
CRank: 5Score: 61160

Dude it works in a way. I own all three consoles this gen. I want to play this game, so which am I gonna choose ?

Yeah the one I can play it on first. It's not a console preference, it's just I can play it earlier than I could if I waited for it to come on my PS3.

One week or so would be different, but months difference then sure I'll buy it for my 360.

4956d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Love how many people pay no attention and don't read the article.

"no new game announcements are planned until E3"

So what does everyone speculate, games? Seriously do you actually read the article or just the heading?

4957d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah me too.

Got two coming this year Star Wars III and this one. I presume the next after that will be Harry Potter year 5,6 & 7.

Lego Lord of the Rings would be cool too.

4957d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sure it's a bad design. However in this day and age we blame everything else than ourselves. Whatever happened to sportsmanship, playing the game as it was intended to be played?

Spawn camping the entire oposition for 15-20 minutes in an objective game to boost stats isn't the way the game was intended to be played and certainly isn't a sporting way to play the game.

Sure blame the developers, but you still have a responsibility to yourself to act...

4957d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They got whats coming to them.

Yeah they should fix it, but just because its an exploit doesn't mean you should take advantage of it.

Besides whats so entertaining about spawn camping. Personally I'd rather finish the game and move on to the next one which might be more of a challenge.

4957d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Does it really matter?

Yes I will be buying it for my 360 rather than my PS3. Why? because I have played and own the first two games on my 360 and want to carry my character over, that simple.

4959d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think it depends on a few factors.

When regarding FPS games if you are a multiplayer gamer then the game could be worth the money. if you are a campaign only gamer then these FPS games that are only 3.5 hours - 5 hours long are not worth it and should only be rented or bought from the budget bin.

I like FPS games but I will not pay $60 for then unless the campaign is over 10 hours long. I rent them through gamefly.

4962d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

people have already played it on the 360 or PS3.

i certainly wasn't going to buy the game again for my Ps3 when i already own it on my 360. Whats the point of doing that.

4965d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

"This evening, Kotaku Australia published a blog entry to their website claiming that Bungie recently terminated as many as thirty contract employees without notice or justification, effectively eliminating all non full time staff at the request of our publisher, Activision-Blizzard.

The claim is false.

Bungie has never been asked to lay off any employees or contract employees by our publisher, Activision-Blizzard, for any reason. The talented profession...

4969d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

how did you get a disagree for the truth lmao ?.

4969d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm enjoying being a plus member, think it's great value for money.

In five years time, will we have the PS4? If so i doubt there will be a plus. IMO PSN will just be like live, you have to pay for anything.
Even then I think it will still be better value as Sony has a habit of giving stuff for free and MS doesn't, well it does the occasional avatar or theme, but thats about it.

4970d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Actually last year when I went to walmart my walmart could not keep the 360 instock. This year the tables have turned in my walmart at least, they cannot keep the PS3 in stock and the isn't selling out like the PS3 does.

I have a 360, I have had one for years. it's my main console. I did have an original PS3, but it was plagued with issues and I sold it. I got my tax refund last week and decided to invest in a PS3, bought plus and am loving my new purchase.

4970d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks ain't important, not to me anyway. A game can look absolutely amazing, but if the storyline is dire it's going to do little for my enjoyment.

Then again it's a shooter so what do you expect for a storyline.

4974d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thank you Sir :)

4974d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really enjoyed it. I disliked K2, I found it boring to be honest. However if the whole game is as entertaining as the demo I might just buy this instead of renting. i tend to only rent shooters from gamefly as generally I don't think they are worth the money IMO.

Sort of got bored with carbon copy shooters but this seemed to have upped the game by quite a bit.

On a side note. I sold my release PS3 a while back because I was having issues with it. I just...

4974d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good god, you people take things way to seriously.

4976d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

@femshep i wasn't replying to you

4976d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

What gets me is you actually think Microsoft did this. You sure you don't work at this store, it would explain a lot.

This is an employee creating and printing something off the stores computer, nothing more. Of course the most likely explanation is that some fanboy wanting attention on N4G created this instead of doing his job.

4976d ago 16 agree4 disagreeView comment

Honestly approving crap like this, has this site really sank as low as this?

just some employee, probably Management that doesn't have a clue who makes what.

If it had been MS it wouldn't have been a piece of paper printed out of a printing machine.

4976d ago 14 agree2 disagreeView comment

I sold my release PS3 a year or so ago for like $500 because someone wanted the backward compatibility and I didn't need it.

I'm considering buying a slim and wondered what you guys thing is the best deal for around $300.

I know its off topic, my bad :)

4982d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment