
CRank: 5Score: 13460

Yeah, the numbers will speak for themselves. More idiots are gonna buy CoD, that's all there is to it.

4814d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

People living in North America should pirate this, not import it. Why would anyone make an effort to import and have to pay 10-15$ extra while they're too lazy and won't make an effort to release it here.

4826d ago 7 agree8 disagreeView comment


1.) So? Probably most of the 360 in that year broke anyway.

2.) Not basicly the same graphics, the 600$ console is far more powerful then the 400$ one.

3.) The 360 also had a horrible selection for the first year, so did the wii.

4.) PSN is basicly the same as XBL, except you fools actually pay, we don't.

5.) We got free stuff out of it, while Microsoft wouldn't have given you anything and would h...

4828d ago 13 agree11 disagreeView comment

Fact #1: Sony already started adding the free PSN+ time to accounts, why do it if it's not gonna be up for another week? They will have to add another week if they screw this up.

Fact #2: Sony can't even meet their own deadlines. Don't listen and trust to anything, even if they're the one to say it, it's likely they are wrong themselves.

Fact #3: Sony are incredibly stupid. The fact that they have handled this situation so poorly and that ...

4869d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

His actions didn't bring this up, Sony's actions did. Yes, Geohot played around in otherOS, but what the guy did was completely useless and wouldn't have amounted to anything.

THen Sony removed OtherOS for some reason that is still unknown today and pinned the whole thing on security.

The way they're suing that guy in germany, Graf_chokolo, is not normal. They're going really far to keep Linux out of the system. Way too far, considering th...

4895d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Developpers are a bunch of greedy people. People wouldn't pirate your games if they weren't so expensive to begin with. Not only are they expensive, but the price are uncessary, you could still make profits if they were 20$ cheaper.

It'S like gas, the gallon is freaking expensive now but they could still make profits even if they sold it for way cheaper.

All they want is money, more money always.

4914d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

The iphone isn't even a gaming device anyway. It was made for other purpose with gaming as nothing but an option. Can't compare to the 3DS or the upcoming NGP who were made for gaming with other optional stuff like music.

4915d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Beside, why would pirates update? You don't need to update when you,re a pirate, any games can be made to work on any firmware. Same for the ps3, even game that need 3.56+ can easily be made to work on 3.55. Same for the Wii, you could still be on 1.0 and play 4.3 games.

Only reason to update would be to play online, but then you'd obviously get banned anyway.

4915d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Anything made before Squaresoft merged into Square-Enix is better then what they make now. By anything, even the crappiest game they made ebfore the merger is better then the ebst game they do now.

Also, Wada is the japanese version of Bobby Kotick. He can't take a hint that he is ruining the whole company. What surprise me is that his employees are dumb enough to not just make a coup and have him fired.

4915d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Serve Sony right. They're trying to prevent people to do what they want with the product they own. Yeah Sony, we own your ps3 if we bought it, both software and hardware, even if you say otherwise, you're wrong.

At this point, I hope something worse happen to them. Geohot winning this case is a sure thing, that I don't care. However, when they try to send a message like that to their consumers, it's unforgivable.

If they were to get their way...

4919d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

You people haven't realized two things.

First, Geohot didn't run away, he is taking a vacation he planned since november. The guy doesn't want to let some lawsuit he is obviously gonna win run his entire life.

Second, the guy in this article didn't do any piracy, all his work is Linux related. Next time, before bashing him, how about you inform yourself.

4927d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

He actually hasn't run away. There is no other sources. The site the hackers frequent would be all over this if it happened.

4931d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

I hope everyone here realize they've been commenting a troll article, because the guy didn't leave the country.

That article is nothing but a big fat pile of lies and looking at the source, completely unreliable.

4931d ago 0 agree9 disagreeView comment

Well, there is no better foot heater then the 360.

4934d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

They can but that's not what they're gonna do.

Erasing accounts would be pointless, everyone can make as many as they want, so they won't waste their time doing that.

4996d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

They can ban your console, but they can't prevent you from playing offline.

4996d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

They won't ban your account, since that would be pointless, you can make as much as you want. Guess hackers will be able to log back in with their original account and have all their trophies when they decide to buy a second ps3 and stay legit. They will ban your console.

If by locking your console, you mean brick, no they won't, they can't do that. If you get banned, you can still play offline.

4996d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

They will ban hackers, but then hackers will buy a second ps3, log in with their account, play online and have all their trophies.

They will only ban the console, not the account.

4996d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Sony, it only does Lawsuits.

4996d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So, can sony do anything else other then suing people now?

4997d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment