CRank: 5Score: 170

Nobody Cares

3866d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Greatness could't be stopped in The US and EU, and neither it will be stopped in its native country. Mwahahaahahaha

3867d ago 15 agree8 disagreeView comment

The PS Vita is such an amazing handheld. I wish more people could give it a try.

3867d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment

The Order has few QTES, and it is normal that an exclusive is locked 30FPS. Xbone's exclusives are 30 FPS too, and Forza 5 had to be downgraded to achieve the 60fps. Movie game? Are you a Nintendrone? RAD is merging gameplay with cinematics. That means: RIP pre-rendered cut-scenes and loading times. Isn't that great?

3868d ago 17 agree5 disagreeView comment