
CRank: 18Score: 89600

I think its obvious that to get Podcasts approved on N4G you need to have sock accounts.

As i've submitted my podcasts as content and they fail approval.
So yea, they're you go.

5838d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why do people overlook the PSP...

5838d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But the game developers & publishers would lap that up without question.

I hope it doesnt happen.

5838d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Microsoft's strategy will be to get the new tech on the marketplace first. But if they look at the Wii past the gimmicks you'll find allot of Nintendo fans are content with their current generation of graphics. It wouldn't suprise me if you see the next wave of consoles with mega storage devices and releasing retail releases for download. Depends on how broadband and hard drive sizes pan out over the next five years, but the disc maybe dead before u know it.

5839d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


People worrying about how powerful a system is.......
How about more innovation, more unique gameplay experiences.

I only see the innovation in the direction of PS3 at the moment...

The Last Guy
Little Big Planet
Pixel Junk Eden....

5839d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

The main reason i'll be getting any games I want to play online in the future on the PS3 is simple...It's now a stable environment and its free.

It annoys me that Microsoft make you pay extra and the fact it alienates its silver subscribers by making them wait even longer for a demo..charging users for themes when they are free on the PSN..

The fact they screw over the indie developer when indie's release a game on XBLA. Least Jonathon Mak (maker of everyday sho...

5839d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Playstation Portable

5839d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I produce content on YouTube to a smaller audience and make allot more sense than what you do and i'm also a more reliable source. Geez...I'm more interested to know how Baja came out with little to no marketing and released the same day as Pure wtf was that bout!

5839d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Get the fxck off this website. PS3 fanboys, 360 fanboys, Wii Fanboys...your dumbing down this website completely.

5839d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Can't sony just release GT5
I don't think they were expecting the success of Forza 2
i just wish they'd get this game out on the shelves instead of stupid graphics teasers. I knwo for a fact it won't be as "enjoyable" to play as Grid!

5839d ago 5 agree16 disagreeView comment

So where are they going to put all the CPU fans to stop the overheating? I very much doubt this comes to fruition, besides most people will only buy one if their current 360 breaks...

5839d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You are a tool....
who has as much tactile as a public masterbator..

5839d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The UK get screwed more than any other country maybe except for Australia which for some reason anything electronic over there and it costs an arm and a leg.

The problem is not the precept of the gamestore, the problem is the gamestores making a stupid amount of profit on a trade in. Perhaps if one of these trade websites actually took off well people would trade games with each other and have no need for these stores. The next gen of consoles wouldn't surprise me if they want...

5839d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well whatever is best for the consumer in my books.
Game stores shouldn't screw the consumer with hardly any money back for a trade in, or if they are going to do that give something back to the developer.

It's a difficult one to call...unless there is someway non-commercial way people can trade in their old games, for other games.. most of these swap websites fail to take off, when u'd think it would be an idea that would work and get used....

I dunno......

5839d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If they are thinking of getting Pre-owned stopped they should all go to hell...

Many gamers rely on Pre-owned titles...

I like getting 4 xbox 360 games for £20...
I like bargains

I got Kengo Zero for £5 brand new yesterday

5839d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Waste of time article. Anything from VGWire shouldn't get approved after this, what a waste of time. Absolute waste of time, what an idiot...yes you who posted this... your an idiot.

5839d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL people are fickle...

People bashed the PSP for including this functionality now DS owners want this functionality lol. PSP is a very under-rated portable gaming system which has some of the most unique games made in the industry in the last 20 yrs.

I've got a PSP for my job i do... but I don't play it much because i don't have reason to portable game enough, hopefully these innovative PSP titles get an upscaled HD makeover on the PSN. I'd love to see Crush o...

5839d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think you'll find that a good majority of Hardcore gamers do not like the idea of the dashboard update. To think that Sony fanboys are just flaming this dashboard update is very much an oversight.

5839d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Your idiots to think that PES 2009 will be like PES2008.
PES2008 was a disaster and seabass admitted that. Those
that say FIFA 09 will be the true simulation of football this year
are on crack.

5840d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Konami, I feel and you can quote me on this one if you like and screencap it in case i'm right. Will stick the PES09 demo online the day Fifa releases on October 2nd. What a pot shot that would be.

5841d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment