CRank: 5Score: 14340

When Halo3, Mass Effect, Forza, BioShock

When these hit.

Massive sales in Consoles (360)

How can Sony survive when their exclusives are getting tossed to the 360?

How can the makers of MGS and FF turn their face around of the huge install base of the 360, when only the so called 'Gears' of war is the only good game?. They will be blind to see that it's not a good investment.
Plus - Sony has really f'kd up in so many ways. Bei...

6397d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

X-Box live plays a big role...

Achievements Unlocked...
Also plays a big rold in the longevity of the game

User Install Base..
Obviously a money making opportunity...

Proven System...
look at Gears, Lost Planet, CrackDown, Dead Rising Etc.
Made tons of money.

Hope that answers your question.
But yeah...
360 welcomes Dante

6397d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

just imagine the 'achievment unlocked' pop up every single time this game plays

oh yeah..
Achievment Unlocked is Only for the 360.

360 welcomes you dante!!!

6397d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

sony fixes the psp and finishes Gran Turismo for the PSP.

Damn it..

Who cares about the PS2 compatability. The PS2 system's are cheap now.

Sony: please help your psp.

6397d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the picture is awesome.

This game should rock ...
Especially on X-box Live...

Ace Combat + XboxLive = TOP GUN

6397d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sorry.. but I disagree with you there.
Microsoft was always about games...
This is not a counter attack.
XBL is already there.... If your talking about counter attack...
I think IPTV from the Live is one....
And making use of achievment scores is one....

But yeah.. This is not a counter attack.
It's just plain HITS ....

I know Sony will come with some pretty heavy arsenals.
I believe the key steps into making it fo...

6398d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

we get the point.....
this is not funny any more


6398d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Capcom is making tons of money..
Microsoft will make money out of this
Sony will.... lose/gain money for this..(sony's got it bad)

BlockBuster wins
Rogers Video wins
Best Buy wins
EBgames wins

bottom line...
Gamers win.....

6398d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is bad.

Ummm... I really wanted to see a good clean fight between the 360 and PS3.

So far so good. The PS3 has a nice line up and 360 also has a nice line up.

This is a big loss, seriously.... This is a big title that really impacts PS3. Ummmm.. i dont agree with this.

Even though I'm a 360 owner, I'd like it if DMC would stay over at PS3.. so that microsoft would come up with a game like DMC.

Bad news for sony, Good ...

6398d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the whole jap scene is really do you say... boring...
ummm.. i kinda got bored of all the spikey hair rpg guys who wear tight clothings. The whole pokemon thing, the whole DBZ thing. Initial D thing.

I mean.... I love Naruto... but I'm really feeling the westernized games now.
Gears of War: American Bad-azz who doesnt need a dialogue
Rainbow 6: what an FPS
Halo: just WOW
Dead Rising was cool.

I'm just n...

6402d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


out of the topic.

but Gears of war is such a guy game.
you gotta love poppin peoples heads and kickin their bodies around.
cool game. Love the online.

Halo also rocks.

6402d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

but that comment about FF was really funny. buggers started to come out my nose when i tried holing in my laughter.

But honestly is a cool game. I just love the boss fights. Emerald weapon!!!

6402d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It is good to be a 360 owner.

With all these games... I'm really glad that XBL supports all these games fully.... i dont know about mass effect, but who cares.

why i was happy to own a 360.
Dead Rising, PGR3, Oblivion, Rainbow, Viv Pinata, CrackDown, Gears of War, NBA 2K7

I'm gonna be more happier now since I got the FF steering wheel for FORZA2. Halo 3, Blue Dragon, Shadow Run, too Human, PGR4


6402d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think all views and opinions have been expressed already.
Don't post anymore. Just read and reply.

6403d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I only use e-bay to buy faceplates.
and cheap asseccories for my 360.

man... so many skins and plates.

But yeah.. Wii should go back to the shelves..
I'm buying one for my GF

6403d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But I aint playing gay music like that while I play.

I'll be playing my OWN soundtrack homez!!!!

Force Feed Back Steering Wheel.

Saved up enough money for this.

6403d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

gay marriage is getting accepted in Canada..
what's NEXT?
3 people can get married?


6403d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ralli driving is sick..
Driving, Drifting sliding, power sliding across the track is toooooo sick!!!

but hands down..Rallisport Challenge 3 will take the trophy.

That game i killed. The car physics are just too much to handle.

Hopefully. This game will play as good as it looks.

I'll be waiting for YOU ONLIVE!!!!

6403d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I loved flat out.
that game was like crash test dummies on steroids.


the game is fun in all angles.. Just pure crashing and making sure your driver wipes out harder than before.
This game is jokez.!! if you dont feel like racing. Just CRASH!!!

6403d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

anyone who posts any fanboy-ism.... is gay...


6403d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment