CRank: 5Score: 16460

he didn't flip it upside down, look again. he moved to to be in the vertical position, 90 degrees right. to stand up and have the disk tray at the top, just like in all the pictures. All systems I've seen other than xbox 360 don't have stickers saying don't move while disk is playing. ps3, pc drives, there's no stickers like that.

i work in the computer industry and haven't seen a dvd/cd tray drive that couldn't be moved while spinning for ...

5214d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

for every other multiplat game there is always 2 different scores from the same reviews, if there is in fact noticeable differences, usually the ps3 being lower.

Yet with this game, even though the world knows the 360 version is inferior, every site scores them identical. Now why is that? I think it's bullshit, ppl just don't want to accept the fact that PS3 is hitting it's stride and the xbox fellas are beginning to realize they are in for one hell of a fight.


5311d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

when ever they start actually developing for the ps3 i'll start buying their stuff on it.

clearly it's shown that some of the best looking console titles have been on the ps3. killzone, uncharted 2, god of war 3, gran turismo 5. Obviously the ps3 isn't that bad to develop for. they were going by money, the fan base was too small to invest, and they thought MS was going to win the console war. It's no way over. I played portal on xbox. really the only thing i played from the...

5316d ago 2 agree10 disagreeView comment

i don't believe that was a good thing. I want to go play my games and enjoy them. i don't want to listen to your music in the background, your kid crying, your wife yelling at you, or the 5 year old trash talking everyone in the room cause he's up past his bed time.

First thing i do is mute everyone in the room unless i know them, that way i can actually enjoy my experience online. If i want to talk, i turn the mic on for friends only. and most times u go out and buy the wirel...

5319d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

i agree, save games in the cloud and I'd buy. I've had my ps3 corrupt on my a few times now, each time i hadn't backed up my saves. sucks, lesson learned.

also maybe make trophies dynamic more, instead of manually having to sync. ala gamer score on xbox, u don't have to sync, it just does.

I'm sure they could do more dynamic themes with subscription, maybe better avatar selection.

5319d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

it's actually the other way around, slow mo it, it's zeus ramming kratos into the wall.

5338d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm a huge gow fanboy i can admit that, but that trailer wasn't anything special with the amount of buildup it had. It was a great trailer, dont get me wrong. But it was not legendary by any means. The games going to rock, and i've got my collectors pre ordered for day one.

but waiting that long, for that little glimpse of stuff we've already seen. not really worth the hype.

watched a couple more times, slo mo'd it, it is pretty bad ass. guess i...

5338d ago 10 agree11 disagreeView comment

it doesn't matter how they compare, crap vs crap is still crap. and thats all this game is. the demo was horrible. i'm sure the rest of the game is as well. on either system.

5359d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sorry but tons of great games came out in the time it took to get the first and the second dlc released. if it's not like a 1-2 months max then my interest is long gone onto other great games, and i'm not likely to go back to it once i'm done. I'd rather keep the groove going than jump out of another game to play some dlc.

5403d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

was not expecting that kind of comment. I figured it was bash GT some more.

I'm sure forza 3 is great, and i'll give it a rent but according to VGChartz the series has a lot of catching up to do.

Forza Series - 5 Million sold
GT Series - 50 Million sold
GT5:P - 3 Million sold...on a demo with what 20 cars and 5 tracks?

i'll peg forza 3 at about 5 mil shipped.

when GT5 come out in march, we'll see how many units it ca...

5453d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

even the video they put up on the psn store for MW2 was the 360's footage as they just greyed out the buttons on the screen, so you couldn't see them.

what a joke....i too am leaning towards not getting it from all the bs going on. I even have both consoles, so i could get the *best* copy but i would get it on ps3 anyways, as i use it and like it the most.

5456d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

i didn't know you could leave black skidmarks in sand. apparently forza 3 is so good it laughs at the laws of physics (28s mark). last time i saw a car spin out in sand/gravel it certainly dind't leave black marks.

5465d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

start putting them right on the game disk for people that buy their games, or have it unlock the theme for free on the store. Sort of like batman did with the home space or even make them pre order bonus. Pre order our games and get the free dynamic theme.

that would be nice. Still have them on the store for people to buy that dont get the game/preorder etc.

5485d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

rented to play, it was so bad i played it out of spite. It is easiely the best trophy/achievement booster game. 12 gold trophies, 10 to complete chapters, 2 for play on med and hard. so one play through on hard, which is not hard at all. and you have every trophy/achievement.

cover system was not horrible. but the rest blew chunks.

5496d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is it better that they were upfront saying, this is exclusive for PS3 until this time,


saying nope this title is totally exclusive, and a year later going, oh btw, we're releasing it now on the other system, gotcha!

5584d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"but I think Arkham asylum will be better played on 360 seeing as UE3 doesn't really fit the ps3 that well"

Unreal Tournament 3 is UE3 on the PS3 and it looks great. don't really think that point fits. I've played UT3 and it looked and played great.

Hopeing batman does the same, excited for that game.

5667d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Had no problem with it being more, as i bought the package anyways. The car is worth the money,even if you buy it solo. it's amazing.

5691d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I would have been nice to see how many people voted in the pole. It could have been 20 ppl and 10 of them liked GTA4..

Personally i traded GTA a long time ago, it was alright but didn't draw me in like i had hoped. I'm in no means caring about the exclusive content, and i think its a long time to wait. Look at all the other great games that have come out since, and are yet to come. Not many are going to head back to play DLC when they have brand new full games to play an...

5765d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Stop worrying about things in a game, worry about the things that happen in real life. You know the things that go on ourside your starving, genoside, poaching.

If you want to voice up over something, put it to a real cause that needs addressing. not Wow. I'm sorry but when was the last time you saw a cow walking on his hind legs outside carrying a 8foot sword? exatcly.

5781d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't understand what took so long for this to happen. I had a 360 for 6 months and got a RROD twice. i've since sold the replaced unit because i was sick of the unreliablity. I remember playing GH3 one night, turned off the unit. Next day turned it on to play a divx that ps3 wouldn't. and it was Red ringed. no warning. kinda dumb.

Anyways what i dont understand is why everyone is a glutton for punishment. Would you buy a car again that the transmission failed for you...

5822d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment