CRank: 5Score: 2290

If this was such a big problem I am sure EB would halt everything Xbox related, it makes sense and I am sure if this is true every other store would do the same. It sounds very fishy to me as MS couln't afford the responsibilty of it under consumer affair laws. If this has to do with EBs 3 year extended warrenty then it is their own fault, they are obviously trying to make money off the backs of MS by offering this warrenty without covering it by their own insurance. Lame on EBs behalf if thi...

6081d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

So as naturally the way these things go it is ported, similar but more professional than the Orange Box. Both graphics cards in the PS3 and XBOX differ in how they display polygons, Modified OpenGL and DirectX for each console but the end result is just as good as you're display. Jaggies are a fact of gaming regardless, I played the Xbox demo and seen loads, maybe some are slightly more smoothed out but this is not a cause for such rampant platform and fanboy bashing. Ha ha... you have all wa...

6085d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I reckon they will have to upgrade it visually and release it as a NG2 Sepia Crimson edition. But the chances of that are slim considering the minor differences between each platform. I reckon Sony and MS should build the next-next generation machine together as one, just as David giraffe said (God of War developer). That way both companies could really make a spot on console better than anyone else. Sony for marketing, MS for software. No one is as highly developed as MS and you're pee-ing i...

6088d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Rudeness should not be tolerated in these forums but ignoring people because they are a fanboy is silly. Everyone who posts here are fanboys, otherwise why would they bother. Sony, MS and Nintendo fanboys are all the same... Human! Therefore ignoring them is being ignorant.

Fact of the matter is all 3 consoles have a long road to go before being perfect, online and off. I agree consoles are consoles and not PC’s but the consumer is really paying through the nose for something t...

6089d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Playstation has so many good things going for it at the moment and I am nearly ready to switch. The downtime and other issues aside, PC gamers don't have to pay to play and Valve are 100% correct. Lift the fee, re-emburse current subscribers by giving MS points and just charge for extra downloadable content. Give developers the option of keeping the product alive by giving DLC free or with a fee(Let them choose) and open up the hard drive for add ons that the likes of UT3 will allow. Progress...

6089d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Microsoft has their own wireless technology that is used here and although people moaned about Guitar Hero rrp being 10 Dollars dearer it is still the same reason that allows the guitars to be used on both games. If you ask me Sony needs to enforce these decisions from their third party developers to ensure their gamers get what they deserve. I am an Xbox 360 owner but beleive you should get what you pay for and Sony should trounce these two into support their format, it makes sense for both ...

6110d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

'Troll' and 'Butt Buddies', what is going on here. 4 years down the line and both consoles will be paper weights when newer versions come out. Is it worth abusing each other for the sake of fanboyism!?!

MS and SONY employees need to make a living, just like everyone else, if I was working in a job that made people hate other people then I would reconsider my loyalties and get a new one. What I am trying to say is all fanboys and mindless zombies, gombified twits!?! All of you, ...

6117d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe I am just lucky but I seen a video of footage for this and it looks a hell of a lot more playable than the first one(which I love) and a lot more graphically impressive too. I found the original footage just an upgrade but this new footage seen Ryu running past lantern lit japanese style housing with wooden floors reflecting everything perfectly. I reckon graphically this is an Xbox game on par with what Pixar roll out for CGI films. Although it did seem even move violent than the first...

6143d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

The review score will escalate and the fun to be had also. If they take advantage of the blue-ray and maximise editing potential on the PS3 like the forge editor on Halo this should bring Sonys version well above the PC version. Don't mean to bash PC but I reckon Rockstar got it right when they took advantage of a systems full potential creating GTA. All they really done was take full advantage of all the technology available and what they created 'defined' how you can think outside the box t...

6148d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I bet all your friends think you're funny and the party doesn't start until you are there. You're too cool man; I wish I was like you!

Apologies mate but that’s how it comes across to me, people that flame like that has to be compensating for something.

You have a choice, buy the game or don't buy the game! Do us genuine people who are interested in Mass Effect and post something relative to the game. If you don't agree with the title thats fine but save the come...

6149d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am sure the online experience on PS3 would better the PC too due to the fact that everyone playing will have the same hardware and experience as each other due to having the same SKU. All the features of Halo 3 are designed with the 360 in mind and because the platform use is limited to the same SKU a very tight model such as ammount of players online, matchmaking and communicator options all optimised.

PC gaming as good as it is varies and the control system (mouse and keybo...

6149d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

The single play game although short was brilliant and although the graphics were not leaps and bounds beyond any other current titles the scope and replay value certainly is. I could happily replay Halo 3 for the scarab battles alone. No other game has gotten that right. Its stupid for anyone who hasn't played Halo 3 give a remark like that. I am so hoping that UT3 does offer something else but I doubt it, it will offer the same style of play with slight gimmicks and updated graphics. Thats t...

6149d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

I will eventually get a PS3 and congrats to Epic releasing it for the holidays. I am sure the fanboys will bash everything with this but I would really like an honest opinion of its quailty, here's hoping the online mode is smooth and without lag.

Now I really have something to be jealous of all you ps3 owners.


6149d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

‘Folding at home’ hasn't actually achieved anything yet... it is a good idea in general but people buy games consoles to play games, not to support protein calculations!?! Folding at home could easily be set up on the Xbox 360 or numerous PCs, until it actually achieves something other than garnish research results it can only be expressed as a marketing tool for Sony (and the students or professors who will take responsibility should a treatment for any disease evolve from its results).

6150d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I used to be open to both platforms and with the fanboys of PS3 I can now say I have had enough of the childish posts. Sony fanboys have to be the worst in denial eejits judging by this site alone. wil4hire & Shaka2K6 need to get a life. As far as I am concern Microsoft are supplying exactly what I want, and also, far play to Bill and Melinda Gates for all the lives they save on a daily bases with their charity. You can happily have my support. And as for Bono and the rest of the Elevatio...

6151d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is silly though. Sony or EA should fix this and before this becomes a flame both systems have the same competing technolgies and a fix should be easy! Get the boat EA and fix for all to enjoy...

6151d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have to give praise to both versions but from all the crap about not being able to fit a game onto a DVD thats rubbish. Although I think Sony should start releasing some of their games on DVD to save prodiuction costs too. As a 360 owner I am not going to add a PS3 to the mix at least until they decide on the final SKU. Its the exact same as Blue Ray 1.1 Why did Sony remove the back compat games!?! As for the new yellow one that the hard drive runs twice as fast or something, come on! Thats...

6156d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am a 360 owner and its just not as suited tot he MS console as it is the PS3. The fact that it will come later than the PS3 kills it for me. It really is a polished upgrade of Quake 3 and that kind of gameplay is surely better of Halo 3. Get working on Gears two, gimme Ninja Gaiden and leave this game to the PC community and of course the PS3 community. Even if they say how great it is and that the xboxbots cannot do it good luck to them. I have no interest in shelling out for such a game t...

6156d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Kind of a good name considering the brand bashing going on. Ha ha! Just enjoy the games for what they are, games, not real life or anything else, just games.

It sounds like video game envy could be the next heroine or Ice addiction. I bet everyone spends more time on here than they actually do playing Video Games!?!

Diddly dee, didley eye! Potatoes!

6159d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This flaming war has gone way to far, no one likes a big company to have a monopoly and MS and SONY both do but to play a console off another console when both have different games as well as multiplatform games is crazy. One thing is for sure, I would personally like to go on the record and thank the companies that brought their games to both machines. Regardless of which is slightly better everyone will get to experience it. As for the exclusives, whatever kind of game you like, stick with ...

6159d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment