CRank: 5Score: 1590

1.Crash Bandicoot 3
2.Crash Team Racing
3.Jak and Daxter
4.Crash 2
5.Crash 1

f*** Uncharted and the last of us both have nothing to do with gaming these 2 are more Cinematic Experience Crap

3704d ago 3 agree17 disagreeView comment

this is a big opportunity to show CAPCOM that real RESIDENT EVIL fans want the real RESIDENT EVIL

3704d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

the best fps of all times? , i'm guessing you never played before the PS360WII era.

if this game was released back in the Snes till PS2 era this game would be destroyed before it was even released

we had Half Life , Goldeneye 007 , Time Splitters , Doom , Metroid Prime , Halo , Rainbow Six , Counter Strike , Battlefield (the 1942-2412) , Quake , Wolfenstein , Unreal etc

nowadays gamers have LOW standarts so they think everything release...

3705d ago 5 agree9 disagreeView comment

i would like to have a SOCOM HD collection (Socom 1,Socom2 and Socom3) with the originial Gameplay and Lan Support

or give us Medievil 3 , C12 , Legend of Dragoon , Alundra 3

3706d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

this happend since most of you play just cinematic dumbed down casual hand holding games

3706d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

modern gaming is all about graphics and thats sucks

3707d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

but Sony , microsoft and Nintendo are turning their back to the hardcore gamer and they are embracing the casual gamer #fact

3707d ago 5 agree65 disagreeView comment

so why don't inspire to Carmack About the Story Driven games?

"Story in a game is like a story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there, but it's not that important." - John Carmack

if you downvote me it wouldn't change the fact that you don't like Videogames and everything you care is Graphic and Story Deal With it

you're not a gamer i'm sorry you're just another dumbed down casual gamer

3707d ago 2 agree14 disagreeView comment

i see humanity doesn't need a brain nowadays

here in Sicily you can rent a game for 2.00 Euros for 24hours that's a big deal

not 2.99 or 4.99 for just a miserable 4 hours

Society is Dumbed Down nowadays they do what the marketing tells them what to do.

3708d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

so , you should not hate triple A games that treat you like an Idiot

3708d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

DAT MODERNGAMING MENTALITY , see Moderngamers don't know what a Game should be like
ModernGaming is a shame

3708d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

woow just woow you notice the dumbed down emotion expression when in the most of modern games are the Gameplay which is Dumbed Down

i hope the evil within isn't dumbed down in term of GAMEPLAY.

gamers care more about gameplay than graphic emotion and other crap that doesn't have nothing to do with gaming/gameplay

3708d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

i don't see the point of these features :|

3709d ago 3 agree35 disagreeView comment


Gameplay is all about if the game Handhold you or Not , if the gameplay was Dumbed Down for Casuals or Not , Gameplay is if the game is linear or not, gameplay is if the game has Regen Health or not
this kind of thing is Gameplay

and not a Stupid 1080p / 60fps

3710d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

i'm playing on PC where i don't need to wait Corporation doing their job

3710d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

and you buy a Gaming Console for movies?

i've buy the ps4 with the hope for some hardcore HARDCORE games with challenging , time dedication , learning curves , Longevity and also HArd games.
And not cinematic experience , Hand Holding Crap , Dumbed Down gameplay , linear , regen health , objective marks and other casual noob features like all of y'all are demanding.

3711d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

DAMN, Modern Gaming is no more for Gamers
ModernGaming is for Cinephile and Photographers

Gaming is no more for Hardcore Gamers

3712d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

what is it the Fagstation ? LoL i'm joking

3712d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol now you are gonna see more of DLC ahahahahaha

i'm glad i didn't fall in the Destiny Hype and all of the modern games hype

gaming is not like it used to be , i miss the golden era of gaming and i'm sorry for all the people who didn't play back in the days before the PS3/X360 and WII

i wish that devs and publishers bring back that experience in the modern era.

NES till PS2/NGC/XBOX FTW (we had challenging ,...

3713d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

90's for Life

3715d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment