
CRank: 5Score: 140

Here's my perspective if xbox360 represents dreamcast and ps3 represents... well ps2...
If you look at dreamcast to ps2, ps2 had better graphics, and stability even though it was being compared to launched titles to dreamcast's developed over time games. If you look at Xbox 360 games which was developed over time compared to Ps3 launch games, Xbox 360 games creams ps3 games in looks and stability (read too many reviews saying that ps3 games have too many bugs and unstablity). So in ...

6511d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Well the fact that there is nearly 800 comments on one stupid trailer for ps3 can be well said... Their constant bashing and stupid comments on EVERY ps3 articles (I could not find one article on this site that wasn't bashed that was ps3 related). If they weren't so afraid, 360 owners would be more focused on their own games and 360 related news. Seriously why bash ps3 when you could enjoy 360 in front of your tvs? Is ps3 scaring you fanboys that badly? Thus I conclude 360 owners are alr...

6631d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you go to (US Version) and type PS3 in the search, you'll find that the pre-order prices are $60. And if you do it for Wii, you'll find that they are currently at $50 =)

6638d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Valve is making FEAR sequel for PS3... so Valve being exclusive is false...

6667d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment