CRank: 5Score: 3050

Eventually consoles won't be able to compete with computers economically. After they die open source will free us all!

3662d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not surprised. I played BF2 religiously, but when their next game didn't even have joystick support I knew that PC had become the bastard platform... I'm done with the franchise at this point. Now it's ARMA 3 and DayZ for my shooter fix.

3681d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's as real as religion so why not.

3687d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

There ya go, blame the victim and perpetuate rape culture you ignorant f#*k!

3711d ago 11 agree4 disagreeView comment

The superior platform argument is really a moot one. Most PC gamers started as consolers, but for the same reason people buy expensive sports cars when it still only gets them from point A to point B, gaming enthusiasts buy expensive gaming PC's when it more or less does the same thing as a console. It's about the passion for performance... but, there is a very real threat to the viability of consoles and that is the fluctuating market.

Consoles only exist because t...

3725d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Waah, waah, PC graphics this, console value that. What happened to a gamer is a gamer is a gamer? It used to be that way until the fanboys started their console occults and of course us PC gamers had to move to our new place among the heavens in Mt. Olympus itself... that was a joke by the way.

What's good for gamers is competition and that's why debating which platform is superior is essentially pointless. They all have a place in today's market. I've o...

3929d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

People seem to be under the general impression that the addiction problem stems from the game when usually it is in the personality of the individual.
If it wasn't WoW it would be something else and you can't help someone anymore than they're willing to help themselves when it comes to addiction.

Her actions clearly didn't do anything to improve the immediate situation and it would be hard to believe, while not impossible, that it lead to any favorab...

5204d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment