Please ! The only way it's better than UC2 if it's built on PS3 because of Blu-Ray and the Cell , DVD 9 won't cut it I'm afraid , and I don't care which console your a fan of , facts are facts , look how Splinter Cell Conviction was suppose to show what the 360 can do ! Yay right 576p choppy framerate , Clunky controlls , screen tearing and so on. I'm not a fanboy at all , I play both consoles daily but realisticly the 360 was a 4/5 year life span and now it's showing it's age , time for a ne...

5300d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

The XB is out of gas and it's old tech is showing it's age ! Look at the Conviction choas ! Soppose to be what the 360 can do ?! My @ss ! I used to love XB and XBL but after 4 system failures and watching MS hold back the indrustry with there wallet , I'm all PS3 now , it's such a better system from high tech hardware and SUPERIOR exclusives , I'm might turn it on when Halo Reach comes out "maybe"

5301d ago 2 agree14 disagreeView comment

After playing the demo , I'll wait till it's under $30

5302d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

What ever Sony brings out , it's fine with me

5303d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment