
CRank: 5Score: 38570

Halo 2 and Halo 3 betas were pretty much the same graphics as the final product the engine got better but they are not gonna pull a miracle in the last months of development.

Your bragging about the leap between halo games graphics? Thats like bragging that this year truck has gained more horsepower compared to last year version compared to this year and last year Ferrari.

When talking about halo, brag about gameplay not graphics.


5227d ago 6 agree9 disagreeView comment

Kz3 is supposed to be focusing on vehicles and larger scale combat, the ai was pretty smart on kz2, according to most AAA is 90+ meta and Kz2 achieved that and it sold millions. But i agree it is nowhere as mainstream as halo but quite a good game too.

I dont expect a great increase in graphics by the history of halo betas vs final product but it will probably set one last time the gaming standard for twich shooters.

5227d ago 8 agree7 disagreeView comment

I didnt state you were trolling just saying it could be a possibility in this site you never know thats why i wrote "In case your not".

Again you cannot close a story by introducing a whole slate of new characters it had to focus on the already established ones and bring their individual stories and development to a close or reveal entire new sides to them. I would understand the point if there was to be a continuity but at least for now thats the final story of the...

5229d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I read some books and since it doesnt fit my criteria i got the right to say everyone is wrong and i am right. = Pseudo Intelectual Fanboy 101

The story is childish in some of its elements and profound in others but just because you didnt like the medium and form its delivered it doesnt devaluate its quality, your argument is as ridicolous as saying that a film was better than a book because they kept skipping to the good action parts and cut all the dialogue and character de...

5229d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

You dont put a good argument for it not deserving the scores it got. You complain about adjusting the cannon to its own needs however dont present any examples to back up your claim, mgs4 wasnt completely original but neither were any of the past games (Ex MGS1 had elements from MG2, MGS2 was in a big part a recreation of shadow moses (mgs1) etc) and as usual what it introduced into the series was excelent and it made a good job of closing the plot of the series. The plot wasnt entirely orig...

5229d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Raiden uses throwing knives in MGS4 and somehow invokes lightning

5237d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Check the timeline at Doubt it will go to earth it will probably stay in helghan and its probably just helghan winter. The jist of the plot is Vekta/helghan was the midpoint for all interspace travel and were racking in the cash with transit and fueling fees earth saw this as a threat to its supremacy and took vekta.

5237d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its not about micro or sonys revenue but rather all the publishers and game makers that make bigger wads of cash on a console than on the pc. You might say wow but i say oversaturated no other mmo or game on a pc for that matter will get a success as wow anywhere in near future so whats the point of developing first there.

Besides the nubers you site are for the companys as a whole not their game divisions which according to the latest info are profitable and helping their re...

5241d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

MW2 is really a low point on endings. The story was tense and interesting then they made a switch and never took the time to do a decent exposition of the motives beyond a half assed speech at the end and a pretty lousy attempt at recreating the final secuence from MW1 and judging by the infinity ward fiasco its a terible conclusion to the modern warfare series since it added no further insights into soap and mactavish or a clear resolution of conflict.

5244d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

The ending might be long and convoluted but nowhere near MGS2 level whose only redeming feature was that if you understood it you probably have more neurons active than half of the worlds population.

MGS4 wasnt the best ending ever for a single videogame but it was the best conclusion you could have given the entire series wrapping up what many thought to be impossible. And if you redeem gears by its after credit conversation MGS4 kicks ass by the appearance of big boss, his own...

5245d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its an Mgs ripoff and the before credits ending wasnt anything of note, some would even say lackluster.

5245d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

No loud music, distracting conversation or annoying people. I think it would be ok as long as they add Metal gear-short messages and attack markers.

I think id only want:

Formation tab = On your six/three/nine, Form on me and Right above/below you.

Attack tab= Ground attack run, Air assault, Focus on that.

Help tab= Help, Boogey on my six and Receiving AA ground fire.

5258d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

¿You guys up to making an infraestrucutre squadron when it launches?

5258d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Earth is like the Corruscant of the Killzone universe, there are no resources but it claimes tithes from all the colonies. The nuclear fallout has long been dealt with. The only problem is that storywise it would make no sense to have it on earth with the exception of a terrorist plot and killzone is not about peacekeeping bur all out war.

5261d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im willing to go to the bank with that statement.
Sorry Ubisoft you had a chance until you released next to any type of mgs :P

5261d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Modnation Racers, all the multiplats (and console exclusives such as final fantasy 14), all the move games, Everything that released in the first quarter, eyepet the last guardian all the things that have been in development for a while such as Gran Turismo. Besides the unnaunced e3 titles that entuthiast from both consoles always say there will be. I see an extensive range of games low carb maybee you need some carbs to get that thought process going.

5267d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

They set a precedent that theyll kill the 360 with their next console, online included which in the case of the 360 its a really big deal as most of its games are based purely on their online component. They could have looked for other solutions but they decided the original xbox wasnt worth remembering.

5268d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Once more we see who is the master of the stealth genre, both in quality and quantity poor splinter cell fans that cried to the 4 winds and their game didnt deliver.

5268d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

A gag on homophobes and a critic to society. Its really funny that the people that use it as amunnition against him miss the point completely.

5274d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dont think any other developer has this pull on the industry. Everybody wants a piece of MGS.

5274d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment