
CRank: 13Score: 98630

sure as hell not helping them sell the game. Great a washed up band with a pay check song on the game...sweet!

6178d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

like these that make all PS3 owners look like tools, when their not. Good job buddy at adding to the problem and not helping the solution.

6180d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

how brainwashed some people can be by marketing. I can understand if the PS3 was delivering but it's excuse after excuse. The system is floundering. You can accept it or not, I would be upset to if my system was collecting dust while I waited for games. But to keep believing all the PR stuff is just crazy. Yes go ahead disagree if it makes you feel better. I could care less.

It's always next year this, or when this game comes out wow you'll see. Prove me wrong...prove me wrong....

6180d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

then it's Raidens time to shine!!

6186d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I believe things are read better when compressed, thats what I've heard but I'm not programmer so please don't jump on me.

I truly feel that many PS3 exclusive titles go out of there way to use up as much space on that disk and for no reason. Simply to say 'Hey you see, we needed it.' Heavenly Sword which is a great game had 11 gigs of audio, that sure didn't make it a longer game and my ears didn't hear the difference. I think that most PS3 games could fit onto a DVD9 if the d...

6186d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

to you good sir bubbles, that was the most logical and well thought out comment I have EVER seen on N4G. You have once again restored faith in mankind for me, if only there were more gamers like you. :)

6186d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

for this game looks fantastic and the story will no doubt be worth the wait. They just need to make the combat feel a bit more heavy, smooth out some of the animations and work on that framerate.

6189d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

tons of features are a great thing, but honestly the PS3 is 'losing' features. How is that a good thing? It's losing ports and now b/c. Yes, it's going to be a hub to sell every Sony product under the sun, but did you sign up for that when you bought a PS3? I would think it was for the promise of a system that like the PS2 was awesome. Had tons of developer support with massive exclusives. The PS2 was not made the system it was by Sony, it was made that by third parties, which is something I ...

6190d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Everything but games it seems.

6191d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

I've never seen so much hype and fans for a series that really was a flop, and I should know I bought into the hype last time. I was telling my Xbox owning friends who had Halo that Killzone was going to blow Halo 2 away. That the graphics were awesome. Well the game came out, I bought it and then felt super let down. The game while pretty was boring, had some serious path finding issues and didn't even let you jump.

Most annoying of all was the damn wailing the Helghast made e...

6191d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

how you Sony guys keep getting raped and it's cool with you. I swear if Sony were a person it could break into your house, @ssbang your gf right in front of you and then drink a Pepsi and you would give him a high-five! It doesn't matter you guys keep making excuses and keep bracing those ankles. Keep it up folks.

6196d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I guess that means that real gamers like to wait and wait and wait for games. Guess all the movie watching keeps you busy. Oh wait thats not gaming, my bad.

6200d ago 9 agree6 disagreeView comment

they have yet to make a bad game, sure the graphics are not OMFG but they still look great and no doubt the story will be awesome.

6200d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No one really gave a rats@ss about Bungie before Halo, and no Mac fan freaks don't count. They are not a super developer, they are a good one but very overrated. Oni was a complete piece of crap and Myth was a "decent" RTS but nothing earth shattering. Now will come the time when they make a new IP and people realize...wtf? Bungie are very much victims of the George Lucas syndrome. Striking gold by chance and then milking the crap out of it. I saw give another developer to make a Ha...

6200d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've never seen so many damn haters in my life. Ever since Halo 3 came out you Sony folks have been pissing and moaning like my gf when shes on the rag. I swear, you guys need to just eat humble pie; the game rocks. How the hell does this effect you in a bad way? It's not like you are playing it, so go play your own MP game (Warhawk) which had such a crappy development time that they dropped the supposedly amazing single player game altogether. Stop the hate, go play Warhawk or the actually b...

6209d ago 3 agree11 disagreeView comment

say what now?? Come on Frank...fess up!

6212d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

hating. Halo 3 looks fantastic, the animation is fantastic as well. While Killzone 2 looks better, you have to remember this. Killzone 2 has the same repeated enemies from what we've seen. A.I. which from what I've read is retarded but I'm not even going to talk about that. Graphically the game is a corridor shooter. Halo 3 has tons and tons of stuff going on in very wide open spaces; with very smart enemies that actually interact with you. All of this takes a toll on the CPU and MEM of the 3...

6213d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

I remember Devil May Cry 4, ONLY ON PS3...no wait--strike that. Now on X360 and PS3. But but but DMC4 can only be done with the power of the Cell. Oh really now...

6213d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


6215d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'll take Silent Hill over this thanks.

6215d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment