
CRank: 5Score: 3250

Its gonna fail miserably

2189d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

This is gonna bomb so hard

2189d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

After everything I was still gonna buy bf5. This lack of content thing is final draw .. they better fix it or it really will bust

2206d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

In support of my fellow gamers and this disgusting casino version of star wars I did not buy the game. However I did have a free rental at redbox.. I even more so now agree it's totally pay 2 win. The best star cards make you have undeniably better statistics and gimmicks to dominant your opponents. It's gotta go. Can't be the new trend or gaming will be dead IMO

2503d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

God this whole site is a bunch of Sony's b******. I have both and if they want to call games that they upgraded launch titles so be it but anybody with a brain can see they arent completely new games. But you act like Microsoft is the huge deceitful company and they're way more gamer friendly now than Sony. You put gold on the wrong account on accident sony won't even give you a refund. They don't let your digital stuff carry over from system to system that's straight-up g...

2510d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

How much better is 2 compared to one in terms of things to do and gameplay? I like Kiwami and understand it's a remake and cheap, but zero was so excellent that Kiwami kinda disappointing.

2574d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Hope that is the case. I have thought about buying the new Xbox but I have the original. And I feel like without more exclusives there's no reason to get it really. I know they're all going to come to the old Xbox but I like my new hardware just as much as the next person. They have a lot of work to do that's all I have to say. I do love Xbox One but Sony right now gets all my third party games

2574d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think their problem has been investing in the wrong exclusives. Obviously they're timid to keep investing in exclusives because a lot of theirs have sold very poorly, but when you invest in bad exclusives of course they're not going to sell good. Plus PlayStation is spanking you because it's a better system for third party games and you tried to rip us off with the whole DMR connect thing at first. Obviously the new Xbox will be the best system for third-party but is it too late...

2574d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have an Xbox one and it may need to just die.. No exclusives anymore and it's so underpowered I get all third party for ps4. They really need to push Scorpio as next next gen and start an epic comeback

2740d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

To gimmicky. There are way to many games as it is to play it's hard enough finding time. The whole issue of vr games being more like movies in length and play. Another issue for me is how Sony has been leading this gen yet screw us on plus, raise ps plus price, lack of exclusives compared to ps3 atleast., etc. Then there's the pro and should you even get vr without pro? Should you even get pro with the Scorpio coming out and killing it in specs?plus Microsoft has a gamer friendly app...

2857d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Because of the reviews and the potential of titanfall 1 I bought it and I wasn't going to.. i have bf 1 to...game is spectacular. Haven't played tf 2 yet

2889d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
2904d ago Show

Vr looks pretty sweet and will probably gain steam someday..that being said I think initial sales won't be very good. Until a major price drop while also including the camera and move it's just to much. People are happy as is and yeah, 2 hour games won't cut it for most. Time will tell

2908d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Guy is just giving his opinion. The VR homers just may be the worst ever in terms of being fanboys.. get a real life turds

2909d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment


2915d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Same. Everything lately I play online for Xbox one like overwatch, halo. The show is getting stale, which is usually the case when madden drops

2952d ago 6 agree7 disagreeView comment

30 bucks is a damn steal if that's the case . This game actually has an open world , tons of stuff to do .uc4 is really linear so far and findng treasure is lame. Tomb raider at least she talks about artifacts. I'm only to I believe Africa or wherever in unc4 where you first Drive jeep though so can't really compare yet.got bored with tr reboot rise is was better.

3000d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Are you kidding me rise is on par if not better then uc4 so far for me. Although I'm not that far into uc4. Stop hating because of the timed exclusivity already haters.

3000d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

This system is really nice looking, small, priced well ect.. everything is done well.. except for the fact that we know the Scorpio or whatever it's called will be coming next year. I'm not a Homer of either anymore. I've had my relationships with both Lil skanks.. but Xbox is doing some pretty cool things of late like better free games, backwards compatible, which I could care less but I don't mind free 360 games..

3008d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't care about 4k because I don't even have a 4k tv ,just a 1080 vizio. That being said I just want to see Sony make games with the Sony Computer Entertainment logo or correction, Sony interactive. My PS is collecting dust so Ratchet, The Show 16, and Uncharted are a sight for sore eyes. Can't believe I never played Dead space 1, which was free on gold this month. Pretty entertaining.

3097d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment