
CRank: 5Score: 21640

Create a bad game!!!

2851d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

According to the last lifetime sale numbers, Sony was approx 23 million and Xbox was approx 13 million with a difference of 10 million. If Xbox sold 125,000 units every month more than Sony, it would take approx 6 1/2 years to catch up to Sony. Is it possible? Sure anything is possible, but is it likely to happen, probably not. P.s. My numbers may be off a little but you get the point.

3329d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

He's worried about Drake killing too many people same problem with a lot of video games know how many times in Grand theft auto I have shot a cop and gotten away with it nobody comes to my house to investigate, it's as if it never happened, understand you're playing a video game I also hope he also realizes it's not possible for Drake to jump 60 feet from a ledge grab onto it with one hand without ripping his shoulder socket out. It's just a video game and in my opinion o...

3569d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Holy crap!!! If this is true I will eat my sh@t then, Sh@t out that sh@t, then eat that sh@t made from the first sh@t that I originally ate!!!

3584d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

@xHEAVY@ I completely agree, every month the sales numbers come out and ps4 had been selling more for ten months straight according to the latest numbers so how is it Possible for the X1 to be quickly catching up with ps4, it seems as if EA is still butt hurt over Sony not going with EA access if you ask me.

3597d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

It's not the frame rate that is giving me problems I'm having problems with controlling the character I will be running and then the character just stops I hit up on the joystick again and he does not move then I hit up on the joystick again and he moves a little bit then stops again and this goes on and on during the game. at first I thought it was my controller but I used another controller as well as played other games with both controllers and it works fine it seems to be assassi...

3600d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

there shouldn't be a trick to get a game to play right...it should be released ready to go, Ubisoft should be embarrassed for releasing this game in this condition.

3602d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Ubisoft really screwed up big time, I'm "attempting" to play ACU on my ps4 but it is
Completely unplayable right now. I can't even get passed the tutorial where you chase after a guy who has your watch. For some reason I push the joystick forward and my character runs to the right and then stops randomly during the chase and the guy get away and I have to restart. I know what some are going to say its the controller but I reset it twice, tried another controller ...

3602d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with the overall premis, I believe this is what hurt resident evil, there were far too many spinoffs and main characters that after awhile you stop taken an I interest in them.... And also having them console specific, to this day I have yet to play the resident evil 1 remake because I never had a GameCube ( can't wait for the re-remake though if u catch my drift) hopefully the same doesn't happen to AC it'll be a shame.

3643d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

People need to realize that all u have to due is change the contrast and lighting settings on your tv to make one Version look different then the other... I can make the lighting look terrible on the highest end PC if I mess around with the settings. I'm not saying that is what this journalist did, but if u want to see if there is a real difference you'll have to buy both versions and test it for yourself.

3679d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Naughty dog always uses cutscenes in their reveal trailer and the game always ends up being identical or better...how dare you doubt the great naughty dog developers, shame on you!!! Don't do it to yourself!!!

You say game on... It was never off my friend.

3744d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

@gamer1138... Sorry but I have to respectfully disagree, it is not too early to compare uncharted 4 with quantum break. Using both developers track record for games, naughty dog has repeatedly impressed us game after game while remedy has fallen short with there games as of recently in my opinion. So to say uc4 will surpass quantum break is by no means a stretch of the imagination.

3744d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

Idk but I think the watchdog video is from ps3/x360 but then again I still waiting to get my copy of WD for my ps4 so idk what it looks like yet other then what I have seen on the internet.

3773d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

State of emergency 2... Two times the state, two times the emergency!!!

3781d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

And they said console gaming was dying. Ha, long live gaming consoles. Gamers speak for the industry not analysts.

3812d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

You mean to tell me this wasn't on your radar before? The division has looked amazing from day one.

3819d ago 24 agree1 disagreeView comment

I completely agree, the fact of using the price of a game to lower its review score is obsurd. For example take whatever ur favorite game is of the last generation whether it be last of us, halo, even call of duty. Now say to yourself if I had to pay double for that game in order to play it would the price alone make my favorite game all of a sudden suck. The answer is obviously no!!! So price should have no business in a review other then To educate the consumer that if you want to play ...

3840d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

So using his logic to give a game a lower score for being expensive for the amount of gameplay it provides . The same can be reversed for a game that is free... So any game app that is free should automatically receive a 5 star not matter the length because it didn't cost the customer anything. How can you say a game sux if you got it for free right (sarcasm).

3844d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Still to this day this is one of my favorite games of all time... I still remember walking into funcoland before GameStop took it over and grabbing it for my ps1. Forever a classic!!!

3845d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Toilet paper!!! Definitely toilet paper!!!

3849d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment