CRank: 5Score: 2730

i reckon you're one of those people that no one wants to watch movies with. I bet you just had plain old baths when you were a kid, no toy action figure fights or bath tub boats etc. must suck going through life being so critical because you're imagination and mimzey never fully developed as a child. the whole point was joel/drake had heart and a unheard of strong will and stubbornness to not give up no matter what the odds were, believe it or not stories have been told in our reality...

3588d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Spoiler :

hope its the last of us 2 considering the ending and the fact that its even more popular than uncharted and that game could its fair share of sequels. I want to see 16 year old ellie cause joel problems when she finds out the truth and runs away.

3589d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

well now that uncharted 4 is the last uncharted game they have an opening for their second studio. IMO i hope after the last of us remastered releases they use the knowledge they got from porting to ps4 then go balls deep into developing the last of us 2 for ps4 with that ending they have too really. would crash bandicoot be considered an AAA? other than that naughty dogs other studio game could be anything.

3589d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

dude have you played the beta lol, games a complete joke nothing but a bf4 expansion pack yet they're trying to tell us its worth the price of a full game...please enlighten me to how that in any way shape or form could be considered as doing good by gamer's.

game looks and plays worse than bf4 lol how did they manage to mess up a reskinned game. just absolute lazyness. game should have been built from the ground up, because now it sufferes from a major identity crisi...

3595d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

don't worry about it you're not missing out on anything. games just a regurgitated bf4, even looks and plays like vomit...dl'ded the pc beta played it and its garbage has zero identity its just an bf4 expansion pack. EA is a money grabbing joke.

3595d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

games crap such a bf rip off has zero identity besides a reskinned bf. doesnt matter how much work they put into it its not going to be worth the price of a full game. all it is, is a bf4 expansion and thats it. even though compared to bf it looks worse and plays worse.....

3595d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

the potential for this game to be epic is huge....Cant wait to play this game on pc and ps4...

3602d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

haven't you xbox fans learned from titanfall's mentally challenged ai yet lol. still so naive about the harsh reality about putting big game features like intelligent A.I into an architecture that's performance varies solely on a variety of ISP speeds ranging from great all the way to horrible. cloud is a gimmick thought we all figured this out a long time come on guys get you're logic together and stop hoping on something that is 110% hopeless.....starting to get re...

3603d ago 12 agree8 disagreeView comment

whats with the disagrees lol i envy those 6 people that obviously had no issues running watchdogs in sli on ultra with ultra texture in 1080p with motion blur with 8Xmsaa and 4xTSAA. must be great wonder why the worst runs his mods at 2xTSAA. i guess all those people on ubisofts forums being told to turn sli off and turn down settings on 5000 dollar rigs are just unlucky....after gta 4 on pc dont know why you pc gamers arent weary about gta 5 on pc lol. theres a 50/50 chance rockstar blows it...

3604d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

seems risky are you sure you dont want to pirate it first to see how it performs. than buy it if its not a disaster, don't you remember what happened with gta 4 on pc and than what just happened with the pc release of watchdogs. theres a seriously high chance this vrm leak on pc could be contagious this gen esp for open world games, and if your counting on sli that might be an issue aswell.I dont think rockstar have earned themselves the preorder guarantee on pc yet. they're no CD pr...

3604d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

if gta 5 next gen and pc sells as much as i think it will, rockstar has to use all that money to make a red dead revolution spin off or sequel or something with that western atmoshhere for ps4, xbox one and pc. need more western games. hell even a red dead revolution remake for next gen consoles and pc with some dlc maybe an alternate ending would be awesome. hope gta 5 next gen remaster does well so rockstar seriously considers a red dead next gen and pc remake or sequel, spinoff.

3604d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

@WMANUW umm how about you play any game on the panisonic ZT60 than tell me gaming on plasma isnt good you're full of crap and you're stuck living in the plasma dark ages. playing infamous second son on the ZT60 was incredible. use the vita with the oled screen than the lcd lol lcd is rubbish in comparison....if OR picked OLED for gaming it means its the best sony just picked lcd because it was cheaper. lcds arent as good as you make them out to be...OLED tvs are the future and lcd are...

3605d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

dont wear clothes get a anti static bracelet lol,take you're time, have fun lol.

3606d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

silly aibreeze fps caps is for consoles....needs to have no fps cap considering my rig can run battlefield 4 on ultra at 144fps.....if a pc game has a fps cap esp at 60 means its obvious console port true pc games have no fps cap. vsync works just fine. also if your rig is to powerful it bottlenecks and runs crappy cause gpus run the best when they're pushed t their limits.

my biggest thing is sli optimization and please no vram leak 3gb should be enough esp with sli.

3606d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

no they changed it for production yields.(hence the price drop bundled with the lcd psp that was incredibly oversaturated and washed out ) there's ways around burn in. the morpheus has to be oled. it cant give the OR that kind of edge early on. i dont know about you but id rather not have to put up with the pc elitiest bragginng about the fact the OR has less blur and how lcd sucks for VR

3606d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

would you like stutters for a downgrade because thats what watchdogs got. would broken sli be cool with you aswell as 4 gbs of vram draw. ubisoft are full of crap lol everything they said about ac 3, ac 4, watchdogs there saying about the division and look how all those games turned out. dont act like downgrades are ubisofts only problem. id love to play ac game were looking up down left doesnt cause a fps drop to 10 for no reason or how on ultra watchdogs stutterers while at 60 fps with gsyn...

3608d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

if i was ubisoft id stop worrying about downgrades and make a game sttutter free on pc with decent sli profiles, and i dunno maybe optimize for 3gb gpus instead of 6 gb gpus. watchdogs is still broken even after the first patch same goes for ac 4 and far cry has sli stutters and crashes still so really all there is to do is worry. laziest devs around. pretty sad when modders can turn on settings that ubi turned off for performance issues and still end up with better performance than ubisofts ...

3608d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

buying a system for fighting game is ridiculous imo lol and i was huge killer instinct fan on n64 lol fighting games are so one dimensional. good for short bursts of fun but get old real fast.

3609d ago 11 agree9 disagreeView comment

there is a solution.....

1. let steam handle the drm and achievements.
2. make great games that actually work on high end pc's.
3. optimize, optimize, optimize, and some more optimize.
4. dont make a game that cant run on ultra with the best single gpu card available , without atleast optimizing sli/crossfire.
5. Remember 3gbs of vram for pc is fine if you actually put some effort into it, im sure witcher 3 devs can give you some tips... <...

3613d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

look everyone i played the beta on ps4 and as much as ill flat out admit that ps4 is more powerful than the xbone i have absolutely no problem with destinys framrate was quite smooth actually smoother than killzone shadowfall campaign. no console whether it be ps4 or xbone could run destiny at 60 fps 1080p. im totally against the parity clause ms has but in this case especially after playing the beta and seeing how vast destiny is and how smooth the frame rate was i really think its not an i...

3615d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment