

CRank: 5Score: 9460

I have faith on Sony's first party developers,but not too much on 3rd party.Let's just hope they don't create shovelwares like in Wii,especially Ubisoft or whoever publishes those imagine games.

5212d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

At first,i didn't have any faith at all in this motion controller thing, but after today's conference i decided to get it 1st day. I was afraid it would turn out like wii with their annoying wired nunchuck and also little support for hardcore games like killzone 3 or socom 4. After I saw the socom's demo,i'd convinced myself to support sony in this motion thing. I just hope that they don't get distracted too much by Playstation Move and forget about other thing,like the "real" games...

5212d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just beat my first playthrough. The story is awesome, it's so rare to find this kind of game nowadays which offers great story. I was surprised with the killer honestly,but don't worry because I won't spoil anything :). Yes,there are some issues with the game(but I didn't get any freezing problem or audio, just screen tearing maybe twice during my last 5 hours) but PS3 owners who want to enjoy something different than RPG or FPS must get this game. Off to get different endings now :p

5224d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

yea, no Parasite Eve. That game is a gem I think. I really love the storyline. I think 15 of my 25 top PS1 games are all RPG lol. oh yea, also no Megaman Legends. Capcom needs to make the third one.

5244d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Do you have any good reasons saying WKC sucks? Because of what? reviews? I spent 21 hours in WKC already, and guess what? the game is not like those reviewers said. Yes, there are some cons in the game, for example having no attack range and at some point, predictable storyline. Other than that, the game has one of the best skill development I've ever played and many other great stuff. All I'm saying is, at least spend some time in a damn game before badmouthing it. Developers spend years to ...

5244d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

oh well, if you talk about the graphic yes, it's not that impressive. But I always think that a game doesn't make from graphic only. I'm playing FF4 now and although it has 1990s graphic I still enjoy it so much.

5247d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I recommend you to get it man. I just bought it and the game is awesome.

Also, why most reviewers now say "no multiplayer, minus 3 or 4 points"? I know multiplayer is fun, but this JRPG is not the right genre for multiplayer I think (side quests or a small portion is fine,but not the whole damn game). And for the story, I think saving a princess and saving humanity's life are pretty similar, except for one using swords mainly, and one using blaster guns.


5247d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

I know this game won't get a good score like 9/10 in the West(but I didn't expect a 6/10), but I will still get it since I'm a big JRPG fan. I remembered Cross Edge got 4 from IGN and shabby scores from other sites, although the game it's great (8/10 according to me).

5248d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

i already pre-ordered so4,ff13,n wkc. yakuza 3 and resonance of fate probably in may or june (heavy rain comes first). Now where the hell are tales of vesperia n last remnant(damn u enix)??????

5254d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

On a second thought, 360 can keep this game. I hate pay to play MMO (just my opinion).

5256d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've been waiting Monster Hunter(the HD version) in PS3 for ages, and now it's exclusive for 360?nooooooooo

I hope it will be multiplatform soon.please please

5256d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Install or not, I'll be enjoying this game along with SO4,FF13,and Heavy Rain.(still need to find some money for Yakuza 3 and Resonance of Fate). Early holiday for gamers :)

5256d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

I pre-ordered Heavy Rain,WKC,FF13,Star Ocean 4,and will get Yakuza 3, Last Rebellion, and Resonance of Fate in April and May. Then GOW3 and MAG,and ModNation Racers in August or September. Also Gran Turismo and Last Guardian if it happens to be released this year.

5260d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was in the beta last year, and in my opinion this game is great. Loners and campers will have a hard time in this game (I believe). Unfortunately, not 1st day purchase to me. I want to take a break from FPS for at least 6 months.

5268d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

especially when I first bought Dualshock when it first came out with RE2 DS Edition. It was epic

5275d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

don't forget parasite eve. One of the best games in Playstation

5275d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

I miss the good old squaresoft.

5275d ago 17 agree0 disagreeView comment

but seriously, won't it be weird if you have to play games like fps or rpg type using either of them,especially fps? For sports or casual indie games perhaps.I will stick with my dualshock 3,good to go for most games. Nothing can't beat a joystick in my opinion.

5275d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just bought Indigo Prophecy,Evil Genius,Rome:Total War, and The Secret of Monkey Island for only $12. What a deal. Now I only need to wait for special deal on Left 4 Dead or Left 4 Dead 2 XD.

5290d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah,I have the Battlefield 2 demo and it's awesome. Not sure though if I'm going to get it since I have a long list for next year(especially March). Anyway, we can't forget both Bioshock 2 and Mass Effect 2.They have the potential to be great games also. More or less, next year will be a great year for gamers

5300d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment