
CRank: 5Score: 20540

21st FU<K no im soo sick and tired of FU<KING america getting sh!t WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! before rest of the world i mean its not region locked or any thing just stamp it with australian rating agency and FLY the motherfu<ker down here you fu<king <unts

6059d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

wth this has absolutely nothing to do with MGS4 except there was a trailer and a free pamphlet..... 360 will prob get it in 09 or late 09 because they would have to find a way to keep it looking the same and be the same length and still fit in 1 disc

6060d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yea its most likely BS

6060d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

whered you get that from u ass

the 1 and only reason that its a ps3 exclusive is because on that 15 minute demo shown when he controls metal gear markII he uses a ps3 to control it so :-P lol

6060d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

going a little off topic but i dont think we can really 100% or even 80% trust these sales chartz websites example i dont know if its true or not but to me this is ridiculous

on vgchartz they show how much the console sold and how much in each region if you look at the ps3 it says
1.27mill japan
2.26mill america

to me the ps3 being lower in its home country then another is crazy!!!!!!!

please correct me if im wrong with artiles or w/...

6061d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

try these launch titles

resistance 87%
elder scrolls 93%
fightnight 3 83%
motorstorm 84%
call of duty 3 83%

6061d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

go leafs go can you upload them somewhere please

6062d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6062d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

naughty dog is back on top of my fav developer list :D i mean to actually change what your consumers had a problem about in 24 hourz is incredible


6063d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

it doesnt matter people stop the arguing because we all know the proper holder to the term GOW = God of War will surpass anything ever made in gaming when the third installment hits ps3s heck even if by some chance it was a remake of GOW1(even though its not) will be the game of the decade ....


6063d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i know its region locked and all and eu SKUs cant get it but has ANY one TRIED it on a jp SKUs??? just finding out if it works

6063d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

FU(K U SONY!!!!!!!!!!!!
AND naughty dog ... they used to be my fav developer until this stunt

what the fu(k happened insomniac ever pulled this stunt and i bet evry ps3 owner either has or had r&c demo FU(k

6063d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

>can you watch youtube vidz???
>can you play audio simultaneaously thru HDMI and digital????
>loading times faster ????

6064d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

another thing is that most of ps3 exclusives use big sound productions with their foley studios and orchestras or what ever they had i think they didn feel it to be fair when companies such as factor 5 and ninja theory and nughty dog went through all this jus to be cancelled out by metallica or what ever people listen to wile playing...

6065d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i dont really care about the in game XMB but forsome reason it bothers me to see they havnt added that in yet i mean come on it was one of the features shown of a ps3 demonstration and if it made a demo version of the ps3 why couldnt they just release it to retail which they knew is a good thing and major competitor 360 already has ... i mean wouldnt they atleast want to match some of the excellent features 360 has CUMMON SONY GET YOUR SH!T TOGETHER!!!!!!! we are all getting tired of waiting ...

6065d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

most of us ps3 owners have the 60 80 or 20 gig models wich have a like 1% failure rate so we can play at ease with our ps3s wile no matter which 360 you guys have you have to play in fear waiting for the red ring to EVENTUALLY appear and then have to wait 4-6weeks or longer if they run out of boxes to ship them back in LOL then you gotta sit and play wit your fingers ....

and its 40 % of like the 1000 40 gig SKU's sold since its realease

6065d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i hope they make a new jak and daxter its most probably not syarted yet because one the guys from naughty dogthat was on the ign podcast said that they arnt currently working on any other titles at the moment and after uncharted they are taking a vacation... one of the reason i think uncharted took soo long is because one of the dev videos he says they try things and if they dont work they take it out and try until they get something that plays well and suits well... but i deffinately cant wa...

6067d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i dont really care whether it comes on the ps3... even though its potentially awesome its a 40 hour shooter(it seems thats all xbots want and get!!) ps3 has a good enough line up till next year(even though not exclusive still on ps3)
R&C,folklore,CoD4,bladesto rm,assasin,NFS,SoF,WWE,kane& ;lynch,MoH:airborn,time shift,elder scrolls:SI, rock band, time crisis, uncharted, haze,blacksite, blazing angels, orange box and more next year...

i don mind if halo or mass ef...

6068d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

isnt one of their problems that the game is too much like the previous installments... but then they say it might not appeal to those who are not familiar with R&C.... if it were alot like the previous ones it would be better for 1st timers so that they can see how the series plays and mayb get hooked like most other players.

6070d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

R&C 6/10 WHK 5/10 heavenly sword 6/10 folklore 6/10

they seem to like giving ACTUAL good ps3 games nothing higher than 8
i dont care what you say heavenly sword was freakin awesome !!!!!!

6071d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment