
CRank: 5Score: 20640

I 100% agree with you...

This whole issue with "Meta-Scores" is absolutely preposterous. The majority of the people who use these scores as ammunition probably didn't even glance at the 2-4 page articles. They just instantly skip to the scores and either jump around in glee, praising the writer, or rush to the forums in disgust saying how much he/she sucks at their job...

No console bias, no fanboy spin, just the plain "Doh!!"

5801d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

These are the types of reviews I approve of... No scores, just text and a recommendation to "Buy it" or not...

5801d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

Both "Resistance 2" and "Gears of War 2" are games that each console owner should be proud of. (From what the reviews say...)

If personally own a X360 I would buy "Gears of War 2" in a heartbeat, just as I am going to buy "Resistance 2" tomorrow right after school.

Meta/Review scores shouldn't even matter, they're both great games and both deserve to be played...

Sony and X360 Fanboys... SHUT UP AND PLAY!!

5802d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

::shrugs shoulders:: Without really looking, I couldn't really tell the difference between the two versions and for that I truly applaud DICE and EA for their work.

Damn, EA sucking up all my money... First "Dead Space" and now this game.

5802d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

Why is an article that was posted in April getting approved today??

Official Discussion in the Forums: http://www.australiangamer.... (Check out the date)

5802d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

^-^ Talk about gloating about yourself... I wish higher taxes upon you...

^-^ I actually tried your company's cookies BTW when I was in Cincinnati, not bad actually, although I still prefer mine which I personally bake from scratch.

BTW Reported as SPAM/Offensive since this has nothing to do about gaming... Please feel free to do the same with this post as well.

5802d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your compression-paper analogy was great... Probably the most simple and profound way of doing it. Keep it up "G"!! Peace...

5802d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The situation and the atmosphere in the game is incredibly intense. You know what's going to happen next, but the anticipation that leads up to that moment is just incredible.

The split-camera system too adds a whole extra level of intensity, since you know where the killer is as well as the playable character...

5803d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Really interesting use of the SixAxis motion controls...

^-^ So far looks interesting. I loved Quantic Dreams "Fahrenheit"/"I ndigo Prophecy", so I'm pretty sure I'm going to like this game as well... (Just as long as they don't add "Matrix"-like elements to the game.)

5804d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It has nothing to do with "versatility" of the X360 hardware...

"Mirror's Edge", and even "Dead Space", FROM THE START was declared and built as a multi-platform game. And like how most multi-platform games are the developers aim is to create their vision and make the game look basically identical regardless of the platform...

EA when it came to "Dead Space" and "Mirror's Edge" succeeded with this, they created games ...

5804d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Man if those DS3 Bundles were released here in the US/EU/Aus we'll eat them up that Reese's Peanut Butter Cup during Halloween... But only 7,000 DS3 Bundles sold in Japan??

Japan what are you thinking?!?!

Yeah, pretty "meh" numbers for LBP... (Although decent for a new IP) Even if it didn't include the PS3 80GB Bundle, since there are +2 million PS3 console distributed in Japan as it is. Good numbers for GTAIV though.


5805d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Broke after this holiday season confirmed!!

So many games, so many games...so little money, but so many games!!

^-^ Seriously, as an S-RPG fan who also plays shooters, this game is truly fabulous. I loved the demo, and there is no doubt in my mind that I'm going to love the full game.

5806d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

^-^ I played Wii Music!!... For one song before I got tired of it.

It's a hit when you're totally slammed though...

5808d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Here's an article to back you up...although I don't think you really need it: http://www.siliconera.com/2...

^-^ And the X360 fanboys keep saying that Blu-Ray is useless... If saving my ears from being stuffed with various painful objects (from, most of the time "bad", English dubbing) isn't useful then I don't know what is.

5812d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"But...But... Blu-Ray is dead... And digital distribution..."

::rolls eyes:: Give it up people... Blu-Ray is here to stay. ^-^ Upgrade or die...

::hugs PS3 and Blu-Ray collection:: 1080P/HD-Audio + HDTV/Surround Sound system = WARP SPEED!!

5812d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

I posted this question on the "Ripten" thread...

But can someone explain to me the logistics behind the "960*1080p"?? Is is that I'm reading the numbers backwards or is it the way the signal is processed/sent out??

Me so confused...

EDIT ADDED: Nevermind "lwhatee" explained the logistics of it to me... ^-^ 1080i essentially... Thank you once again "lwhatee" for the information!!

5812d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Quote from the past: "^-^ I guess the only way to get to the truth behind this matter is to get an actual "pixel count" of each version of the game."

Looks like we finally have our answer...
http://forum.beyond3d.com/s... <...

5812d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Played the Qore Demo and I love it!! The battle system is both familiar and different than other S-RPGs.

And not to mention that the art style is absolutely gorgeous!!

To me, as an S-RPG fan, this is a day one buy for me...

5812d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Please for the love of all that is good and just in the world...STOP IT WITH THESE VIDEO GAME MOVIES!! They just don't work!! Heck even the beloved story of "Max Payne" couldn't save the movie from mediocrity...

Are you guys really fresh out of ideas that you have to grab games with almost non-existent story lines and turning them into horrible movies whose only draw was that is derived from a rather average shooting game??

But now this is making me curious...

5812d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

^-^ I knew that someone will attack that statement so I updated the post with more comparisons that the IGN team made.

(Note: These were IGN's words, not mine...Thus why I put everything in quotes and putting "according to IGN Insider's "Head-2-Head"...)

But in reality, most people who are playing the game won't really care about these issues anyway.

God, what have I done... I just gave more ammunition to fuel the fanboy wars.

5812d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment