CRank: 5Score: 860

Stop talking to me Jin Boy. You azz crumb. hahahahahahahahah How you not talking to me but you are. You immature little scrub. Get OUT for the last time Boy. Just for that Imma post a piece of the NCAA review from Gamepro...sure it don't benefit me but it'll sure piss you off...Hahahahahahahahahah

Quote from Gamepro.com

NCAA 07 Football knocks us flat with flawless graphics and some of the best sports gameplay ever.
Although the franchise is one of gami...

6637d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You tell them boy. Here is a link of that crappy game. Stupid xbots. ahahahahahahahahhaha Suckers....hahahahahah.... Gamepro.com was stupid for giving the game a 5 out of 5 stars. What do they know about games. hahahahahahah


6637d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thats right Jin and juice. You fruity little boy. Only you would know I'm a child molestor...hahahahahah...I thought it was our little secret boy. Now Tell them xbot 1.5's whus da deal. hahahahahahahah They soon will all feel the power of the ps3. And boy why you talkin bout taking them back. If they choose the superior 360 I know they ain't neva coming back to my crappy contraption. I'm just glad I got you boy. Jin boy. Thats right boy. Stroke my ballz. I'm the KING OF THE HILL. ...

6637d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Boy I'm old enough to be your grandpa. Shut your mouth and stand at attention when Sony Boss is in here. You are a traiter anyways. You said you own a 360. You betraid your allegance to Sony. And you are disowned boy. Now pack your sh1t and get out of my basement you little rodant. Living in my basement with the cokkaroaches and playing that stupid 360. Knowing your grandpa sweat blood to make the crappy ps3 blu ray contraption. You looser boy. You snitch. I saw you with the rest o...

6637d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That Real Deal is a real thorn in my ballz. Thanks for taking it out with your lips and tongue. Your the best. I love it when you do that. You are so talented with your mouth XbugTerminator. Why don't he just leave us alone and stop making us look stupid. Damn you Real Deal.

6637d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


now did you see the extemely detailed charactor models and lighting effects? Can the 360 do that? Noooooooo


6637d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Poor exposion effects and lighting. compare this to a ps3 game and you will see the difference in system power.


Now sit there and tell me with a straight face the 360 has better graphics. By the way the game C...

6637d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I could tell these sony retards anything. hahahahahaha can you believe they actually fell for the 4d statements I made. That is hilarious.

6637d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Get a load of this my peeps....


Look at the detailed charactor model and the dull lighting hue and color. Thats what I'm talking about. Now look take a look at a sh1tty 360 game and tell me which looks better. yeah boyeeeeee


Dreamcast never hit the 10 million mark and it didn't even have 5 million sold by the time we launced the ps2. And since I was sleeping with EA at the time....I was able to garner support and have a broader base of games. I'm sooooooo mad this time. EA is sleeping around and showing more love to the 360 and that little wii. Get your parachutes out...we're gonna crash folks. hahahahahahahahah

6637d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Xbox Fanboys are correct. Microsoft has again broke a record. The 360 hit the 5 million mark faster than any console in history. They sold 2.7 million in the USA and 2.3 million to the rest of the world. And 3 million xbox 360 users are online via live Gold. And they dropped the year subscription to live gold to 36 dollars a year. That sucks. They always one up us and we haven't even launched yet.

6637d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I took a dump in the toilet at E3 and I didn't flush it. When I went to wash and dry my hands I saw shadowgamer, XbugTerminator, Gametime, JIN KAZAMA, NJ, and The Truth all crowding around my poop admiring it. Pointing and commenting on how beautiful it looked and smelled. I had to admit I was a little taken back and flustered by there devotion to what I had just produced in the toilet. I love you guys. I need more fanboys like yall. The wierdest thing is that Gametime actually poked hi...

6637d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Blu ray doesn't make games better. It just holds more data for games. But its slow streaming data from the disc to the hard drive or the games at 2x speed. The reason why you need blu ray or hd dvd to play HD movies is because HD movies take up more disc space. Blu ray doesn't magically make games better. And I made the ps3 so hard to program for with such limited allocated ram...lol...games will suck azz. I'm just being honest. I'm the Boss of Sony. If you want to be mad at someone b...

6637d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

We did a taste test with sony fans and this was the results. Brand Loyalty is Great.
We tested 1000 die hard Sony fans with this...

Toilet piss water......0% liked it

Ice cold lemenade......100% liked it

Toilet piss water with Sony labeled on it.....100% liked it.

What did we conclued?

Well....Sony fans will love what ever we give them. So why not push our blu ray product on them and sell it as a high tech...

6637d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

We did a taste test with sony fans and this was the results. Brand Loyalty is Great.
We tested 1000 die hard Sony fans with this...
Toilet piss water......0% liked it
Ice cold lemenade......100% liked it
Toilet piss water with Sony labeled on it.....100% liked it.
What did we conclued?
Well....Sony fans will love what ever we give them. So why not push our blu ray product on them and sell it as a high tech game machine. Its geniou...

6642d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

You want a job? Damn you are good. You can make sh1t look like a pot of Gold. hahahahahaha... Keep up the good work. Boy oh Boy do I wish what you made up was true. That would get all these developers off my back. Why can't they understand. People are paying for potential. Now the truth of the matter is that "potential" will never be realized. hahahahahahah. I just want to get my blu ray format a nice kick start. Sony fans don't buy games anyway. Who cares who's games are...

6642d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


6642d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There are really only about 30 million working ps2's in the market right now. And most of those consumers use it as a dvd player not a gaming system. We have a good 20 million hard core Sony fans. So to sell 1 to 2 million games for Gods of War is right on par of what we expect with that kind of user base. I know, I know, alot of you are thinking. But you said you sold 100 million ps2's. Well kiddies, that is true. But in 6 years many people had to buy at least 1 to 3 to replace broken...

6642d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes the xbox 360 is more developer friendly.

Yes the xbox 360's games will look better than ps3 games.

But a Ps3 is a blu ray player at 600 dollars. Thats 400 dollars less than the stand alone blu ray players. Plus you can play cool games. Sure the 3rd party games will be the same or less impressive as the 360 counterparts. But with the name Sony on it, you could do a side by side comparssion of games and Sony fans will say ps3 looks better just to save face. Even i...

6642d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment
6652d ago