Trying to squeeze in some game time around work and family is tough


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i have both consoles and i have played gt5 p and to be honest the cars look stunning but as foreverything else ie physics gameplay FUN online it pales in comparison hopefuly gt5 will rectify this because gt is only reason i hav a ps3. prolouge was a huge disapiontment it has the same backgroung graphics as gt4 the engine noises dont sound real the tyre noises dont sound real and as for physics you only hav to look at a replay of an f1 car to no there average at best i meen the suspention trav...

5458d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ive got both consoles and i have got gt5 p the only reason the cars look a little bit better is because the background detail and track detail is ps2 at best as a hole package forza 3 looks better the background and track detail aswell as the cars look stunning polyphony digital hav done it wiv evry gt huge car detail sacrafice the back ground detail and the sound effects are average aswell they sound tinny in comparison wiv forza face it gt has lost its ground

5466d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i have both consoles gt5 pro does not compare to forza 3 the back ground detail in gt5 pro is ps2 at best forza 3 looks stunning the engine noises in forza are better so are the physics and this is coming from some 1 who has played granturismo 1 through to the very latest. gt lost its crown as soon as forza 1 came out its a shame these fan boys dont actually go and play forza 3 instead of looking at screen shots im sure they would have a different view

5475d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

maybe possible on the xbox 1 million and 360. but i doubt well see graphics like that for a long while yet

5532d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

although these screens look stunning i have to say that i never played forza 2 because of the graphics i played it because the handling was fantastic the damage the customization options the online play it was a better racing game than anything out here now they hav improved the graphics its now looks as good as gt5 and plays better with more features oh and i dont like the rewind feature they hav put in it its supposed to be a sim

5586d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

first of all let me tell u y granturismo 5 looks as gud as it does no damage modelling i garuntee u if polyphoney put damage in granturismo the graphics will not be as gud as prolog it takes up so much processing power forza 3 looks amazing and it has damage modeling so lets se if the fabled gt5 has it i yhink not and they call it the real driving simulator its not bin that since forza 1 and i shud know ive had evry granturismo up until 4 then i played forza nuf sed

5590d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

cant believe forza 3 didnt get a mention this game is going to be amazing and blow gt5 out of the water and this is coming from a granturismo fan so none of u ps3 peaps take offense

5590d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

first off all all u pc geeks going on about graphics we are fully aware that the graphics will be slightly better on pc but guess what we dont care. second hav u noticed that as soon as there is a great looking 360 game coming u get the ps3 fanboys saying there just screen grabs i played the first so i know how gud its guna look it wil rival anything on ps3

5592d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i have an 32' lg 1080p tv and before i got the hdmi cable was playing at 720p as soon as i switched to hdmi 1080p i could tell the difference the colour was sharper the picture was far better i think it depends on the tv u hav mate

5592d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i dont see how microsoft can release a new console without some form of new disc wether it be blu ray or this disc they say can hold 1000 times that of a dvd9 but i do think downloadable games will play a big part in the next gen this generation has proved great games can be done on dvd9 u can download high def films on xboxlive so i dont think the 360 will get a blu ray add on but next gen definitley

5592d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and another thing all these people saying 9/11 was a conspiracy stop talking out of ur rear end.

5596d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

if they did do a game on 9/11 it doesnt hav to be a negative take on which was a very sad thing to see in my opinion they cud base the game on the emergency services who bravely went into the towers to save people. i mean how many millions died during world war 1 and 2 and yet weve had loads of games based on the subjects i dont see y we cant hav a game based on the events of 9/11 aslong as its tasteful and we dont play as the coward terrorists id buy the game the money raised cud go to the f...

5596d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

some of the best games of this generation are multi platform cod 4 gta4 the darkness far cry 2 bioshock so whats ur point oh sorry u hav killzone 2 a halo wanabe ok it looks good but isnt a patch on halo 3 gameplay wise granturismo has been surpassed by forza and metal gear solid 4 will be blown away by splinter cell once again oh and theres the small matter of alan wake u dont hav gears mass efect ill stick with my 360 thanks

5596d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

if they show forza 3 ill be happy

5596d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i played crysis alot on my friends 500 pound pc which is far from the best u can get. all the settings were on high or very high the only setting he coudnt turn up was the aa which even that was at x6 which is more than what both consoles can manage and it looked stunning and im not saying killzone 2 is a bad gamne it looks amazing i actually want to buy a ps3 now but in my opinion cod4 is the better game its not as technicly stunning as kz2 but it not a bad looking game. and to say its old n...

5597d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

im not a cod fan boy i just love fps in general halo 3 halflife 2 the darkness crysis riddick i love all these games but for me cod 4 is the best the online is stunning the perk system will be copied by other games but never betterd the veriaty of guns is amazing the controls are the next best thing to a mouse and key board ther so responsive and accurate and even tho the killzone 2 is supposed to be the best thing since sliced bread cod 4 and 5 are still the most played games online and the ...

5597d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

it has to be vice city its still the best grandtheft auto ever it was perfect can u imagine it with next gen graphics

5597d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

lets get 1 thing straight killzone 2 is a good looking game but as a whole package call of duty 4 is still the daddy and if modern warfare 2 manages to improve it just a little bit then it will be nothing short of amazing i mean how long has cod4 been out now and its still one of the most played games online and i garuntee u ps3 boyz will forget about killzone 2 and you will be playing modernwarfare 2 online and for me crysis is still by far the best looking shooter there is killzone 2 just d...

5597d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

i wish people would stop going on about killzone 2 it looks like its ruuning in black and white the textures are avererage and they hide it with fancy lighting the only high rez textures are on the guns and dont even talk about blu ray the orange box proved that dvd9 is still capable of storing massive games 5 to be exact oh and wait till alan wake cums out that will show what the 360 can do when some time is spent getting the 360 to perform no game has made it brake sweat yet

5603d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

oh my god you are all so pathetic ive never played killzone 2 as i am a 360 owner but i can say it looks fantastic. mass efect for me is still one of the best looking games on the 360 but i didnt enjoy the game it was just to repetitive. the only reason people bad mouth games is because they are idiots same goes for the ps3 owners who say halo 3 is a bad game. anyone whos played nows its fantastic as is gears of war 1 and 2 and all you people who jump to defend killzone 2 are just feeding the...

5605d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment