
CRank: 5Score: 4520

you don't wanna dumb it down for crappy consoles
f@ck that

edit: below "Just look at Gears of War 2"

i've looked at gears1/2 many many times and since my head is out of my ass, my eyes can see crystal clear the undeniable truth:

killzone 2 OBLITERATES gears 2
it's not even the same league: period

now you can give all the "non-fanboy" politically correct bullsh!t you want, it doesn't change this HARD HARD FACT....

5607d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

the 360 can't follow, it's too weak

that's what you get with a console made by dumb asses with no vision:
an unreliable mess that's already obsolete a couple years into its life time

xb!tches, show a little dignity please, quit the masturbation for a sec, delusion is not gonna fix the facts: gears2 is pooped all over by killzone2, it's something called reality, it hurts bad, it makes you wanna cry, we understand but hey xb!tches:


5607d ago 14 agree1 disagreeView comment

it's not even a massacre, it's a genocide

5607d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

it's matrixed compressed 7.1 like the old pro logic crap:
the 2 back channels are matrixed on the 2 surround channels which are compressed in the dolby digital stream: ouch!

channel matrixing is an old old obsolete trick and resorting to this today is kinda desperate way to cover yet another blatant lack of VISION

people who really care about sound get a PS3 with true discrete uncompressed 7.1

5607d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

in a game:
it is ok to simulate a killing spree with a chainsaw
it is not ok to simulate a rape

in a TV show:
it is ok to display numerous murders and savage cruelty
it is not ok to display a single tit or say the word F@CK

what a big load of hypocrite bull!
these rotten politicians can kiss my ass and go F@CK themselves

5608d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

"Simple arcade titles do 1080p native more often than you think on both consoles"

you have no f@ckin clue what you're talking about, there's nothing simple about wipeoutHD. just like KZ2, MGS4, GOW3, uncharted and GT5P, the graphics are miles ahead anything running on xbollox360, that's a well known fact for gamers with their head out of their ass.

but since you xb!tches have sh!t in your eyes, how could you notice?

5608d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

each and everyone of these games poops on your entire 2009 lineup xb!tches, it's not even a fight, it's a massacre

5608d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment


5608d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

whatabuncha XBOLLOX, lol

xb!tches, you need your daily horsesh!t dose to stay positive in the face of your imminent killzownage: we understand, but but but...


5608d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment


5608d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


5608d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

GOW3 looks phenomenal but no better than KZ2.
Both games obliterate the 360 in every possible way.
But so did uncharted, MGS4, GT5P, wipeoutHD and many others.

i guess people who've indulged in ps3 bashing for so long are looking for any opportunity to turn coat now that it's so obvious how full of sh!t they are?

5609d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

real thick xb!tch SPAM... why should we care about cinemablend's opinion about gaming? lol

me thinks xb!tches hurt real bad with the amazing GOW3 trailer on top of the imminent full KILLZOWNAGE...

5609d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

Yeah Yeah Teh Cell

otherwise, how do you explain the graphical leap since the GPUs are pretty much equivalent? yeah? what? i'm waiting...

**** owned ****

i'm savoring this so much, it's delicious.
bubble++ CID

5609d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

this "white page" is the biggest load of rubbish you can find on the subject. it was probably written by a guy working for burger king: HA!

"the games do look mighty nice. GOW 3,Heavy Rain,Uncharted 2, and Killzone 2 are rather spiffy graphically."

yeah, and since we all know the GPUs are almost equivalent then this graphical advantage has to come from the CELL:

nice self ownage XD

5609d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

for xb!tches

5609d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"I love how Droids say "360 has no games in 09" when in fact it has more than the PS3"

we were talking about good games

5609d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

SPU programmers have the coolest job: they're driving the gaming DSP revolution on a processor that scares the sh!t out of everybody but rewards good programming in a **huge** way. What more could a good programmer ask for?

anyone can write shaders these days, and frankly, it's not like there's much innovation going on, plus this idiot seems to forget that PS3 has a GPU too: lol!

going from spu to xenon is like going from a lamborghini gallardo to a ford taurus: so c...

5609d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

that is the dumbest piece of spam in a long time!

SPU programmers have the coolest job: they're driving the gaming DSP revolution on a processor that scares the sh!t out of everybody but rewards good programming in a **huge** way. What more could a good programmer ask for?

anyone can write shaders these days, and frankly, it's not like there's much innovation going on, plus this idiot seems to forget that PS3 has a GPU too: lol!

going from spu to xenon i...

5609d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

tears streaming of continuous sorrow

bubble++ Ken & blackbeld!

5609d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment