
CRank: 5Score: 49930

If that was an official Blizzard artwork I would protest against the way it portrays male elfs!

3031d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

PS3 had this feature in Portal 2 where a PC player could play with a PS3 player.

Look guys, Im not going to be polite and sensitive here, the reason about why its now possible is the fact that Microsoft is losing and SONY is winning this time around!

Last gen we didnt see any of this because MS was very adamant of its "superior" online service. But now, since its losing on the console race, its okay to let others join the party.

3055d ago 9 agree5 disagreeView comment

So... Rohypnol, right?
4 to 5 drops to an all nighter.


3305d ago 15 agree2 disagreeView comment

This is one of those things I have to try myself to believe.

Any type of visor you put in your head to see through is awkward.

One thing that bothers me about this all VR stuff (sony, MS and others) is that I move my eyes regardless of my head position. Perspective is not due to your head position but your eyes. The visor seems to detect head position. FOV "awkwardness" and headaches will ensue.

3325d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I once heard a phrase that said:

"History belongs to the victorious, not the just."

SONY has a plan for its console. They showed it in this E3. Im not into this "who won" argument because to each their own. I was an adamant believer of backward compatibility and bought a launch PS3. Never played a PS2 game for more than 5 minutes on it. I still think it was a great feature for Microsoft to add to its console. But I think it came too late. ...

3326d ago 21 agree4 disagreeView comment

I thought Nier was a really subpar game.
Even though its a sucess in Japan, I dont remember it being to much of a hit in US and EU. Some spinoffs (sequel or prequel) released only in Japan because of this.
Well, I hope its a good game and caters to a new audience and fanbase for a great IP.

3328d ago 3 agree25 disagreeView comment

-Kill a cow with a sword = raw meat
-Kill a cow with Igni = raw meat

Immersion killer for me.


PS: Making sense in videogames (even with humor remarks) is kind of.. uhm... DUMB!

3328d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Puft... spoiled kids...
Last year... bah!!!


3331d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Something like this?


3339d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment


At least a SPOILER tag!!!
As soon as the vídeo start = Huge spoiler!

3339d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Im going on a rant here but even though the graphics dont seem that good in the trailer, it will still be downgraded!

The problem with preview trailers is that people speculate a lot! Like I did above (wink). And half of you wont even read the rest of my post and click disagree.

Thing is, I hope the game is good and has visuals that immerse me in the experience. I played great games with 100 polygons on screen and a pre-rendered background. Thought it was ama...

3340d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

I agree with you though.
The only problema is that my last Fallout experiences werent very smooth on launch day. I played the PS3 versions and glitchs and savegame errors are still present in my memory.

Dont get me wrong, Im still excited about this game, but I prefer to wait a few months till they iron out all the launch problems.

3341d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment


I´ll pass and get the GOTY edition 6 months later.
Thanks anyway.


3341d ago 11 agree55 disagreeView comment

I was hoping it came out today too.

Im really "worried" about their font size adjustment. I cant seem to imagine how it will fit the overall size of the HUD.

The loot pop-us are easy to increase but the rest of the text wont be as easy.

Im really looking foward for this patch since the text size is atrocious small.

3349d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

"Biting the hand that feeds you."

-Publishers send gaming "journalists" gifts and special editions of their games.
-Said "journalist" talks honest and points flaws in games.
-Publishers stop sending special signed editions game that sells for a 1000$ on ebay.
-"Journalist" become sad.

I might be over exageratting but there is some thruth in this.
I usually see some truth in reviews in si...

3352d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only struggle I am having is Reading the small text!

Jesus... cant they make the font size bigger?

I can barely read some of the items. This is fine for PC but for consoles, man... way to small.

3355d ago 13 agree1 disagreeView comment

So, by the amount of data the game downloads on day one, and its the DLC...

Does the physical box copies announce the DLC included in it?!

I mean, if im playing offline, then I wont be able to donwload the DLC announced in the box?

Am I getting this wrong or what?

3410d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sorry. Wrong post.

3410d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Until I see someone with a controller actually playing the game, I wont believe any of this. It looks wayyy too good to be true. Like that first Final Fantasy XIII demo a few years ago that that showed damage numbers during a battle scene. Turns out it was a Full Motion Video with numbers added to it.

I want to be excited for Final Fantasy. Its the franchise that elevated my love for gaming to an art form. But Squenix has let me down way to many times.

3503d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Guys, how about this:

This game isnt something for you!

Maybe its not your cup of tea. Maybe its a story you cant relate in anyway. Will the game be fun? I actually like these types of games. Im not the character I play, Im just the one controlling the shooting. The story unfolds whether or not I take part in it. Ive saved the universe countless of times, Im a good guy, right? Well, I never even walked an old lady cross the street. Game actions dont define my...

3566d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment