CRank: 5Score: 2100

While I am happy to be getting a new Star Ocean, I can;t help but feel let down because it's going to be ported to the PS4. We are 2 years into the new cycle and it's time to start getting priorities in line, this game could be so much more on PS4. Not to be a bash on people who have not yet joined current gen (360 and ps3 need to be classified as last gen now), but I am just very disappointed in this decision.

3358d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

@Nabbic, Dude you really should speak what you know. Fitness is for all kinds of people. This program is a genius move by MS for the sheer fact that people who don't want to have to drive to the gym that could be 8 or 9 miles away. I mean if you seriously think that P90X and Insanity are for the "Hardcore" gym workout people, you're sadly mistaken. Those programs are all for toning and building LEAN muscle through a method that works very well. Plus you have a person leading...

3920d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree that if you dont want it buy a PS4. I think that this is actually pro developer though. Think about it, if Microsoft can make a profit from used games being sold back to them and deveoplers getting a cut, then thats good! While I am speaking hypothetically because we don't know who the other retailers benefiting from this are, what if Gamestop wasn't one of them? GameStop gives no profit they earn back to developers and used games are their big cash cow. So if developers were ...

4033d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You know you proved my point some what by stating companies who have worked with the Playstation WAY longer than Xbox. Also with those companies you stated that are so gd well two have been almost strictly Playstation. Ubisoft is a development company with more some much money and studios they are able to do it and RockSteady i will admit is freakin awesome, but they have one of the biggest companies backing them, Square enix (no matter how bad they are right now). Rockstar is the same argum...

4216d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just love how people can rag and rag about how Bethesda has screwed them over sooooo much bcz of this. They complain that a time exclusive is just not right. Yet when it comes to other companies like oh idk Ubisoft who are all up Sonys arse and give PS3 all sorts of exclusive dlc ALL the time, its ok then. So first off quiet ya'lls Btchin every company does it. Sony gets there crap and Microsoft gets their crap. You can deal with it or stop playing games bcz gues what? it aint ever gonn...

4216d ago 5 agree17 disagreeView comment