CRank: 5Score: 3780

forgotten about the 800,000 plus banned 360s? Does anyone find it a little shady that they pulled a mass banning just before the release of the biggest game of the year and the holiday shopping season? Does anyone think that maybe that helped 360 sales just a little? With everyone constantly blowing up about sony doing this or microsoft doing that over the littlest things how are the banned xboxes getting swept under the rug? I know that 360 owners have no problems with buying multiple 360s b...

5396d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

what percentage of the sales were actually people replacing their banned x-boxes? It does seem a little odd to me that they decide to ban 600,000 plus x-boxes right before the release of the biggest game of the year and right before the holidays. why not ban modders immidiately instead of this mass banning right before the shopping season. Between red ring replacements and mass bannings microsoft has secured a definite sales boost.

5400d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its great to see microsoft responding to LBP as 360 owners cant stop talking about this game. I know they say negative things but look at the FFXIII craze and look at the boards light up every time an MGS4 rumor comes up. Im sure this thing will probably be a pretty good knock off of LBP, MS just needed to be pointed in the right direction. 360 fans everywhere should be grateful for MM and sony having the in house development that is willing to take innovative steps in order to take gaming...

5800d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i dont own a 360 and dont feel the need to as i have a ps3. what im saying is that 360 owners really seem to like the dlc that MS is (dont be naive people) paying for so thats cool for them. I work with a guy who bought ToV and when he told me he paid for charchter levels i thought that was extremely lame. Personally though i really dont care what MS spends money on as i dont own a 360. I do think the cotumes and level nickel and diming is kind of lame though but thats just my opinion

5829d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game hasnt even come out yet. it could suck. if MS is willing to shell out for it (dont be naive)then so be it. even when they announced the DLC for GTA I wasnt too put off, i still bought the game. after playing it i really had my fill so who cares. MS paid tons of money for the dlc that isnt even out yet and even if i owned a 360 might pass up. I was at first put off by the dlc for fallout but after hearing its really only going to be about equal to knights of the nine for oblivion di...

5829d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

see the absolute sarcasm in that site? ITS BS

5867d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

actually, this whole deal is cause square has been losing money. A few months back i remember reading about their profits and it wasnt pretty. I think square is just doing this to please the shareholders. From what ive read square needs to pull its ass out of the black and this is the only way they can really do it. None of the 360 exclusive rpgs are going to do nearly as well as final fantasy. Im a ps3 guy so flame on but really i could give a fOck less about non exclusivity for this one ...

5914d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

in his response he accuses good reviews of being written by fan boys. That in itself is really unprofessional. And the whole kojima free pass thing just makes no sense. He is entitled to his opinion even if it makes no sense to the reader (I love the MGS series. But what of his opinion of fellow reviewers who gave it a 9/10. It would be interesting to see what they think of his response.

5942d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment