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Why would they want GTA online on old consoles if they plan to support it like they say? When the PS4 comes out I'll probably never play it if its not on the ps4

3925d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

I hope cant really appreciate the beauty with these consoles.

3925d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Its a great accomplishment but I dont understand why its still selling so well in the US I see no reason to own one anymore they haven't released a good exclusive in a while

3930d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

didn't see any car damage if there is non I'll be very disappointed one of the best things about GTA 4 was the damage physics

3931d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

I barely meet the recommend time for an for a new build next year until then I'll be playing on PS4.

3934d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Downloaded it from steam last night looks amazing and I had fun but would have enjoyed it more but I couldn't get my controller to work correctly will definitely get it on PS4 the game had Playstation button prompts when I was playing lol

3934d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think it will be announced in November or December game informer with a trailer at the VGA's. I hope its only on PC and Next gen systems no cross gen crap.

3935d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I also enjoyed the cut scenes I think most did. But the vocal minority always get what they want and they probably don't even like MGS

3936d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah the xbox was great at the beginning of the generation with exclusive 3rd party game and most multiplats were better on 360 with a year head start and a cheaper price. But the last few years have been meh to me seems all MS cares about is COD and Kinect. I think a lot of that market share is gonna go back to sony maybe not as much as PS2 days

3936d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

They didn't even win this gen with a big head start. I don't think they are gonna stand much of a chance this time with Xbox One after everything thats happened hate seeing the company that really got me into gaming with halo 2 and Live just don't excite me anymore I dont care about kinect or tv since 2010 or 11 they just haven't been the same.

3936d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

I enjoy the game its like Game Dev Story but deeper and a lot more challenging. I suck at it lol

3939d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I like it especially if a good one like sony did with the shirt. Not like sony at the Gamescom conference.

3941d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I've been playing a lot of pc games lately. The jump from Medium to Ultra or whatever is not a big difference usually just adds little touches that take a big hit on performance but don't make the game much better looking.

What i'm looking forward to the most in the new consoles is Draw Distance, better resolution, and anti-aliasing. Current gen games already look great, in my opinion, but its hard to see because of these issues

3945d ago 25 agree11 disagreeView comment

Why do people compare this to Forza 5 this game is doing so much more than Forza 5. Forza 5 can't even do Weather and Night racing stuff that GT 5 is already doing.

3949d ago 21 agree12 disagreeView comment

You make it sound like the 360 is native 1080p.

3949d ago 23 agree2 disagreeView comment

That's why I am disappointed and not interested.

3950d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

How did enemy get marked for trolling? Looks like he was just telling the truth maybe a little exaggerated. Love that chirp sound never gets old.

3951d ago 41 agree7 disagreeView comment

Hope this is not true 1080p is more important to me than 60fps. Be cool if there was an option in the game better fps or better resolution

3951d ago 0 agree10 disagreeView comment

Can't watch the Video internet sucks :( but I hope it rewards good players not just people that play a lot. Im getting tired of game like COD where you can get high ranked by just playing I remember Halo 3 ranking system with the skill level and that's what matchmaking went by if your team won it would go up if you lost it would go down kept you playing people of similar skill so matches stayed close and fun. I remember getting stuck at 43 in team swat couldn't get any higher.

3952d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah i want a PS4 and PC version what they accomplished on current platforms amazing me when they talk about the stuff they are doing it sounds like they are talking about next gen. Cant wait to see a Red Dead Redemption on PS4

3952d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment