
CRank: 5Score: 17830

is it just me, or does nintendo come out every holiday season and make it well known that there may be "shortages" in order to generate a frenzy for their system and make sure it is sold out? i think it's clever marketing rather than real shortages...they are creating a massive frenzy for their console by suggesting to people that they are short on supply, so the people that were on the fence about buying one for their kids are now going to run out and buy one before they are gone....

5762d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

yes, vgcharts is imaginary numbers when the 360 outsells the ps3 by like 200,000 units in one month, but when the ps3 outsells the 360 by like 5,000 units then all sony fanboys use vgcharts as the word of god...lol

5769d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

okay, so if the ps3 was the lead platform and both versions look the same, then how does that make sense from all the stuff sony faboys have been saying? what happened to saying that once games went lead platform on the ps3, that the 360 wouldn't even be capable of looking anywhere close to what the ps3 versions look like?

i'm sure some sony fanboys are going to post a stupid comment like "well, they had to hold the game back so both versions could look and play the same&qu...

5769d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

i think it is probably a mgs game for the iphone and/or nintendo ds...why only make a game for the playstation when the largest gaming market is handhelds? makes sense. i don't think it has anything to do with a game for the 360, nor do i care for one on the 360 for that matter.

5769d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

i agree with you completely on that point. the ps3 is no longer the cheapest blu-ray players, so essentially, the ps3 is not going to be the "best" option for people that walk into a store looking for a blu-ray player. if people go looking for a blu-ray player, now they don't have to dish out $399 for a ps3 when they can get a player for $200...some will argue "but you get a gaming console also if you get the ps3"..well, if someone is looking for just a blu-ray player, wh...

5769d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i find it funny that people are trying to compare the ps3 and 360 and say the ps3 is a better value.

here is some logic for you....if i want to play video games on a console, which is the better value? paying $199-$299 for a 360 or $399-$499 for a ps3? hands down it is the 360 because gamers DON'T NEED A MOVIE PLAYER.

then there is comparing added costs. wifi is always thrown in..um, a majority of people usually have their consoles plugged directly into a router b...

5769d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

look guys, this same bs is getting old. let's go back to last year when every sony fanboy was saying 2008 was going to be the year of the ps3 because they had games like MGS4, Haze and LBP coming out...well, there is no coffin waiting for the 360..it is still selling just as well as the ps3 in 2008.

i love how everyone is saying 2008 was the year of the ps3..if you look at sales number, the ps3 outsold the 360 WORLDWIDE by about 350,000 consoles thru the end of November.....um, ...

5770d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

right, and even with the dumb statement, i will bet you that the 360 outsells the ps3, and also that killzone2 will sell LESS than 360 exclusives like Gears of War2...everyone is hyping up killzone2 as a system seller for ps3.....yeah, and i remember when MGS4 was also supposed to be the top exclusive and system seller for the ps3....nothing but hype and sales have shown that to be TRUE

5782d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

this is complete bs, because if only 4% of all games are profitable, that would mean that just about every single game studio would have gone bankrupt long long ago. game studio's invest millions of dollars in games, and he's trying to convince us that only 4% of those games make profits for a gaming studio??? maybe only the game studios that continually make crappy games....i doubt studios like Epic or EA Sports would agree with this goof

5782d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

it's funny how no one on here has actually come on and said they had this problem, yet the sony defense force has come on here as if this is a widespread problem with a majority of 360 owners.....then when something was brought up how the ps3 had problems with an update before, they start commenting on how "oh, it didn't affect many people at all, it was blown out of proportion"....but yet, NO ONE has come on here yet and said they had this specific problem with their 360, and the c...

5782d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

i find it amazing that several of these articles have popped up in recent weeks when it is closer to the holiday shopping season, and the articles are written or approved by ps3-related sites or members...are they getting nervous that the 360 is going to outsell the ps3 yet again? the rrod is not a problem anymore, yet all the SDF keeps trying to cling to it like a life vest for the ps3....GET OVER IT, IT's NOT A MAJOR ISSUE ANYMORE....did the dvd drive errors of the ps2 keep you guys from b...

5783d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

wow, these guys must have a crystal ball or something to predict the 360 is going to drop the prices on all 3 models here in the u.s.....or maybe they just happen to see the add scans that have been posted on the internet for the past 2 weeks...

5862d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

""Since when has Microsoft ever had anything original?""

how about placing a harddrive inside a gaming console?

and you say halo is not original to microsoft because they bought bungie? um, aren't the biggest games on the playstation from 3rd party studio developers?? final fantasy was made by square enix, NOT sony, metal gear solid was made by konami, NOT sony.... think before you speak next time...better yet, don't speak at all....

5910d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

yes, and sony never ever copied anything, right? copied microsoft placing a harddrive inside a gaming console, most of xbox live features, achievements, rumble inside a controller, blah, blah, blah

sony and microsoft BOTH have taken ideas from other companies...THAT'S all there is to it.....

5910d ago 9 agree8 disagreeView comment

i find it funny that every sony fanboy kept saying "wait til MGS4 comes out, then you'll see!"...all i see is the same thing we saw over and over again with games like Heavenly Sword, Ratchet & Clank, and other ps3 "blockbusters"...the y don't sell!

it's amazing how sony fanboys hyped up MGS4 as the game that will catapult the ps3 into the console lead, and the game isn't even in the top 10 in sales after only 4 WEEKS!!!! wow, i have never seen a "bl...

5911d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment
5911d ago
5911d ago

I absolutely love how people are actually disagreeing with your "mandatory vs. optional" comment....just goes to show how brainless true fanboys are on this site

5913d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

the main reason they are replacing the 20gb harddrive with a 60gb harddrive in the 360 Premium is because of COST...20gb hardrives are not being produced in mass anymore, so they are going to the 60gb which is readily available and probably is not costing them any more to upgrade to the 60gb from the 20gb harddrives. sony did the EXACT SAME THING when they phased out their 20gb ps3 with a larger harddrive version

5925d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

um, for $699, does anyone really think that is the best price point to get those dvd-upscaling player clingers to dump the dvd format for blu-ray? let me answer that for everybody....um, no.

it sure seems like the death of hd-dvd helped to bring down prices of blu-ray since there is no monopoly in the market for high-def movie formats </end sarcasm>

5926d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment