
CRank: 5Score: 2720

Maybe Nintendo Switch should make a Switch Lite, a smaller and cheaper Switch. I'd rather have that than this one. It feels a little too big and awkward sometimes. My New 3DS XL and PSVita are of comfortable sizes. They are much easier to carry for sure.

2216d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Nintendo landed on a goldmine with the Switch. It is innovations like this, plus some the best quality games available today, that made Nintendo Switch one of the most successful consoles ever made.

That said, it is past due for a GameCube Virtual Console.

2216d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

The huge problems with RPG Maker is the included assets are used in the majority of games, making the games the same. Also, the original Final Fantasy fangame (FFF) ever made, all the way to FFFCCLXXXII is made with RPG Maker. You can't take RPG Maker seriously because it isn't a very good tool for the genre of games it is made for, and nearly all of its users are just hobbyists at best. Some of the "better" games were Final Fantasy and Zelda fangames using ripped graphics f...

2216d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

"They cannot shut the emulator down, emulation is not illegal. It is use of the roms that is illegal, unless you rip it from YOUR OWN copy of the game yourself."

Yeah we all know Nintendo is currently on a huge anti-fan crusade and legal or not they eventually get their way.

"It is one thing to want to use it for really old games, but to do it with current gen games would make you scum. It is stealing plain and simple."

2216d ago 5 agree15 disagreeView comment

BC being the best thing Xbox has ever done is a problem. BC isn't a problem, it IS important, but their current gen content is severely lacking, which is MORE important, the Xbox One X being a new high tech machine and all. Maybe that will change with their newly acquired studios and I really hope they won't end up like Rare, or in EA's case, BioWare. That said, the next gen is around the corner so some of these studios' first games would probably launch after the next gen Xbo...

2216d ago 23 agree11 disagreeView comment

Good, but nothing special. Overall a weak lineup. Star Wars III and Prison Architect are worth playing if you haven't. A Sega Genesis game, though may be fun, is a super old game...and should waste a slot. Xbox had a better month in August. They also had much better lineups years in the past. Yes they have Xbox Game Pass they want to push but for $60 a year they should try harder.

2216d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game is really exciting to wait for. I have never felt this excited for an explosive & ridiculous AAA game in awhile.

2216d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually it also was PS4 players that complained about it. You can go back to the old articles and read their comments, as well as comments on other sites. Many gamers give a lot priority to graphics, of course they will show concern, as they always did with other big budget releases throughout this generation. You need to get out of this conspiracy theory.

2216d ago 1 agree14 disagreeView comment

Another developer burning bridges with the MAJORITY of their fanbase. Welcome to the modern video games industry, one that outright hates gamers.

2216d ago 47 agree1 disagreeView comment

Nintendo will try shutting this emulator down soon, as the Switch is a big money maker for them. Download the source code to preserve it now, just in case the expected happens.

2216d ago 8 agree9 disagreeView comment


"Ok....then tell Xbox fanboys to stop being hypocrites. Or does this only work one way?"

The fact someone just HAD to bring up Xbox fanboys, in a thread that had nothing to do with Xbox anything no less...and blame them without any reason let alone an irrational one, is the real problem here that invited this hypocritical talk. GaboonViper asked for it. That shouldn't be unexpected.

Anyway, downgrade or not I...

2216d ago 2 agree17 disagreeView comment

Whenever Crackdown 3 comes out. Actually SoT uses cloud power so it's already in action.

As far as what MS said, don't expect everything any company says to be true. The cloud is heavily dependent on a robust Internet connection. Not everyone with an Internet connection can effectively use demanding data services like even YouTube at 1080p with 60 frames. The cloud for a game console will suffer the same problems.

Also it's MS. They aren't...

2299d ago 15 agree5 disagreeView comment

Yeah hardware wise Xbox is on the right track. As long as these guys are designing new platforms for Xbox, the specs will not be an issue like the OG Xbox One. I'd really like to see them willing to sell the next Xbox at a small loss though. Make this new console $400 at launch, then make a return + profit with the games and services. Can be done.

2299d ago 8 agree10 disagreeView comment

Far more powerful for AI, not for graphics and other stuff local processing will always be used for.

2299d ago 11 agree32 disagreeView comment

We'll see how the games turn out to be. I feel Forza Horizon 4 will be similar in quality as 3, excellent in other words. Halo will be using a new engine, something long overdue. This would help in changing the direction Halo is going. None of the Halo sequels has been as good as the OG IMO. Gears 5...meh not feeling this one at all actually.

MS purchased studios and opened a new one. Good move. Just use them for the right reasons and us Xbox owners will be having more ...

2299d ago 15 agree3 disagreeView comment

I'm picking it up for sure. Unfortunately it's not physical and I like physical copies, but I'll bite digital this time around.

2299d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

"anyone interested should want them to do better."

Exactly. They need to improve on their games. Their services are good, their hardware (Xbox One X) is good, now bring on the games.

Hopefully they'll do much better with the software for the whole next generation.

2300d ago 27 agree4 disagreeView comment

This year my expectations are set to very low after last year's disappointing E3. Third party games or first party games, I want to have mostly good showings on the MS stage.

2300d ago 35 agree6 disagreeView comment

Very good. Crackdown is delayed again so maybe it won't be unfinished. SoT is a letdown, hopefully Crackdown won't.

2301d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Every console has third party exclusives. Not pathetic at all.

2301d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment