
CRank: 5Score: 9220

almost every free trial i have ever signed up for is like that. but go ahead, warn away, there are plenty of people out there that don't pay attention to what they are signing up for.

3076d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


nope. not BS. definitely no raid.

3452d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

the campaign is good, but multiplayer is absolute trash this year. i hate saying that, because i actually love cod... but 4 days in, for the first time in like 7 or 8 years, i said, "whelp. i just wasted 60 bucks." it's just a chaotic mess with nothing truly working right. from recoil to move mechanics, most of it's broken in one way or another.
someone said it was polished? wow. those are some pretty dark blinders you have on.

3608d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

lol. "the casual crowd" neither knows or cares who is making the next cod.

3614d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

booting in through rest mode isn't a thing for me. it seems to boot up just fine from rest mode.

3614d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

apparently they disagree.

3646d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

that's not true, at all. at least not in my experience. i'm pretty decent at crucible, and even when i do the best in the lobby, i still end up with nothing, usually, while people that did horribly get decent loot.

also, at the end of strikes and story missions, even if i've done horribly, i sometimes get good stuff while my teammates that did way better than me get absolute garbage.

and don't get me started at the percentage rate of legendary...

3653d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the only good items i've ever received were gifts left at the post office from going up cryptarch levels. i've gotten a few legendary engrams, but never received any legendary items from them. i received a legendary machine gun and legendary gauntlets from gifts, and i bought a legendary helmet and chest armor with vanguard marks.
i've never received any items from doing bounties, and i try to do them all.

3657d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

/ it's a fake account. it even says it's a parody account... but you should read it, it's funny.

3662d ago 22 agree0 disagreeView comment


if that's the case. then that's sort of a silly gripe.
first, they never said they spent 500 million on development. most of it is marketing. i'm sure it cost a little more to develop, but no more than most AAA games.
second, why would it matter to the reviewers how much it cost to make... in the end, it doesn't cost the gamer or reviewer anything extra.

3663d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

this game will do ok, regardless. if the games between now and november aren't all that great, then this game will do better. if those games are good, then the people that have already played it might not bother with it for the time being, but it will still sell pretty well.

3664d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

my preload for ps4 downloaded the patch at the same time. i didn't even notice it.

3670d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

it's a dick move, if this is true, and the wrong way for gaming to be headed. this is an established multiplatform game. this is why xbox gets as much hate as it does, imo.

ah, nevermind. just read the exclusivity has a "duration". so timed exclusive. i couldnt care less about timed exclusivity. it doesn't sway me one way or another on anything. if i eventually get it on my platform, then why should i care that someone else can play it before me on a platform i...

3695d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

it's worked for me pretty well... once i plugged in my ethernet cable instead of using wifi. it was unplayable wifi. i know they said best results were through ethernet, but they should have said, the only real option is through wired connection. once wired, i had almost zero problems with quality.

with that said, i love this option. pricing for some games is dumb, but most are reasonable. i don't think there is much value in the four hour option, but the weeks pricin...

3707d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i agree. i like indies and all, but that shouldn't be all there is. it almost feels like this is only gonna stay the same with ps now coming out.

3709d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

this reminds me... i need to go cancel my destiny pre-order from gamestops website. i'm buying the game, only digitally from the psn.

whoever, now-a-days, doesn't know how to preorder online with a credit card to get preorder bonuses, has no right to complain. almost all of the places online, if not all, won't charge your card until it ships.

talk about deceitful.

3713d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

it's also BS.

3714d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

im in the U.S.

3717d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment


3717d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

since i'm playing it right this second, the disagree is... what exactly?

3717d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment