
CRank: 5Score: 78030

It made Xbox more relevant to me. Now it adds more PC games to my system. I'm a console player through and through. It just opened a new can of worms if you ask me. Now just imagine if steam comes and it looks like it is. Yup Xbox is going to be more relevant then ever.

3016d ago 9 agree17 disagreeView comment

I got it and understand just fine.

3018d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

Its way over a year away. Save for a new 4k TV and then the Scorpio. Even if you late on getting Scorpio you will be happy with a new 4k tv until you save up for the Scorpio.

3018d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Don't forget you can enjoy PC game on your Xbox also. It's not just a one way street.

3019d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I see no hate, I see scared fan boys trying to confuse people. It's very simple really. Have a 4k TV and want the most out of it. Scorpio is for you. Have a plain HDTV Xbox one S is for you. Same games for both. Just pick one that fits your tv

3019d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Why is it that every invent they have for the last year or two they mention steam? It's always in a good light mind you. I just have this feeling there is a secret partner ship still to be announced in the near future! If i had to take a wild guess that I might say Scorpio. This can be wild thinking, but i swear Microsoft has been kissing up to them at every invent for the last year or two.

3019d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think I might. I have two xbox one's now. One on a 4k TV and one on a 1080p TV upstairs and down stairs. Might buy the Xbox one S now and sell one of the old xbox one's to use for my 4k TV. I can take advantage of the xbox one S with 4k video now. Next year I can sell the other Xbox one for Scorpio and switch it to my 4k TV again and be in full 4K glory. Use the Xbox one S for the other 1080p TV later.
The only thing I have to worry about is if and when I sell my 1080p TV f...

3020d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ mechlord

The same way they been doing for years and years with PC. Have a set min specs and a set of max specs. One game with different graphic setting. Only thing different is on this there is no countless in between from low to high setting. So in theory this should be much simpler to code for. One low setting and one high setting.

3020d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Right i see it no different then what is happening right now. All the games are Xbox 1 and PC cross play. PC is pretty much the same game as the Xbox 1 but with greater graphics. Same for Scorpio it will just match the PC version on ultra high graphic settings. Only thing they have to watch out for is locking the frame rates the same across the platforms online so they all the same.

3022d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's been pretty much my take on where they may be going. Or just the Xbox Steam

3027d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Its a same, same. Don't matter who has marketing. Still getting it on the one I choose. Rather it be Sony or Microsoft with the marketing. Means nothing to me when I am buying it. As long as its on the other platform also I don't care whos name pops up at the end of a commercial.

3047d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am going to pass because it was so sluggish and awful looking. There was nothing about it that was enjoyable. However I did love the first Homefront and its MP. It was one of my fav games last gen, but this was straight up bad. There was not one good thing about it.

3070d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

No Disrespect, but to fast and twitch shooter for my taste. I think it will do fine because there is a market for this kind of action, but its just not for me.

3074d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its been ok, but I still feel this Gen is only a bridge to fill in the gap before we get the true consoles we are meant to get in the first place. So far I am happy yet I can feel this Gen will get old very soon. After this year and maybe next years of games. I will be looking at the hopes of new systems. The systems are doing ok for now, but really I can feel it wont be long before I/we are looking at these company's for more.

3084d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I see it as a two way street. Xbox is supporting and buying into PC with a hope PC will start to buy into and support xbox. Xbox games going PC and PC once only games going xbox. They are doubling up if you ask me with both being playable on both systems. Both worlds may have just got bigger with games. Microsoft is making it easier for games to go both ways. Now if PC developers see it only taking a few easy steps in just a few short days to put it on xbox and double their sales. This is a w...

3107d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes, it would be at a lower performance, but will still be the same lower cap of the PS4 and xbox now. So the low will still be the same between the two as we see today. The high will be on xbox only at least if this comes to pass. Unless the other consoles fellow. The low setting will always be equal a crossed the consoles as they are now. So the lower setting and worse performance will still stay the same between the other consoles as we see now. That part wont change, but the higher perfor...

3124d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would love a real End War game.

3152d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Only frame rate drop I noticed in game was going in and out of the darkzone. Lasted only a few seconds while I entered or left and it was gone. Other whys ran nice and smooth.

3158d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Damn didn't know MP vs was not going to be in this. Love coop, but for me and my group gets old pretty fast. Homefront to us was another Battlefield game back in the day with a twist. Got a lot of things right and we enjoyed it very much. Now known its coop only, well might be a gamefly only game and send it back once the coop gets old. Coop is never a long term game!

3161d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I use my xbox One every day. Use it for the TV feature so its on everyday. Play games through out the day everyday. My kid uses it for games and many apps everyday. With all this use I have not done a reset/hard reset on the console in almost a year and a half. Yes first 6 months had to but for the last year and a half its been running great and we use it pretty much every minute when we at home and awake with no need to hard reset.

Not saying I don't believe you might have ...

3179d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment